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Hi I uploaded 21 photos, 5 rejected for quality problems and 15 rejected for images already submitted, it doesn't make sense
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Which 5 were rejected for quality issues?
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The photos rejected for quality problems are 2299, 2297, 2298, 2295, 2286
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@Rodolfo22194871wqd0 thanks for the reply.
After looking through these, they all have quality issues. Dust spots, exposure issues, unlevel horizons and lens distortion. From a technical standpoint the rejections are correct. Dust spots don't move between shots, so it's easy to spot them through a series and I was able to zoom in and see these in the same spot through several photos.
For the "Similar Images" rejection, it can include both your portfolio and images already in the database. If you search with your top keywords and titles I feel confident you'd find some similar photos. This has come up several times recently, and every time I've had no trouble finding similar photos in the database.
The 10 photos themselves also appear similar when quickly flipping through them. I believe this also can cause a "Similar Images" rejection.
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With a quick search of Sardinia, I found some similar looking images at the top of the search results.
I hope this helps.
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Compare your work with current Stock inventory. If Stock has 20 million or more of those assets on hand, they probably don't need any more at this time. Find other subjects to submit that have less representation. When submitting batches of similar images, you risk having some or all of them rejected. Choose only your best ones and mix them up with other subjects.
Quality issues are another matter. Whatever you submit must be commercial-ready content. That's what Stock customers pay for. Examine your work at 100-300% magnification. Correct all defects if you can. Discard the ones you can't. Also read these links.
Hope that helps.
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By @Rodolfo22194871wqd0Like saying they refuse me a photo of a beach just because they have millions of photos of beaches.
Yes. That's the keyword that customers will likely use to search the database. 🤔
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Makes a lot of sense, when you know that the message you get is erronous.
When you post here, you need to tell us the rejection reason. I could guess what asset was refused for what reason, but as the assets are common subjects, all can be getting a refusal for “similar” as similar also includes assets already in the database. However, sometimes the message you receive doesn't make sense.
If you are new to stock, you should consider these resources:
Please read the contributor user manual for more information on Adobe stock contributions:
See here for rejection reasons:
and especially quality and technical issues:
If you are a generative AI contributor, please look into these instructions and follow them by the letter:
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I don't think my assets are already in the database.
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Please answer @George_F .
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DSC_2299.JPG - The boulders are underexposed in the shadows and blurry. The horizon is curved, which might be cured by applying Lens Correction in Lightroom Classic.
DSC_2297.JPG - If you zoom in past 100% you'll see that the boulders are not in sharp focus; there's also a lens spot just above the tallest rock.
DSC_2298.JPG - Rocks here are also unfocused, underexposed in the shadows, and the lens spot exists in this frame too.