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As there is no way to answer a post in Idea.
I am posting this here;
No way to see previous exports.
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SO totally agreed.
I don't understand why it was even 'built' for first looking at on scratch paper without having the ability to see previous exports. Checking naming of prior exports, at times choosing to over-write one ... all typical parts of the process.
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There are similar issues with the 'new project' page, I don't understand why they changed a perfectly standard Windows dialogue for this new version.
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Richard, check me on this. I assumed the same, since I am so annoyed every time I name my "test" project with an update. I thought it must have changed for new projects with version 15. But the oldest CC I have is 2019 and it is the same. And CS6.... the same!
The "new" method is pick a directory (from a standard windows dialogue, but directories only visible) and type a filename in a text box (in the case of export, the sequence name as the starting text).
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The new project looks different but is the same as in previous versions.
Its the export tab that is driving me up the wall.
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Stan, you're correct it is the same in all versions, I was wrong to assume you could see the file names. I must be getting old.
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> I must be getting old.
That's what happened to me!
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Yeah this has been the common (and fair) complaint on the new Export module.
While it might not be a fully sufficient replacement, the Quick Export function at least still maintains the combined File Name + Destination picker, which does let you see existing files. For exports that can adopt a preset "as is" this should work.
That said, I'd be all for Adobe bringing in that combined picker into the new Export module. I'd have to imagine that could be done in some way or another.
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To add, if the Adobe folks happen to be digging this deep in the comments to begin with, one way I could see approaching this if the [Save As] button suggestion Ann made doesn't work for some technical reason:
This way, I think you get the best of both worlds. Users who want to reference that information can do so by default, but it still allows users to save predefined directories as destinations on the leftside toolbar.
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I think the new export page is more frustrating than helpful.
Here are the parts that I find frustrating:
Example of very similar adobe preset names but some are h.264 some are h.265 but no way to tell.
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I truly cannot stand the new export page. I rolled back.
I don't understand why they added so many clicks. So much new UX friction.
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IF you carefully go through, unstar ALL the system presets you'll never use, create presets with every option you use selected, it can work fine for some things. The problem with no filenames showing in the Filename (location) drop-down is noted and will be fixed soon.
And for getting the old dialog, which is more useful for many users, simply ... immediately ... hit the Queue to MediaEncoder button, and do your exports from there.
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I would perhaps use Media Encoder, except I use dynamic link a lot and Media Encoder has exported things incorreclty one too many times, causing QC headaches. I've lost all trust in that program. Sometimes audio is off too for no reason. I prefer to export out of Premiere unless I have a huge amount of versioning I need to do then I always boil it down to a master video file from Premiere before I export en masse from Media Encoder.
Basically export settings were pefectly fine before this version. They put on a new coat of paint with some good ideas (preset manager on paper sounds decent, but why not just copy the more organized one from media encoder) and a lot of bad ones. I'm hoping they can get it sorted out.
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The more I use this new export page day to day the more infuriating it becomes. Burn the new export window with fire, and we might not even cry as our 600$+ a year per seat were boondoggled on this mess and not on something actually useful, like batch synching dual system sound with timecode. Or instant auto save, or being able to see waveforms as you drag them, or any of the other things that make a modern NLE professional and, well modern.
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Consider heading over to the UserVoice page for feedback. Make sure you: vote for a thread, leave a comment, and mark it Critical priority. Adobe's response in this particular thread is rather aggressive & infuriating:
No clue what they were thinking letting that guy pop off. Hopefully someone who actually cares reads that thread at some point.
Here's another one related to the export overhaul:
And one more:
It's best to vote for all three, if you can!
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Thanks for posting the three UV links, Wiz ... one I'd already voted for, but two others I hadn't.
Got all three now ...
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I went through them the other day I'm all over it. 🙂
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The new Export window has simply runied my enjoyment of Premiere Pro. It is a clunky, counter intuitive interface.
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Understood, so ... don't use it.
Send to MediaEncoder. Same exports with the old dialog and without stopping Premiere while the export is done.
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Or maybe they just improve the export window rather than make it worse and not create a situation where I have to now load a 2nd app to do the work I was doing perfectly fine before 😉
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Me really isn't a "different app". Not underneath. Nor is it a completely separate department of Adobe as far as staffing.
Me is the "home" of all encoding for Adobe's DVAs ... the digital video apps. They 'embed' some of Me's code in both Pr & Ae so those two apps can do some parts of the encoding process without bringing the rest of the code online.
But it's the same code. Precisely. Just that, when you "officially" bring up the Me UI, you see the whole enchilada available, not just the bits ported into Pr & Ae with little mini-control panels.
So you prefer the mini-version, don't like the full-on encoding engine with all the controls?
Personally, I rarely export directly from Pr. Why would I? It simply stops my working in Pr while it runs the embedded encoding. I'd get exactly the same encode with more options and without stopping Pr in Me.
Send to Me ... take a moment (but only if I want to) to add additional work to the job ... hit start queue, go back to Pr and get to work. While Me is working around my work in Pr.
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If it loads seperately, it's a different app despite it being the same code base. Exporting directly form Premiere is vastly quicker. I work in a high turnover industry so every time saver counts.
Sending projects to ME from Premiere and even AE is hit and miss at the best of times. Where as directly exporting from Premire is just efficent and to be blunt, easier. As you state many times on other threads. We are all different creatures and work in different ways. What you percieve as a better work flow, many of us find to be inhibiting. As it is with the new exporter. Adding extra steps to my workflow is not a progressive step.
Like alot users here, I have been using Premiere since the mid 90's and AE almost as long. It's evident from the many comments on the threads that the Export module and even the Import module (this one isn't a concern me as much) has been poorly recieved by experienced users. My opinion is that, this is not a case of users just not liking change, but of poor development decisions and bad UI design.
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Not gonna disagree on the Pr Export UI design at all. Too "Resolve-ish" for me, really. I don't "like" it, but then, I don't "like" working in Resolve either. But I do.
And you're right, we all work differently. I hate stopping work for a while, while Pr makes an export. I suppose it does give nice breaks. And the only time I've ever seen Me "slower" is when Me pauses for moments while it's working in the background, which is as designed.
So it doesn't slow down Pr.
In Me, I've known of two Preference settings some have used to alter behavior. The first is "import sequences natively" and if a sequence export has a problem, that's the first thing to uncheck. I know quite a few who just leave that off all the time.
The second Preference in Me is was of course the one to have Me work in the background. But I can't find that pref in the current versions, so it must have been built into the app as a hard-code thing.