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I was surprised today that my Adobe Stock Contributor account has been de-activated due to not complying with Account and Content Submission Guidelines but I don't know why although I follow the Account and Content Submission Guidelines completely.
I don't know any details to tell you but I can explain my account status recently.
During the past month I have expanded my account from 1000 assets to 4000 assets and I was getting 30-50 sales per week. This continued for 4 weeks I made $120 and I requested payout on the 21st of this month but yesterday the 25th only made 220 sales and after about 12 hours I logged into my account and found that It was de-activated. Was my account de-activated because of these 220 sales? And why? And what can I do to recover my account and avoid this happening again? And will my account be suspended every time I make large sales to this extent like these 220 sales? If these 220 sales are the reason for de-activating my account, then why was my account de-activated in the first place because of them?
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If your account has been suspended, there is nothing that this community of peers can do for you. You will need to contact Adobe contributor support via the link at “Contact us”. Adobe will answer via e-mail, so watch your spam folder. The answer may take some time, depending on the workload of contributor support and the complexity of the investigation. So be patient and do not spam the contributor support.
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Thank you for your interest and response. I already know that there is nothing that this community can do for me, but I just wanted to benefit from your experiences to answer my questions. I have already contacted them via the link at “Contact us” and am waiting for an answer.
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You do not need to answer with twice the same message.
My experience with blocked contributors is:
You need to wait. Some of the blocked accounts get unblocked, some never get.
Asking for a payout triggers apparently a review of the sales numbers. Most fraudsters ask a payout immediately after having boosted the sales, so it is easily to detect. But it may also be the case, that some automatic flagging marks the account for review and that asking for the payout is just happening at the same time.
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No, I can reply as many times as I want with the same answer as long as the answer to my questions is very similar, and I don't think you are the responsible for the responses and answers here in the forum.
No, I did not request a payout immediately after the sharp increase in sales because as I mentioned, I made 220 sales on the 25th of this month only and requested the payout on the 21st of this month.
Before requesting the payout, I increased my portfolio from 1000 to 4000 assets and I was getting 30 to 50 sales per week for 4 weeks, and after my account had $120, I requested the payout on the 21st of this month.
So I think my sales during the period before I requested the payout were pretty regular, and the only thing that raises doubt is what happened on the 25th of this month and achieving 220 sales in just one day.
And I did not mention that all my assets are very good.
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No, I can reply as many times as I want with the same answer as long as the answer to my questions is very similar, and I don't think you are the responsible for the responses and answers here in the forum.
By @Deleted User
You are creating confusion when answering with the same text to different posters. Do not underestimate the power of forum moderators. They can move answers out of view, and thez can lock threads and they can edit posts. But most important of all: spreading the answers like that will effectively give less pertinent advice to your quest. It is better to answer by replying your original post and tagging the persons, if you want to send the same message to different participants.
No, I did not request a payout immediately after the sharp increase in sales because as I mentioned, I made 220 sales on the 25th of this month only and requested the payout on the 21st of this month.
Before requesting the payout, I increased my portfolio from 1000 to 4000 assets and I was getting 30 to 50 sales per week for 4 weeks, and after my account had $120, I requested the payout on the 21st of this month.
So I think my sales during the period before I requested the payout were pretty regular, and the only thing that raises doubt is what happened on the 25th of this month and achieving 220 sales in just one day.
And I did not mention that all my assets are very good.
By @Deleted User
My bullet points were only a recollection of some reports of blocked accounts holders. 220 sales in a day, when you have a weekly throughput of 50 assets per week, is probably suspicious. There is really no reason why this can happen. But it seemed to trigger the "suspicious sales issue".
If it is fraudulent, but Adobe cannot link this to your account, they will unblock you.
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None of us here in the forum knows why Adobe suspended your account, nor how long it will take for them to investigate the issues. However, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence here in the forum that a unusually large surge of sales can trigger an investigation. Adobe Stock has been plagued by bad actors running fraudulent schemes to falsely inflate their sales. If they find that this was the case, they will delete those sales from your account. If they find you were complicit in the fraudulent scheme, they will permanently suspend your account. (I'm not saying that you were complicit, just stating what we've learned from other blocked account incidents here in the forum.)
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Thank you for your interest and response. I know that this forum is just a forum for contributors like me and has nothing to do with Adobe Support and I just want to learn from your expertise. Let the investigation take its time and I am waiting and hoping that when Adobe discovers that I am not complicit in this fraudulent scheme they will return my account.
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Adobe may temporarily suspend or permanently terminate a Stock Contributor account for any of the following:
1) Suspicious sales or refund activity.
2) Content spamming or fraud.
3) IP violation -- content, titles, keywords or descriptions.
4) Receipt of an official infringement complaint or "take down" notice.
4) Or any other violation of Stock Contributor User Terms.
Contact Stock Contributor Support:
Be patient. It may take several weeks for an investigation. Check your email spam folder. If requested, provide additional information to Stock.
Meanwhile work on other projects. Submit content to other services if you wish.
Good luck.
[Topic locked by moderator.]