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Renaming a project in RH 2019 (new UI)

Participant ,
Sep 21, 2020 Sep 21, 2020

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How do I rename a project in RH2019 (new UI)?
In RH2019 Classic it's simple: File > Rename Project (as it was in earlier versions),
That option doesn't exist in the new UI, unless there's a secret trick to enabling it. 🙂

The project concerned here is one I upgraded from RH2015 when I first started using RH2019 (new UI) a year or so ago.Reason needed:

This isn't because I've changed my mind about the name, for example, but because I need to retain and edit the original project while working on a new copy: help for the next release of the same app, where there's considerable overlap.
This has always been easy because we use Subversion for version control, so my workflow for a new app rlease has been:

  1. In SVN,  branch from trunk, creating a duplicate copy (of, say, projectabc.rpj)
  2. So projectabc.rpj now exists in both trunk and bnanch
  3. Download the branch copy to a new folder on my pc
  4. Open my local branch copy in RH and rename it to projectdef.rpj in RH


New UI






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Participant ,
Sep 21, 2020 Sep 21, 2020

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I may have found the  answer to my own question!

  1. File > Project Settings, or Ctrl - Shift - /
  2. On the General tab, edit the Project Title
    1. Example: Change "Project ABC" to "Project DEF"
  3. The .rhpj file uses that as its file name, with spaces replaced by underscores.
    1. Example: "Project_DEF.rpj"

I should have experimented before cluttering the forum with my question, but will leave this here in case anyone else searcghes for the same question, and in case someone corrects or adds to my findings.






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