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Teams Project media becomes "missing asset" with no metadata, even though raw media seemingly linked

New Here ,
Jan 12, 2024 Jan 12, 2024

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I have been back and forth with adobe on this for over a month. Unfortunately it feels very pointless to spend much time typing this out, as I have 3 large projects that are ruined that I need to rebuild from the ground up, and this seems to be an issue that is not widespread and only could have happened under circumstances extremely similar to mine. I DEFINITELY made mistakes along the way and learned from them. Maybe this will help one person in the world.


A 3-camera comedy show LOCAL project was set up before I got involved with this project. I noticed some issues were occurring due to many camera files sharing the same file name. I duplicated everything onto a separate drive, and then set up my own project, where I renamed the raw media to be descriptive and unique to avoid re-linking issues. After thoroughly testing everything, I determined the re-name was successful and wanted to set up a TEAM project using this file structure. 


My brother converted the local project to a team project for me on his adobe account. I shared it with my colleague. Colleague and I each have a copy of the raw media (with corrected names, and exact same file structure on our drives). No proxies. Everything is going swimmingly for a few months. 


I eventually want to take ownership of the team project, using my personal adobe account. I convert the team project back to a local, then log on to my personal adobe account, open the local project, and convert it back to a team project. I then invite my colleague. So far, so good, on MY end.


When my colleague accepts this invite, he is hit with OFFLINE MEDIA. But it's worse than that - you see, we're very organized, and everything in the 2_CAM Media > A Cam / B Cam / C Cam folders are LINKED! FULLY LINKED! You can open them in source! But, take a look at the attached screenshot. THAT'S what is going on OUTSIDE of any bins in the Team Project Window. For whatever reason, when he opened the new team project, a bunch of files called "Missing Asset" with NO METADATA got plopped into the Team Project Window, outside of any bins. When trying to relink, you will receive no identifying information on what file you're trying to relink. It will simply say "Missing Asset" and you have to completely guess what file you're linking. If he presses "Publish" then the team project is ruined for everyone. 


Of course, you could go into each individual sequence and re-link media individually - if you have that local copy with the correct media to reference. But, unfortunately, I spent a few hours doing that, only to discover that it is no help when your workflow includes MULTICAMERA SEQUENCES. You see, even though all of the media in the Multicam Seq is correctly re-linked in the team project, I am UNABLE to replace the "Missing Asset" Multicam Sequence unless I have the EXACT timecode for EACH edit. Oh, by the way, each of our projects has about 100 sequences. 


At this point, we are just passing the project back and forth like the good ol days. I'm sure if this isn't happening to anyone else, then it will not be addressed. I'm sure I shouldn't have re-named the media mid-project or switched Adobe accounts for team project ownership. This is just what the tech guy asked me to do - post here. So, here it is. 


My machine: 2021 MBP M1 MAX 64GB 4TB Ventura 13.3.1 (a)

My colleagues machine: 2023 MAC MINI M2 PRO 32GB Sonoma 14.1.2

!!!!! BEFORE YOU SAY IT !!!!!! This issue was prevalent when the OS versions matched. 

Premiere version 24.1.0 (Build 85) on both machines


Both connected to raw media via SSD Thunderbolt 4. 


ADB-32358545-X1J0 CRM:08134000002168






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