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Hello to everyone on this forum , it's great to have such a useful place for all stock contributors.
I'm fairly new on this platform but from time to time I still have quality issues with images which I submitted on Adobe stock.
I uploaded a screenshot of what I sent to the platform last time and I need some insight / advice about quality issues with images.
As you see on every image there is visible noise and blurry look after I upload on stock platform .. don't know why??? All images are Upscaling : x4 and with Noise Reduction : Highest
For example I did an Upscale image from 1152x2040 to 4608x8160 (x4) , was this too much ?
I did this set of images Leonardo.Ai tool and bigjpg Upscale (free tool) .
Original image is without noise and look fairly good cartoon artwork and also upscale images looks okay (or it's just me thinking )
Should I try another Upscaling image tool for better quality of images ? Interestingly this set of images are made as artwork / vector / cartoon style images but with bad quality after Upscaling ( ? ).
I already have hundreds of AI images submitted and accepted on this platform but those who got rejected had the same issue from moment of uploading till rejection as explanation "issues that can impact the technical quality of images include exposure issues, soft focus, excessive filtering or artifacts/noise."
Thanks to people for any good advice in advance.
2 Correct answers
Your Memorial Day picture looks like an easy rejection:
Not sharp, washed out colours, artefacts, etc.
If all of your pictures are about this quality, you won't get any acceptance. And I would guess that the issues are present, even in the original size image.
If you think that this is “good-looking” or “fairly good-looking” then I'm sorry, but the assets are not up to the quality standards for Adobe Stock.
Adobe Stock customers expect the highest visual and technical quality for use in commercial projects.
Most questions are anwered in your Stock Contributor User Guide. Read it carefully. Pay particular attention to the Photo DOs and DON'Ts where is says "Don’t: Create mirrored images, kaleidoscopes, or patterns.
Don’t: Use effect filters."
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I did this set of images Leonardo.Ai tool and bigjpg Upscale (free tool) .
Original image is without noise and look fairly good cartoon artwork and also upscale images looks okay (or it's just me thinking )
By Ivan28999453u1a1
Check your assets at 100% and 200% and stay critical. Artefacts in the original file get enhanced. If you post a rejected asset here with the rejection reason, we can analyse it and tell you what needs to be corrected. Furthermore, pay attention to the geometry. Correct geometry is problematic for generative AI.
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Hello Abambo and thank you for clarification and insights .
I will try to divide my concerns into two reptiles , I think will be more understandable and for me easier to follow-up.
I added two images , one is an AI image Upscaled which got rejected and another which looks in the upload section - blurry at first look .
Would be great to give your opinion about this issue.
I assume it's an "Artefacts image" issue but it's always good to have a second opinion.
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In this preply I put my concerns about new upload AI images (still not submitted for review ) which got questionable Upscaling quality after I looked at my panel .
I will attach here two AI images , one original and one AI image Upscaled.
BTW I try to look at 200% of the image in PS and it looks bad 😕
Is there hope to increase image quality dispute correct issues ?
Thanks in advance .
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The original image looks fairly good, but is not very sharp. The upscaled version is not sharp at all:
(seen at 100%).
That is not good enough for Adobe stock.
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Your Memorial Day picture looks like an easy rejection:
Not sharp, washed out colours, artefacts, etc.
If all of your pictures are about this quality, you won't get any acceptance. And I would guess that the issues are present, even in the original size image.
If you think that this is “good-looking” or “fairly good-looking” then I'm sorry, but the assets are not up to the quality standards for Adobe Stock.
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Thanks a lot , you give me a lot of advice about Artefacts and insightful information .
I did research and tried to make better results of my artworks , did different Upscaling techniques and these are new results ..
Please , check in attachment , I put original artwork and other two new Upscaled images with slight variations.
It looks better now , should this image now pass by submitting on the platform ?
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I think this image might be refused on the grounds that the bird's feet are kind of mangled.
daniellei4510 | Community Forum Volunteer
I am my cat's emotional support animal.
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Okay, I will do correction but in nutshell : is image enough sharp and clear to pass submitting ?
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Ivan28999453u1a1 wrote:
Okay, I will do correction but in nutshell : is image enough sharp and clear to pass submitting ?
I haven't taken your image over to Photoshop, but here in the browser (admittedly inadequate), they look not sharp. Check at 100%. If they are sharp, they will look sharp at 100%.
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Late in response but working hard in the background to fine tune this problem ... still thank you everyone for your help and advice.I have two concerns , I will continue with first observation about red bird image , showing two new techniques and with 100% close up look .
These upper side of image block show two different techniques : Which is more sharper + clear image ?
1st techniques for AI artwork:
2st techniques for AI artwork:
Also I made different two blocks of the same image for look up :
1st techniques for AI artwork:
2st techniques for AI artwork:
Which technique from your perspective is more likely to pass submission ??
Thanks a lot, people.
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Also there is an animal image with a much realistic look which I did with two different techniques . Also interested in opinion which is more sharper + clear image ?
1st techniques for AI artwork:
2st techniques for AI artwork:
Is there a significant difference between these techniques and which could pass submission ??
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Adobe Stock customers expect the highest visual and technical quality for use in commercial projects.
Most questions are anwered in your Stock Contributor User Guide. Read it carefully. Pay particular attention to the Photo DOs and DON'Ts where is says "Don’t: Create mirrored images, kaleidoscopes, or patterns.
Don’t: Use effect filters."
Hope that helps.
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It's likely neither would pass, as the "life-like" look of the lion fails due to the its iris, which is more cartoon-like.
daniellei4510 | Community Forum Volunteer
I am my cat's emotional support animal.
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Same answer: none!
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I have absolutely no idea. If I were the moderator, they would all fail on geometry issues.
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Thanks people as always for help and practical advice .
I spent the last two days on my previously submitted and accepted images ... boy , you would hate me to see what was passed to the moderator on the platform ...😂
but I still think that now and in the future Adobe moderators will be more strict and have bigger expectations from AI contributors as myself.(seen in other topics from contributors)
Wish me luck , I will upload all new drawing/cartoon images which was questionable from my perspective , I did retouching and few fixes on images as you told me , time will tell (2 months be cuz AI art)
Great to have here 😊
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Glad to be of assistance; with your commitment to improvement and good attitude, you're much more likely to achieve some success in Adobe Stock.
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I spent the last two days on my previously submitted and accepted images ... boy , you would hate me to see what was passed to the moderator on the platform ...😂
By Ivan28999453u1a1
If assets were accepted in error, they still can be rejected, if customers complain. I would delete the most obvious erronous assets, like the six fingered man, the three handed Santa Clauss etc.