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Hi RoboHelp colleagues,
I have some related questions. You advise NOT to move RoboHelp files around in Windows Explorer, but rather move them around from only within the RoboHelp project. Does this rule also apply to DELETING RoboHelp files (htm, gif, etc.)? That is, should we delete these files only from within the RoboHelp project?
Once I moved my RoboHelp HTML 8 project up to my new version of RoboHelp (2015), there are a few files, here and there, on the Topic List that have a small red x and cannot be opened. Plus, this is very strange -- the modified date is 1/2/1970. And I suspect that this RoboHelp project wasn't even built until about 2003. Any insights about this red-x and "ancient" modify date (1970)?
Thank you.
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Hi there
No clue on the modified date. But generally speaking, when you see a red x next to a file, it means RoboHelp is expecting a file to be there but it's missing. And one way that can happen is certainly by deleting the file using Windows Explorer and not using RoboHelp to delete the file.
Cheers... Rick
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Thanks, Rick. Going forward, I'll be careful to delete RoboHelp files only from within the RoboHelp project.
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Wondering if the old RoboHelp 8 bug could be at play here?
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No, I don't think so: it's different from the RoboHelp 8 bug of Halloweens past. In this project, just a few topics have the red x, and there's no shaking hourglass. So it appears that I or someone must have deleted those few topics from Windows Explorer rather than from RoboHelp.
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I just recently had robohelp "vanish" files off my hard drive by itself. I was working away happily and all the files were fine, then there was a flicker and poof, a bunch of broken links showed up. I checked the locations and the files were no longer there .
And I say "vanished" because they weren't in my recycle bin or anywhere else on my hard drive that I could find. Luckily I had a zip backup.
It was very, very, very odd...
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Wow, that's pretty weird. I've never seen that behavior before. Normally when RoboHelp deletes files they end up in the recycle bin. So it's odd you weren't able to see them there. One would also think that if RoboHelp had deleted them for whatever reason that no broken links would have been created because it normally handles that.
When that happened were there also red x's superimposed on the deleted topics?
My spidey sense is tingling and suggesting that maybe some third party software of sorts could be at play.
Cheers... Rick
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It's the first time I've seen it, however, a co-worker suffered this problem constantly - at the time I thought it might have been third party software on their computer, as I never had the issue, and our "corporate common desktop environment" doesn't seem to be very common at all ( 😜 )
I have just started working with the project they were working on, so now I think maybe it's something specific to this project.
The most disturbing issue is that it vanished topics from *other* child projects (merged setup, with relative links in topics and TOC to the child projects). I was deleting some unused condition tags and SSLs at the time, so I tried to replicate that setup in a test merge project have, but couldn't duplicate the behaviour. :S
I've also deleted errant meta tags left over from word imports (OriginalFile, path to original word doc, etc), in the vague idea that maybe they caused some weird link to happen (yes, clutching at straws).
Anyhoo, I'll keep an eye on it, but just wanted to advise that there *might* be a weird bug that automagically deletes topics.
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สวัสดี RoboHelp เพื่อนร่วมงาน
ฉันมีคำถามที่เกี่ยวข้อง คุณไม่แนะนำให้ย้ายไฟล์ RoboHelp ไปมาใน Windows Explorer แต่ควรจะย้ายไฟล์เหล่านั้นจากภายในโครงการ RoboHelp เท่านั้น กฎนี้ใช้กับการลบไฟล์ RoboHelp (htm, gif, ฯลฯ ) หรือไม่ นั่นคือเราควรลบไฟล์เหล่านี้ออกจากภายในโครงการ RoboHelp หรือไม่
เมื่อฉันย้ายโปรเจ็กต์ RoboHelp HTML 8 ไปเป็น RoboHelp เวอร์ชันใหม่ของฉัน (2015) มีไฟล์อยู่สองสามไฟล์ที่นี่และที่นั่นในรายการหัวข้อที่มี x สีแดงเล็ก ๆ และไม่สามารถเปิดได้ นอกจากนี้มันแปลกมาก - วันที่แก้ไขคือ 1/2/1970 และฉันสงสัยว่าโครงการ RoboHelp นี้ยังไม่ได้สร้างจนกว่าจะถึงปี 2003 ข้อมูลเชิงลึกเกี่ยวกับวันที่แก้ไขสีแดงและ "โบราณ" นี้ (1970)?
Hello RoboHelp co-workers
I have a related question, you do not recommend Moving The robohelp file in Windows Explorer, but it should only be moved from Within The robohelp project. This rule applies To The deletion of robohelp files (htm, GIF, etc.), whether we should Delete These files from within the RoboHelp project.
When I move the RoboHelp HTML 8 project to my new version of RoboHelp (2015) There are a couple of files here and there in the list of topics with a small red X and can not be opened. also, it is very strange. -The modified date is 1/2/1970 , and I suspect That This RoboHelp project has not yet been created until the year 2003. Insights about this red and "ancient" Correction date (1970)?
Thank you.
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Nattapongnoy If I have made sense of the translated version of your post, you are asking if files can be moved using File Explorer. The answer is that if you do that, in any version other than 2019 with the new interface, the project will lose track of the files and you will see the red X.
The solution is either to put them back where they were or import the files / link to the images in their new location.
In 2019 you would only have to create the links again.
In short, always move files within your RoboHelp project.
Let me know if I have got your question wrong.