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Suggestion: a way for users to flag or tag images

New Here ,
Mar 06, 2023 Mar 06, 2023

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It would be nice to have a way for users to put tags on images. This post is about AI generation and the labeling crisis. 

It could be exploited by bots and the like, but I personally think this could be a helpful tool overall. 

The Idea:

Create a button or link that allows a user to apply a tag (from a list of existing tags) to an image.

If I find an image that is a photograph of a crying girl, I could tag it as "Photograph" "Crying" "Child" or something like that. User applied tags could possibly help users find more accurate stock images. 

Images could also be tagged with "Generative AI." It's no secret that a huge number of AI generated images are not labeled. 

Tags could also be used to search and find images like tags on a shopping website.


Feature request






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Community Expert ,
Mar 06, 2023 Mar 06, 2023

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Images could also be tagged with "Generative AI." It's no secret that a huge number of AI generated images are not labeled. 

Tags could also be used to search and find images like tags on a shopping website.


By @Rebekah28738055t9k5

You have keywords that you can use for searching. The title is searchable. But I get your idea. You also want user-generated tags to be added to assets. How do you deal with the morons, downgrading an asset by falsely tagging it?


As for generative AI, contributors are required to tag them as generative AI, there is a flag that contributors need to set (that's newer) and there is the requirement to add “generative AI” to the title. And yes, not all assets are tagged as required. IMHO, they need to be deleted from the database and the contributors, if they have massively assets that do not follow the requirements, need to be blocked until they conform to the rules.


If you want to report an asset, post the ID here, give a reason, why that asset is not good and tag @ Contributor1 (no space between the @ and the name!) in your message.



ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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