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For some reason, Adobe Premiere Rush won't import a small H.265 clip. It gives me this error when it opens the folder where the clip resides:
"This file requires the HEVC codec which is included with a Creative Cloud membership. To upgrade to a paid plan, go to..."
I have purchased Rush. I have uninstalled it then reinstalled it. I have signed in and out of Creative Cloud on the Web as well as the desktop app. I still get the error.
Also, the thumbnail of the clip, when trying to start a new project shows "Unable to Load Preview." When I select it and click Create, I get another error message:
"The importer reported a generic error."
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Hello @Tom26486281z505,
Thanks for the note. Creating a new Admin account is a workaround. Thanks for walking the community through that. I have heard that if the codec is installed, it could be a permissions issue here:
Granting R/W permission access to folders in this file path might solve the issue. See this KB doc:
Let me know if it works. As an aside, th
...Rush is not dead. Yes, Creative Cloud's sync was removed, but that's been the only change.
It's inaccurate to say that Rush doesn't save files locally. It does; in fact, this is the default. So, you can definitely still use Rush to create and save complete video projects locally on your device or computer, and many people do.
The loss of sync only comes into play if you want to move your project between platforms. However, the good news is there are workarounds for moving Rush files from mob
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It works like a charm! Version 1.5.54 does the job. Thanks Jeremyh
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Thank you, that worked like a charm. 3 years later and this is still an issue.
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Same issue here; I was able to edit without any issue but now when I use the same content I get the reported error message. Definitly a bug in later versions. I hope they fix this soon.
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New problem.
If I use the older version (1.5.54), it works if you only have a few clips.
I tried a project with over 40 clips, and it started failing 3/4 through and gave me the HEVC. This is repeatable.
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Premiere Rush 2.0 was released yesterday:
Has anybody who has received the "HEVC codec" message tried the new version yet?
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Yes, it still gives me an error message.
This is maddening....
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Still utterly broken.
Glad I'm paying for this...
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Upgraded to a new M1 MacBook Pro. Reinstalled Rush. Same errors. Still no fix.
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Another issue recommended updated Nvidia Drivers. But this still happens after today's update on Windows 11.
Tried opening a support ticket since I'm paying for Creative Cloud. Not sure if I should try Premier Pro since this seems to be affecting that as well.
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I had the same problem with blanked out thumbnails and unable to import file due to HEVC codec required.
I went to Edit....preferences and ticked 'enable hardware accelaration encoding and decoding'
The thumbnails were then rendered and the file was imported, playable and able to be edited.
This is on a desktop with additional graphics card, Cloud membership (Photography) and the 99cent codec previously downloaded from Microsoft store.
Hopefully this may help some people with the same problem.
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Hello. Premiere Rush refuses to export the project to a file, showing a message that the HEVC codec is needed, but I have a paid subscription for more than a year. What could be the problem?
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As this problem seems to be persisting, I just filed a bug report through official Adobe channels...
So all customers who have this issue, please vote/comment/follow the new ticket here:
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This may not be the solution for everyone but may be for some. I came to this page having experienced exactly the same problem when trying to import a H.265 from a DJI drone. Same error message and upgrade advice but have since been able to get thumbnails rendered, imported and editable.
My setup...... Creative Cloud (photography) membership, desktop computer with a GeForce graphics card, the HEVC codec previously installed for another program from Microsoft store, an earlier Rush install but just updated to Premiere Rush 2.0
The solution for me was to go to Edit...Preferences. Select...Enable hardware acceleration encoding and decoding.
As stated above the thumbnails are then rendered and the file can be imported, is visible and can be edited. This is on Rush 2.0 currently but I had the previous version functioning with H.265 clips as well.
If I return to the preferences menu and disable hardware acceleration, then restart Rush the clips are not rendered and I receive the error message "This file requires the HEVC codec, which is included with a Creative Cloud membership. To upgrade to a paid plan, go to: OK
The solution for me was to have hardware acceleration might be for you if your setup is similar.
Good luck
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The solution for me was to go to the Edit menu > Preferences. Then select Enable hardware acceleration encoding and decoding.
Thanks so much for sharing that, Ian!
Have others here tried this to see if it works for you?
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Mine was already enabled - doesn't work
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I tried downgrading from 2.0 to 1.5.54 with the exact same issue and it worked
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No dice. Still broken.
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Last couple of suggestions:
Anyone with hardware older than around 2015/16 will be unlikely, to be able to run H.264 or H.265 (HEVC) codecs.
Sourced from:
Also found on my system (which is no longer having the problem) I replicate the error by changing the following Windows 10 setting:
Settings...System...Graphics Settings ----Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling. Reduce Latency & improve performance
Turning this off brings the 'HEVC Required' error back and turning it on with a system restart stops the error.
note: if you turn this setting off in Windows settings it also deselects the Hardware Acceleration option in Rush preferences so make sure to reselect it in Rush.
Lastly double check graphics card performance options and up to date firmware.
That's the last I can suggest to check.
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I built my PC around late 2019 - MSI MPG X570 AMD board (AMD Ryzen 7 3rd Gen 3700x chip) with an ASUS ROG STRIX GeForce GTX 1060 6GB video card. I just checked the setting and enabled it, rebooted.....still getting the HEVC codec issue when trying to do 5k video, and I just updated the graphics card driver as well to the latest version (2 days old actually).
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I have an eight year old pc and graphics card. I got this error when I turned on cLog on my Canon R5. This setting changed the H.265 file from 4:2:0 8bit to 4:2:2 10 bit. Turning clog off and returning to 4:2:0 8 bit made the error go away. I posted a link in another reply that gives examples wifi cameras that create 4:2:0 vs 4:2:2 files and what settings on the Canon R5 cause this change.
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Sorry for the typos in the last reply. I meant to note that I'm using Rush 2.0 on the photo plan with no error messages from the small test videos I took with cLog turned off. I turn cLog on, and I get the error message all the time. I think the issue for me didn't start with a Rush upgrade but with my turning on a setting that started to create the 4:2:2 10 bit videos.
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It's been 6 months and Adobe still hasn't fixed this. When I contacted support they kept claiming that Rush isn't included with the Photography plan, which is not true since Oct 2021. I kept getting asked to purchase Rush separately. So frustrating.
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To everyone who is impacted by this issue, please vote/comment/follow the official bug report here:
These forums are primarily user-to-user, so elevating that ticket is the best way to get it in front of the Rush developers.
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I found that the error went away if I turned off my camera settings that caused the creation of 4:2:2 10 bit H.265 files. For example, I use a Canon R5 and turned off cLog.
Here is a Youtube video that describes the difficulty of getting hardware to edit 4:2:2 10bit.About six minutes in, he includes a chart showing what Canon R5 settings to get 4:2:0 8 bit. This may explain why some people are not having the issue (ie, their camera does not create 4:2:2 ).
How to Easily Edit EOS R5 4K and 8K Video | 4K Shooters
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Hmm, have the same issue. I used just Rush for now. In a desesperate attempt, I upgrade the the Rush + Premier subscription and it solve the issue.. , maybe a sync with old abo sub issue? don't know.... but no errors anymore....