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Hey everyone, I’m feeling a bit anxious and could really use your advice. I’ve been working hard on my Adobe Stock portfolio, but after reading some posts about other contributors’ accounts being banned for unknown reasons, I’m starting to feel uncertain about my own account’s standing.
I have 25 days left until I can request a withdrawal, and I’m not sure if I should keep uploading or hold off. Has anyone here experienced something similar, or do you have any suggestions for ensuring my account is in good shape? If you’re open to reviewing my portfolio, I’d really appreciate any feedback on how I can improve or avoid any potential issues. I want to make sure I’m following all the guidelines properly and keep everything on track.
Feel free to comment below or DM me if you'd like to review my portfolio. I can send you the link privately. Thanks so much for any advice you can offer!
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All the rules for submitting AI content are available here:
If you feel you have followed these rules, you'll have no problems. Adobe does not disable accounts for "unknown reasons." Adobe knows, and contributors who have knowingly or unknowingly violated the Terms of Service will eventually be informed if they don't already know.
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Thank you so much for your reassuring response! That’s a relief to hear. I’ve read the guidelines and tried my best to follow them, but I’ve come across some scary posts here that made me worried. I just wanted to make sure I’m on the right track.
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We don't know all the reasons AI accounts (or accounts in general) are disabled, but we can make some guesses based on previous posts made to this group. Fraudulent activity is one, where contributors will find ways to purchase their own assets to move them higher up in the search algorithm. Spamming their accounts with too many similars can also be a contributing factor. Uploading thousands of AI images per week without taking the time or making an effort to edit them can also result in a ban, as can failing to mark one's submissions as AI. Again, if you've followed the rules as listed in the link I posted, you are mostly good to go. If contributors here are willing to view your portfolio, they can certainly request your portfolio link to do so. On the other hand, that practice could open up a can of worms that could result in us volunteers, who are also contributors, spending more time than we have available assessing the accounts of others.
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Thank you again for the explanation. All my sales are legit, but what I'm worried about is potentially spamming unknowingly. Over the past month, I’ve posted about 1,000 assets, and while some of them have similar concepts, they’re not exactly the same. I’ll definitely be more selective moving forward to avoid any issues with similar content. And I understand that asking for feedback can take up a lot of time, so I’ll respect your time and avoid doing that.
One thing I was wondering, is it okay to delete some of my approved assets, or does that raise any alarms with the system?
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You are certainly welcome to delete approved assets. It won't raise any alarms. As far as similars are concerned, it is highly recommended that they be limited to three. 1000 is a lot of assets to be approved in one month's time. I suppose it's possible, but I've been submitting AI every day for two years and have only just recently reached 4800.
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I can't thank you enough, I’ll make sure to limit similar images to three. I’ll focus on quality and being more selective with my uploads.
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Thank you for your comment, it means a lot! I’ll focus on quality and keep reviewing the guidelines.
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Happy to be of help.