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Production project - clips label color issue

New Here ,
Jun 11, 2021 Jun 11, 2021

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Hey! I'm on a production project (premiere pro 2021).

I have two different bin. One for scenes (w/ inside master clips) and one for cuts (w/ inside timeline).

So, let's say I'm going through SC_01 (in the scene's bin) in the source monitor, IN e OUT and insert a cut in the timeline EDIT_01 (in the cut's bin). Suddenly the label color in the scene's bin turns black and if I try to insert another cut from the same scene it'll be black in the timeline. So I have to re-change the label color before insert new cuts. Is it a bug or Premiere is it trying to say I'm doing it wrong?




Editing , Error or problem






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New Here ,
Apr 01, 2023 Apr 01, 2023

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Having the same kind of issue, also in a production, also in PPro21! I have my master sync projects for importing all the media, one for each shoot day. Currently working on several 45min programs using clips from those different master projects. It all works fine until for some reason when I open the master project for certain scenes (basically just to access the B-roll bins by clicking "find in project") most of  the media linked to that original Sync project turn black. Completely black! In the original bin and on the programs timeline! It prevents me from seeing any waveforms or even if the clips are enabled or not. And it'll stay that way unless I quit the projects and reopen them, but not both at a time or it'll doo it again, which really defeats the purpose! (Didn't know about changing the label - thanks for the tip, hadn't thought of trying that!). 

So, have you found a reason to this? I'm guessing I've done something wrong somewhere since we're importing and exchanging files between multiple systems. Possibly a media conflict somewhere? 
I'm hoping to eventually find the reason behing this anoying bug. It's not that bad I guess, but still, if I could avoid it... 😉 





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