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Dear Adobe Developers,
Thank you for creating such a fantastic suite of incredible tools. However, as a designer I'm requesting that there be some way to bookmark favorite templates/images/whatever within Stock without needing to purchase a license. Sometimes I want to filter down to just a select few before making a decision and selecting a single asset.
It would be nice to be able to go back to my "bookmarked assets" in the future and not have to search everything again to find something I found intriguing a few week prior.
A big fan of your work
1 Correct answer
Not templates. Users have to license a template to save it to a library. The only way to really favorite them is to create a bookmark in your browser of the details page for the asset.
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You can use libraries to save previews of the assets:
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Not templates. Users have to license a template to save it to a library. The only way to really favorite them is to create a bookmark in your browser of the details page for the asset.
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It seems like a really inefficient way to go about it. Imagine it's a shopping cart... you want people to put things in their shopping cart because they are more likely purchase them in the long run.
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Hi WendellaBee,
I see you've shut down other threads asking for the same thing, and your answer as to why we -your customers- can't save template previews in our libraries is... "because they're templates". That's a non-answer. And it's picked by you as the "Correct answer". If merely saving a template preview in our libraries would mean we could use them without purchasing them, I'd get it. But as far as I'm aware, that's not the case. We need to be able to save them for potential later use to help our workflow and this is making it less efficient. You're actually losing sales because it can sometimes mean I'd go to another platform to buy a template I had saved.
So, again, why is this?
Thank you
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The answer is marked correct, because the answer is correct. There is no possibility to bookmark a template. The correct answer may not be what you wanted to read, however. Create an idea and hope to get enough fans for that idea that Adobe will try to implement this. I will vote for it, it it is well formulated.
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This post is flagged as a feature request already. Not sure how else it would be posted. When you go to Adobe Stock on this community forum, this is the post that is related to the topic – I cannot find a way to search the "ideas" section only. Suggestions on how and where to post that would be better?
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This post is flagged as a feature request already. Not sure how else it would be posted. When you go to Adobe Stock on this community forum, this is the post that is related to the topic – I cannot find a way to search the "ideas" section only. Suggestions on how and where to post that would be better?
By elizabeths61297746
But it's a discussion.
You have discussions, bugs and ideas. Create a new message and you will see the different subfora.
A "feature request" topic is not the same.
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I can't tell if you're trying to be helpful or if it's fun to come to the forums and feel "right".
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I can't tell if you're trying to be helpful or if it's fun to come to the forums and feel "right".
By PhilippeMakes
What is your problem?
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"The answer is marked correct, because the answer is correct. [...] I will vote for it, it it is well formulated." I could be wrong and you could be well intentioned, but your tone seems condescending. Like some other experts in Adobe and other professional forums who seem more interested in showing the people who ask questions that they didn't need to ask the question in the first place or that they're doing something wrong.
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Keep in mind that English is not the primary language for all who visit these forums. It is easy to misinterpret statements and intents when participants use the translate function or when they use a word that is not precisely correct. I don't think @Abambo is being condescending. He was reiterating that the requested functionality does, indeed, not exist. Fortunately, Adobe has provided this forum as a means for their customers to request features and submit ideas. I know that those suggestions are actively monitored by Adobe, and some have been implemented. If this is a feature that is important to you it should be resubmitted as a new post within the "Idea" category.
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It's not mine either but some ways of articulating a thought just seem universal. The larger issue in the forum is this lack of "bedside manners" from experts which can make it dowright daunting for someone to ask a question. I can't tell you how many threads have seen where the OP was made to feel dumb instead of being kindly educated on a subject. "The answer is marked correct, because the answer is correct." isn't necessarily uncouth in and out of itself, but it's not the nicest way to answer either. Does that make sense?
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I don't think the response was unkind or "not nice"; perhaps a bit brusque and " to the point", but not rude or condescending.
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You should read the whole answer, not only the introduction sentence. Poster (you) asked why the answer was marked correct. This is the answer:
The answer is marked correct, because the answer is correct. There is no possibility to bookmark fave a template. The correct answer may not be what you wanted to read, however.
So, if you ask, why an asnswer is marked as correct, that's the reason why. Sometimes answers are marked as correct, and they aren't. But obviously here, we have a correct answer, to the point, correcting my prior answer to the OP. Your current only option is to use the bookmarking feature of your browser.
In addition, I suggested that if that feature is important to you, you should post that as an idea. Did you do that? If so, I can upvote it.
BTW: I never said that it is good that templates cannot be faved. Indeed, I'm clearly missing a lighttable fuction, to collect on the fly the links of interesting assets on Adobe stock.
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I read the whole answer. I don't know why you insist on being condescending. Also, I didn't ask why the answer was marked as correct. I asked why the function doesn't exist. I can't tell if you work for Adobe or not so I don't know if you'd be privvy to the reasons that pushed the company to make that function unavailable. Since it's the only category of assets than can't be favorited, it seems deliberate. I'm glad we agree on the fact that said function is missing. I'll go post as an idea.
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Licensed templates do not appear in my libary, even if my library folders are specifically named. I have licensed several motion graphic templates. None automatically appear in my library as other assets do. I can favoriate some, which adds the, but not all can be marked as a favorite, as this capture shows.
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What is the asset ID of such an asset?
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Here are the template asset IDs that I am unable to favorite:
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They come as a ZIP file and get delivered to the download folder. They won't help you in a library folder. Do you also have an asset ID for one you can get to the library?
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This is an example of a template asset ID I was able to add to my library via favorite.
Here are my challenges:
- Template assets do no add to my libary when licensed / downloaded as they do for other assets like images. Having these assets added to the library does help a person to see what they have already licenced compared to the full world of available assets that cannot be filterd by this criteria. Having the assets accounted for in the libary also helps in sharing selects with team members.
- As a workaround for the above, template assets can be favorited. However, some licensed / downloaded template assets do not include the favorite selection feature.
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That is indeed confusing.
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I second this. It would be really great to have a way to favorite templates. Even if it has to be in a different location from other assets, I would like to be able to have a favorites/wish list of templates. And to be able to group them by client/project in libraries or something like that.