Two Adobe stock downloaded vector Ai files opening flat in Illustrator. I've never had this problem before, it gave the option to download as vector file vs jpg and saves as .ai file, but is flat like a jpg. Any insight is appreciated.
Contributor1 • Adobe Employee, Jun 17, 2024Jun 17, 2024
Hello @eric24410832baa5, I see the issue you're referencing with 555910092 & 575481862 and I've added 2 credits back to your account. I'll send these details to be reviewed internally. Thank you for the report and sorry for the problem with the vectors.
As @PaintedKitty did tag @Contributor1 he will check your claims and will (normally) refund the credits. You will need to choose different assets. I would avoid this contributor for now.
ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer
Hello @eric24410832baa5, I see the issue you're referencing with 555910092 & 575481862 and I've added 2 credits back to your account. I'll send these details to be reviewed internally. Thank you for the report and sorry for the problem with the vectors.