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I’m working in RoboHelp 2022, and am unable to select the necessary folder as the project’s output preset path.
Our general project folder contains:
Using the output preset’s Publish tab, I can set the publish location to Help_Output without issue.
However, using the output preset’s General tab, I’m unable to set the output path to Help_2020. It was originally set to that location, but was temporarily changed while fixing another issue. Now, I can set the output path to any folder except for Help_2020. When I try, I’m blocked by an error: “Output path cannot be inside project folder or parent of project folder.”
I then activated the “Save output path as relative to project” checkbox, and selected the Help_2020 folder that way. When I did, my navigation path broke, changing to read “../Help_2020” (with two periods). A new error also appeared: “Failed to generate [output preset name]. Check log for more details.” The log contains the given error, as well as the same error text as the previous: “Output path cannot be inside project folder or parent of project folder.”
This error only started occurring after I applied conditional tags/expressions to the preset. Because of that, I removed these tags/expressions from the output preset and topic pages. I also tried everything from restarting the program, checking for updates, confirming that all my other settings should be correct, etc.
What settings can I apply to once again set the output preset path back to the needed folder?
Thanks for the help!
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The relative path bit is really for Mac users. Unless that is you, don't use it.
The message Output path cannot be inside project folder or parent of project folder is telling you the error. You are trying to output to a folder that is within your source folder. That is not permitted.
Project Folder/Source Files (where the RHPN is) or an sub-folder is not permitted. Never has been in the new UI.
Project Folder/Output is fine
The latter cannot be within the former. If that is what you are doing, try a different folder on the same drive as the source but not within.
The problem is nothing to do with tags etc. It's best if the output folder is on the same drive as the source. Publish is for pushing to a server or where your developers want you to deliver it on the network or server.
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I hadn't realized it had changed with the new update. Thanks so much for the info - it's a huge help! 🙂
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Starting with the RH2019 New UI, the program doesn't allow you to create output inside your project file's location. That was deliberate because too many clients were clobbering their source RH files with output files (the two are incompatible with each other & end up tainting your source files).
Why do you think you need to have the output inside the project files location?
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That makes sense! Thanks so much for the explanation! 🙂
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It changed when the new UI came in with RoboHelp 2019.
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