I don't have a perfect solution for this yet, but just to get the ball rolling, oftentimes when my effects control window is narrowed due to having the timeline part of it expanded, the various effect parameters and the keyframe adjustment buttons overlap and get bunched up.

Way more often than not in this scenario I am wanting to click previous, new or next keyframe rather than adjusting the effect parameter. But the parameter will always override (as though it's sitting on top) and so I then have to re-expand out the left side of the EC window to be able to hit the buttons, then narrow it again so I can get back to fine tuning the position of keyframes on the right side. Here's a video demonstrating this:
I would love for the keyframes hitbox to always override the parameter hitbox. Or for Premiere to somehow dynamically alter this.
Does this make sense? Maybe there's a better solution but this has been a big annoyance with editing in Premiere for the last 15 years.