Now in Beta: Improvements in Zoom and Pan behavior along with introduction of global shortcuts
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We’re excited to introduce some powerful improvements in zoom and pan behaviors in the Program and Source monitors with Adobe Premiere Pro Beta 25.2 (Build 104). Here’s an overview of what’s new and improved:
Overview of New Features:
- Pan with Scroll, Zoom with Modifier
- Scrolling on any input device will now perform panning.
- Scrolling with a modifier key will trigger zooming.
- New Global Shortcuts
- ‘Zoom to Fit’ and ‘Zoom to 100%’ are now available as global shortcuts for both Program and Source monitors.
- Improved Trackpad support
- Pinching in or out on trackpad will continue to perform zooming.
- Two finger swipe (scroll) will perform pan.
Key Details:
Please refer the following table to refer what actions on which devices perform what functions:
For panning, you can also continue to use Hand Tool and/or Scroll Bars as earlier.
Additionally, ‘Zoom to Fit’ and ‘Zoom to 100%’ commands are now accessible in the Global Shortcuts window, but you’ll need to manually assign them for now. The default assignments will be available when the feature goes live in GA. Both the shortcuts are available both in Program and Source monitor.
Btw the default assignment of the shortcuts when the feature goes live in GA will be as follows:
Btw for now, as stated earlier, you’ll need to manually assign them.
There are couple of known bugs which we are working on and you will see them getting fixed very soon in upcoming builds (will keep you posted):
- Mouse scroll or trackpad two-finger swipe at the edges of the view monitor is performing zoom instead of pan.
- For Win : Using Alt + Mouse scroll/Trackpad two-finger swipe leads to loss of panel focus. Any action (for e.g. Ctrl + Mouse scroll/Trackpad two-finger swipe) performed immediately after does not work.
Current Workaround – Please bring back the view monitor in focus by performing mouse or trackpad click. Then the actions should start working again.
Feel free to try out these new zoom and pan improvements and let us know what you think! Happy editing!
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Changing the easy and convenient "zooming with scroll, panning with a middle mouse button" method was rather a bad idea... You should have changed the default global zoom method to the anchored one and that's it.
Also - I can see the vertical panning with the scroll, but there's no horizontal panning:
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Hi @AndrewTheGreat,
Thanks for your feedback. While we know the mouse scroll wheel only scrolls vertically, and that for single wheel mice this can seem odd, please keep in mind the following:
- The Middle-Click mouse button pans (if you have one)
- On macOS, you can press 'Shift' while using the Scroll wheel to scroll horizontally
- Mice with both vertical and horizontal scroll wheels scroll in both directions
We're interested in knowing if these options change your opinion of this function as we evaluate whether to try a different method of improving this functionality.
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Why on earth change easy zoom from scroll to ctrl+scroll.
Ae and Ps have just scroll without modifier.
What is the advantage of having just panning up and down. I dont seen any.
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Why not change the panning (hand tool) to ctrl+scroll instead of having to push down the scroll button.
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I would say, zoom as it was, (we agreed it was good to be like the other Adobe softwares). Now, it's a 1/2 change for the worse.
And CTRL-DRAG would be great for panning the monitor around.
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Hi @Ann Bens ,
Thanks for your feedback. Regarding only vertical panning, while we know the mouse scroll wheel only scrolls vertically, and that for single wheel mice this can seem odd, please keep in mind the following:
- The Middle-Click mouse button pans (if you have one)
- On macOS, you can press 'Shift' while using the Scroll wheel to scroll horizontally
- Mice with both vertical and horizontal scroll wheels scroll in both directions
We're interested in knowing if these options change your opinion of this function as we evaluate whether to try a different method of improving this functionality.
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Thanks a million for making the Zoom to Fit command global. This drastically speeds up the workflow.
The global shortcut seems to not work when the Program Monitor is actually in focus. But works when any other panel is focussed.
I agree with previous comments. I think the scroll only vertical behavior could be completely removed. Don't see the point of it's existence. I rather have that behave as Zoom to cursor or center or user configurable between those two instead.
I think in general Premiere could still use a modifier that would allow panning without the use of middle-click. I personally use the side buttons of my tablet pen for Right-Click and Scroll rather than middle-click. In AE/PS this is fine because we can pan using spacebar.
My ideal approach would be to allow for Left-Click only operations so you never have to worry about scroll behavior acting weird depending on OS or hardware device, or lack of middle-click functionality. The best example ofthis would be BorisFX' Mocha where you zoom by holding down Z and left-click drag and pan in the same way but with X held down.
For Premiere Pro this could be CTRL/CMD+Left-Click drag to zoom to pointer, CTRL/CMD+Shift+Left-Click drag to pan, CTRL+ALT+LeftClick drag to zoom to center.
Another reason to allow mouse dragging for zoom is that it is much more precise than the scrolling behavior and speed. Especially on a mouse you can only scroll a tiny bit per hand gesture, forcing you to scroll like 6 times to zoom in to a portion of the image versus just a single mouse drag to get up close immediately.
Hope to see some changes like this.
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Hi @Shebbe ,
Thanks for the feedback.
Regarding the bug, could you provide additional detail?
Regarding the shortcut key(s) which you have assigned to 'Zoom to Fit' in Program monitor, have you assigned the same shortcut key(s) to anything else in Program monitor Panel shortcuts?
If that by chance is your the scenario, the Panel shortcut will be prioritized.
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I'm talking about specifically the "Zoom Program Monitor to Fit". The shortcut is not bound to anything else. I was using [SHIFT]+[/]. (AE habbit) Not much else to tell about it. It just works when any panel is in focus except for the Program Monitor itself. It looks like MyerPj also encountered the same issue so should be easy to replicate.
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And BTW: Panning up and down with the scroll wheel is absolutely the worst of all worlds. It almost does nothing useful. And there is no panning leftet and right to match.
ZOOM as it was (yesterday) <sigh> (scroll wheel)
CTRL-DRAG to replace or in addition to the lousy middle button.
This is the worst 'new feature'? since the FX buttons, moved to the right and lost their color indicators.
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As Shebbe noted, the new FIT shortcut does not work when the program monitor has focus.
Also, now when I accidently (or by habit) scroll over the program monitor, it not only moves (dumbly, not smartly) but it sets the scale indicator to 55%, while not actually scaling.
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Hi @MyerPj ,
Thanks for your feedback. When the image is panned from the 'Fit' position, we have started showing the Scale percentage instead of 'Fit' as an additional indicator of the image having moved out of the Program monitor window. Please let us know if you find this useful!
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Default Scroll should simply move the frame of timeline!! We already have the click with scroll to navigate the preview area! We need an easy shortcut to advance or return some frames without keys or extra movements!
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You do have that, right? Just aim - a little lower - over the Program monitor timeline, anything under the viewing section.
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Hi @rafaelsouzams ,
Thanks for your feedback. The intention is to enable zoom, pan, scrub across each different pointing device. We would like to hear more about which functions you would prioritize, and we want to re-assure you that your feedback is valuable to us.
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Why on earth would you change the behavior of using the mouse wheel to zoom when that's already a fairly new feature that perfectly fits in with how After Effects works. Please do NOT make this change, users are already confused all over the forums, this just adds more completely unnecessary confusion. Stick with what you have now, and if you want to add a modifier key into the mix, let the modifier key + scroll wheel be the thing that lets you scroll forwards/backwards with the playhead while hovering over the Program Monitor, kinda like how it works in Mocha for AE.
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Gotta agree with this.
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Dont think we will get a lot of respons here as a lot of users did not like the Zoom feature in the first place.
I do love it and use it a lot.
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All the other ones (save for the FX button) I've good with, but this one really boggles my mind.
I liked the zoom too, the way it was 2 days ago.
I don't understand the new, easiest feature, no modifyer key up/down. It literally makes no sense. The only reason could be that so many compained about the Zoom, they just made it harder to zoom, but now we have the up/down moving it also, which then needs a correction. I'd much rather deal with the Zoom.
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yeah imo zoom makes more sense to me because it matches with AE. It was a bit jarring at first but was SUPER easy to adapt to. Scrolling up and down by default is genuinely just so pointless when I can drag already using middle click.
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For some reason, many of these keyboard shortcuts are not enabled for Norwegian keyboards (I'm on Windows). I did create my own for Fit in Program Monitor, and it works as expected.
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It's the same across languages other than english.
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I noticed that this zoom to fit keyboard shortcut cannot be set to the same keybind in both the Source and the Program monitor. I wonder why that is, when other panel-specific keyboard shortcuts can be set to the same keybind.
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I set a kbsc for Magnification > Fit.
Works both in SM and PM.

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