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From my experience, the tags <b></b> or <i></i> are not rendered into the PDF output.
Therefore I created a style 'Bold', which creates a <span> tag in the html source code each time I need to bold a word.
I think that <span> tag can be annoying when exporting to the Xliff format for the translation agency. Indeed, in the translation tool, the xliff shows very long <source> tags with ids that make it quite unreadable...
<source xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="en-US">
<g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/span[2]/" ctype="x-html-span" equiv-text="span text">
<g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/span[2]/span[1]/" ctype="x-html-span" equiv-text="span text">
<g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/span[2]/span[1]/#text[1]/" ctype="x-html-text" equiv-text="text">Hello</g>
<g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/span[3]/" ctype="x-html-span" equiv-text="span text">
<g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/span[3]/#text[1]/" ctype="x-html-text" equiv-text="text"> This is
<g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/span[4]/" ctype="x-html-span" equiv-text="span text">
<g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/span[4]/span[1]/" ctype="x-html-span" equiv-text="span text">
<g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/span[4]/span[1]/#text[1]/" ctype="x-html-text" equiv-text="text">a test </g>
<g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/span[5]/" ctype="x-html-span" equiv-text="span text">
<g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/span[5]/#text[1]/" ctype="x-html-text" equiv-text="text">quite ugly.</g>
That brings me to my questions (3 of them):
- Do you confirm that the bold and italic tags are not rendered in HTML?
- For the translations projects, could I create them via the master project, but instead of importing xliff files, could I keep working with the html files and import them in the sub-project as-is. Will it work?
- Is there an alternative I haven't thought about?
Thank you very much in advance for your enlightments.
I commented out part of the CSS that is giving trouble and then it seems to work.
body {
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif, Arial;
font-size: 12pt;
color: #6A737C;
/*font-weight: 300;*/
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To get bold and italic in the PDF, select the Embed Used Fonts in the Advanced settings of the preset.
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Thank you for your reply Mr. Grainge.
After double checking, that option is already selected in my PDF output preset...
(using Robohelp version 2020.3.32)
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Either create a new project with just one topic and try it there or try with the About RoboHelp sample project.
Do they generate in the same way I am seeing?
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I don't think the preset is the issue and I can't see why the tags at the beginning of the project didn't work. That's really what should have been investigated rather than looking for a workaround, albeit I might well have opted for that. 🙂
In your new project import the CSS file from your main project and one of the topics giving an error. Generate that topic to PDF using just the main project CSS and see what happens, then generate using just the default.css in the new project. Logically it should work with the default.css but not the css from your main project.
Is that what happens?
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Hi there,
Sorry for the delay in my reply. I'm still investigating....
I did as you mentioned, but my CSS is working in my test project.... So there must be something else...
It realise it might be linked to the book.css file.... cause I got rid of it... which might have been my mistake....
Still testing....
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Also, I created my main project with the first release of RH20... then it got upgraded several times... But maybe it comes from there....
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You are referring to MY CSS, singular. I suggested trying both CSS files in the test project.
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I doubt this is the upgrading.
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Ok, so:
In the new/test project, generate that topic to PDF:
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How are you applying the main.css when you generate?
Look at the topic properties. You should only see main.css there.
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yep, correct. That's what I have. Only one CSS linked.
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You need to have just your new project default css and see how that works. I think that is working OK from what you have said.
Then you need to delete that and add the css from your project giving the problem. Does the problem then come back?
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Yes, it does come back... I've compared the two css files, but I can't see a difference that could be related to that matter...
I mainly changed the font family type, font size and colours...
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OK so you now have a small test project where with one CSS it works and with the other it does not.
See the Contact page on my site and send that project as instructed there. Do make sure you include a link to this thread and please do not email the project direct.
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I commented out part of the CSS that is giving trouble and then it seems to work.
body {
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif, Arial;
font-size: 12pt;
color: #6A737C;
/*font-weight: 300;*/
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Brilliant! Thank you so much!
Bold is rendered in the PDF !
I'm ready to clean up the html now and to test again the Xliff format.
Have a great day!