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Suddenly my sound quality is very bad when i put mpg and m4 files (who are OK) on the time line
Ik tried all different project settings without a result.
Started up Premiere again and also my lap top.
How van I solve this?
Phocas Kroon
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Can you be more specific about what you mean by "bad"? Is it too quiet? Too loud and distorted? Does it sound like it's being played through tiny speaker?
If you're hearing distorted sound, it could be that it's overmodulated. Open the Audio Mixer from under the Tools menu and play your clip. Is the audio level peaking between -6 and 0 or is it peaking in the red?
Can you post a sample of your clip to YouTube and link to it so we can hear how bad it is?
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Problem solved.
My laptop was connected via an interface to a VHS video recorder.
When I disconnected the sound of the timeline was OK again.
So I should use Premiere Elements only without the connection to the VHS reorder.
Phocas Kroon