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I added a single rectangle mask to a video (no other masks). I could see the video inside the rectangle, but not outside (expected).
I want this mask to fade in, so I set keyframes, then set the first keyframe to 0% opacity. The video inside the mask disappeared. As if I was changing the actual video opacity. I double-checked. I was changing the mask opacity.
What am I doing wrong?
I have the same problem too. Its a bug they have to fix this
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To what effect have you added the mask? If it is to the standard opacity effect what you are seeing is correct. The mask opacity changes what is within the mask. For the standard opacity effect, changing the clip opacity does the same thing. If you had added the mask to. say, lumitry, the mask opactiy would dim inside the mask, and the standard opacity would dim the whole picture. I hope this makes sense.
If you want to just fade in the mask effect you could cut the clip and do a disolve from the complete video to the mask version.
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I appreciate the reply. But this is just an opacity mask. I watched this video that was trying to do a similar task
They don't want the mask to do its job until a certain point. The same as if I didn't want an overlaying video to show until a certain point. I should be able to set a keyframe on the opacity of the object, in this case the mask, and it doesn't take effect until its opacity is above zero.
I have a widescreen video. I want to crop to the center where the person is talking, then move this cropped (masked) video to the left, to show other things on the right of the sequence.
I planned on masking the video, at a certain point, with keyframes.
How would I add a mask part way through a video, if I can't add a keyframe changing the masks opacity?
If you read here:
from Adobe's help section under the subheading "Adjust mask opacity", it describes exactly what I want.
"As you lower the opacity, more of the area under the mask becomes visible."
I am experiencing the opposite. As I lower the opacity, the video within the mask becomes invisible, rather than the video outside the mask becoming visible.
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I have the same problem, I think the programmer has dyslexia. I created a mask and it masked out the inside of the mask as wanted. Then I go to change the percentage of this mask and it only changes the opasity of everything accept the mask.
This is not right.
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I have the same issue and I agree the programers might have dyslexia, this has worked on other projects why do I have this issue now? is it because I put a number in the title????? this shouldnt be happening
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I have the same problem too. Its a bug they have to fix this
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I have the same problem too. its a bug they have to fix this but I found a workaround. Use the Alpha Adjust effect. Copy and paste your mask into the effect. Check the box saying Invert Alpha and you're done. change the opacity of the mask under that effect and it will work as you intend
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I was having the same problem. The fix was so simple -- I added a mask around the entire frame set to "add." Then, when I did my little shape specific masks within the frame that were set to "subtract," it worked perfectly.