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PE 14 updates

Explorer ,
Feb 19, 2020 Feb 19, 2020

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I used to have PE 9 along with PSE 9 installed on my computer. The problem is that I was forced to reload my computer. I have reinstalled PE and PSE without any issue because I had saved the downloaded files when I bought the package. I have made several attempts at updating the 2 programs without any luck. I came to the conclusion that the updates were no longer available. I have managed to find the updates for the camera raw (version 6.5) and photoshop elements (version 9.0.3).

Now as far as version 14 of PE and PSE is concerned, I have the downloaded files that I have reinstalled without any problem. I have proceeded to the updates without any issue. My concern now is the following: I don't know how long updates will be available from Adobe for version 14 and I would feel much better if I was able to save copies of the patches available for this version. Unlike version 9, I have been unsuccessful at finding them. Can someone provide me with a link where I could find those patches and save them to my computer just in case I am forced again to reload my computer?


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Feb 19, 2020 Feb 19, 2020

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Adobe reached a decision last year that it will no longer support non-current versions of its programs. So, if you've found the update file, you may want to hang onto it.


That said, Adobe rarely issues patches for its Premiere Elements and Photoshop Elements products. The only updates are usually for Camera RAW support. Version 2020 has an update. But I'm not aware of any patched updates for the programs since version 8.




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Explorer ,
Feb 19, 2020 Feb 19, 2020

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Hi Steve,


the patches/updates for my version 9 are saved with the installation files. But my concern now is about version 14. For this version, 4 patches/updates were installed when I selected the update function from the menu. I would like to download thoses 4 updates and save them with the installation files for futur use (just in case I have to reload my computer and Adobe no longer provides those updates through the update function).

When you select the update function from the menu, the updates are applied automatically and you don't have the option of saving them. Those updates must be saved somewhere on an Adobe server. I would like to obtain a link to this server for downloading the 4 updates already installed.

For both components (PE & PSE), there was an update for Camera Raw 9.5 and another update to bring version 14 to version 14.1. The 4 updates were 871 MB in total.




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