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Hi, I've notieced, that there is a lot of AI images. And when I'm looking for pictures in the field of medicine, anatomy, pictures made by AI pop up, which have nothing to do with reality. The prompt is written badly, carelessly, too general and you can see that the person who uploaded such images to stock has little experience in this matter. The prompt depends on the writer. Since these pictures do not reflect the actual anatomy, they show a deformed, untrue image, then they should be separated from the rest. AI should have its own filter in the search filters so that these images can be separated from more reliable and real ones.
These assets are correctly identified as Generative AI in both the title and keywords, and though they're weird and I can't imagine a commercial use for some of them, Adobe does accept such images. If you use the -AI search term as suggested above by @Abambo you won't see them in your search results. Hopefully, Adobe will get around to adding a proper Filter for AI or non-AI so that Buyers who don't want to see this stuff can filter it out easily!
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Well, I agree!
For generative AI pictures that conform to the rules, you can use the “-ai” keyword with the search. Generative AI pictures also need to be placed in the “Illustrations” section and should not reside in the Photos section. The image title needs to contain “Generative AI”.
Unfortunately, many assets are non-conforming. If you find such assets, I suggest you report them here.
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Ok. Yes, someone with the nickname DCP has a lot of pictures with brain inside a neuron e.t.c.
568603054 looks rather like a plant. Or this 574660180. I don't know what it is... alien brain...?
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These assets are correctly identified as Generative AI in both the title and keywords, and though they're weird and I can't imagine a commercial use for some of them, Adobe does accept such images. If you use the -AI search term as suggested above by @Abambo you won't see them in your search results. Hopefully, Adobe will get around to adding a proper Filter for AI or non-AI so that Buyers who don't want to see this stuff can filter it out easily!
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Yes, that filter would be very useful.
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Yes, that filter would be very useful.
By @Graphicmannnnnn
Use “-ai” as a search term. Correctly marked assets won't show up.
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Hi, today I have found this 563537989. It is placed in the Photos section, first page. Keyword "neurons". But maybe it's only one exception.
What does it mean to use "-ai" as a search term? When I am using this it gives some random results, images and illustrations. I would rather use e.g. "thyroid -no ai" if it would be possible in the searchbar.
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What does it mean to use "-ai" as a search term?
By @Graphicmannnnnn
AI assets are required to get tagged with the following keywords: (from the requirements)
So, when you add a search term like “-generative” or “-ai” you exclude all assets with that keyword.
So “thyroid -ai” finds thyroid without ai as a keyword, which excludes conforming generative AI assets.
“neurons -ai” should exclude include whatever image uses neurons as a keyword, but not containing ai.
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Ok, thank you for explanation.
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The use of -something to leave out things matching "something" is quite widely used. For example it works in Google and Amazon.
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You're welcome.
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New filter option is live: