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Speech to text transcription available to all in public beta

Adobe Employee ,
Jun 23, 2021 Jun 23, 2021

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We are super excited to announce that speech to text transcription is now open to everyone in public beta. If you already have access through the early access program, you can continue to use it in the beta.  Thank you to everyone who has given us fantastic feedback, it has been extremely helpful.


Captions workflow in Premiere Pro






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Community Expert ,
Jun 23, 2021 Jun 23, 2021

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Thanks, Teresa.


Two questions. 1) I have just confirmed that Transcription still works in the release version 15.2 - I already had early access. I assume anyone who already had access can use it in the release version. True?


2) Can a Beta user who did not already have early access now use it in the release version? I assume they would first need to use it in the Beta version.









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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 23, 2021 Jun 23, 2021

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Hi Stan, 


Great questions. 

1) Yes, you can still use it in the release version. However, diarization (Speaker 1, Speaker 2, Speaker 3, etc) no longer works in the release version. You need to opt into that in the Create Transcription panel.

2) No, a beta user cannot use it in the release version. Just beta





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 23, 2021 Jun 23, 2021

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Clarification on #1: "You need to opt into that in the Create Transcription panel in beta." 




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Community Expert ,
Jun 23, 2021 Jun 23, 2021

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Thanks, Teresa. Very helpful.


Can users who want access in the Release version still request early access? As I read the FAQ, the answer is still "yes."


I want to be sure to give accurate advice when this question comes up in the regular forum.






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New Here ,
Jun 29, 2021 Jun 29, 2021

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Hi there, I have used the auto transcribe function, and it has picked up my speech to text brilliantly.


I have edited a few words here and there but otherwise it's great.

However when I go to "Create Captions" from the transcript, it says it is "Creating Captions" which I assumed would take a minute or two, but it then doesn't create them.  I have tried several times, and the  blue wheel keeps whirring but nothing is created.


Am I doing something wrong? How dod I get the transcribed text onto the screen as subtitles? I have looked at a few You Tube videos and it seems I'm doing the right thing...can you help?




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Community Expert ,
Jun 29, 2021 Jun 29, 2021

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There was a bug from builds 17 to 19. Are you on at least 15.4.0 build 20?






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New Here ,
Jun 30, 2021 Jun 30, 2021

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Hello !
Our team has been using the new Transcript tool since a few weeks, and it has been working wonderfully (french) !
I've been really impressed by some transcripts, picking up correct spelling of obscure directors names etc...
I recently had an issue with the access of this feature. I've been reorganisating my Adobe accounts my team have access to, and does not have Premiere Pro on my old Adobe ID anymore (the one I had access to the early-access feature - cm@senscritique.com).
Would it be possible to migrate my access to this feature to my new Adobe ID ? (phileas@senscritique.com & ux@senscritique.com), I currently have to disconnect/reconnect to my old Adobe ID everytime I have to access to it (and use the trial of Premiere).

Using this feature on a daily basis, I will gladly give more feedback on it if I can continue to use it !

Thanks !

@TeresaDemel @Stan Jones 




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Contributor ,
Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

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This is working out great for me so far. One thing though. When I export the transcription as a text file, I get the fantastic transcription and it's seperated by paragraph in exactly the way I would want. The only thing missing is the timecodes. That would be fantastic.


Something else that would be even better would be to be able to turn the subtitles into markers. Is this possible? If they were markers, I could export the markers into a csv file and be able to import it into a spreadsheet with all the timecode data in tact. Would literally be the perfect workflow for me.






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Explorer ,
Jul 07, 2021 Jul 07, 2021

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A few thoughts, first this feature is fantastic. What would make it better in my workflow?


1. As others have mentioned a way to export the text with the timecode markers in that text. That would be huge.

2. This is much more specific... but the ability to use the timecode that is generated from my camera, not the zero point of the particular sequence. 


To give you a sense of my workflow, I work in television news. This feature could be a gamechanger in broadcast news (and seriously land Adobe some major converts if word gets out how much time you can save a field crew with this feature) My broadcast camera (Panasonic P2 specifically, but all of them do) generates time of day timecode for me. If I could leverage that timecode (even inside a sequence of all my interviews) then run the transcribe feature, spit out a text file (which in my test of an 11-minute interview took 2 minutes) email that transciption to my reporter, that would save field crews tons of time. The true lynchpin is being able to see/use my Time of Day Timecode. It is just a universal, if I get broken off someone can pick up from ground zero if they have to and it is all understood.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 18, 2021 Jul 18, 2021

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Have you considered writing a script to set your sequence timecode to the time or day metadata? Just a thought...




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Explorer ,
Jul 19, 2021 Jul 19, 2021

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No, honestly I haven't ever done any sort of scripts within Premiere. TV news our deadlines are measured in minutes anymore, so it is either there and working or I'm gonna find a workaround that keeps me moving forward on the fly.


Combine that with the fact that the metadata that is deep within the P2 camera usually doesn't match up with the timecode that is generated and that is just another issue I don't need. I just need Adobe to do a better job leveraging timecode. Period.


When we were on Avid Newscutter about 5 or 6 years ago we litterally could drop all our clips on a single timeline (which then that timeline went into the central server system so poorly named Isis) and anyone on the network had access to your raw content on the network. What was great was you could adjust your player side to show your V1 timecode in that timeline... then you could just use the 10 key numeric keypad to input your timecode for soundbites, sports highlights etc. With good timecode from a producer I can cut NFL highlights in about 90 seconds.


You can use the 10 key in Adobe, but it wont read Timecode, just the running meter of the timeline from zero. Another simple fix leveraging timecode. Someone at Adobe needs to realize the importance of timecode and make it universally available. They make that fix, combined with the amazing time saving capabilities of this speech to tet captioning and I guaranteee newsrooms across the country that aren't on Adobe will take a second look.




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New Here ,
Jul 08, 2021 Jul 08, 2021

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Ich habe eine Frage dazu.
Benötige ich für die Untertitelfunktion noch das eary access oder deckt es nun die beta Version ab?




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Enthusiast ,
Jul 08, 2021 Jul 08, 2021

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I really missed this feature from CS4 days! 😛





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New Here ,
Jul 14, 2021 Jul 14, 2021

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I'm trying to figure out how to create transcriptions in multiple langauges.  I created an English transcription first and it worked out fabulously.  Did one pass through the transcription to clean up some small errors and it was nearly perfect.  But then I tried to re-transcribe the script in Portugese and it seemed to go through the whole process, but once the progress bar finished processing, there was only English, no Portugese.  I'm probably doing something wrong, but there didn't seem to be any intuitive process to change from the English to the Portugese transcription that I could see in the panel.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 15, 2021 Jul 15, 2021

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Hi !


Thank you for your feedback!
The transcription feature currently only supports transcribing from a given language (the language in the audio file) to the exact same language. We currently do not support translations between different languages.


Feel free to vote for a translation feature on the user voice forum. You are not the first to request this feature.


Best regards,





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 18, 2021 Jul 18, 2021

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I can't find this:
 ───── Caption Segmentation

AutoCaptioning segmentation options ──────────────────────────────────────── 


Where is it hiding? Thanks.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 19, 2021 Jul 19, 2021

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After you "Transcribe" and you then click "Create Captions," a dialogue appears. That gives the segmentation options - such things as "maximum length in characters," "maximum duration in seconds," "gap between frames," and "single or double lines."


If you don't see it there, make sure you are up to at least the 15.4 beta.






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Community Expert ,
Sep 23, 2021 Sep 23, 2021

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I which you would add more languages such as Dutch.

As of now I cannot use the feature.




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