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I need help transferring files and assets from windows to Mac

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Mar 16, 2023 Mar 16, 2023

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I have the creative suite through my company, therefor adobe doesn't provide support because there's supposed to be someone assigned as an adobe expert in my enterprise. Sadly, it appears that my billion dollar enterprise actually doesn't have any adobe specialists, and no one can help me. I have had my new computer since November, and have been trying to complete this process for about 4 months.


I have never done this type of process before and have no idea what I'm doing. I work in instructional design and my promary role is as videographer/editor. I work mostly in premiere pro and have downloaded hundreds of assets such as mp3s and .morgt files from adobe and envato.


My company's industry comes with strict regulations, and i'm not allowed to use any external drives or online cloud systems such as google. I can only use onedrive. So, i have pulled my files into onedrive from the pc, and then tried to download them to my mac via onedrive web browser as advised by my internal IT experts for mac. But alas, the files arent working. spent hours today downloading my files from onedrive only to realize they all downloaded as "error.txt" files. I'm about to cry, rip out my hair and throw all my electronics in the bathtub.


Does anyone have any advice for me? thank you in advance.

Error or problem , Export , How to , Import , Performance , User interface or workspaces






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Community Expert ,
Mar 20, 2023 Mar 20, 2023

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OneDrive does not "download" the full file by default. You're probably trying to pull in the signpost file.


Look in your OneDrive folder. See those cloud icons to the right? That means those files are in the cloud but not on your local computer. Click that cloud icon to download those files from OneDrive. Once they are downloaded, then bring them into Premiere.

Screen Shot 2023-03-20 at 8.46.39 PM.png







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