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Two annoying things that I seem to run into a lot up to 23.5 in PPro.
1. Copying and pasting a multicam nested sequence causes the sequence to lose it's label color. We use labels a LOT and I find I have to re-label clips when I copy multicam clips from one sequence to another sequence.
2. **Answered below*** Copy/pasting clips from one sequence to another sequence no longer respects the blue "selected" video track, but rather copies the video or audio track the item was on in the prior sequence. ie if I copy a video and audio file from sequence one that has video on v3 and audio on v3, when I go to the new sequence, even if my blue selected track is selected on v4 it will overwrite and paste the clips onto v3. My workaround at the moment is locking the track, but I miss the old behavior of being able to specify which track clips will be pasted to.
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Ah thank you I missed that
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(1) I tried this myself... copying a multicam sequence around in many ways and it is always a “Forest” color (same as a regular sequence).
Can you give me some more precise steps to follow? Better yet, if possible, could you make a short video to show/tell me what you are seeing?
Also, if you go to the Timeine's wrench menu and check on "Show Source Clip Name and Label" does that make any difference?
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Will do, thanks for responding
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It *seems* 23.5 has fixed the multicam label issue... I can't repeat it now. So that's good 🙂