Are there any plans in motion to set a flag within an Adobe User Profile to remove Generative AI from search results within Stock?
I am aware that a user can set a filter to remove Generative AI from the search results. I also realize the usefulness of this depends on the quality of the image attributes (ie, Generative AI, yes or no). Garbage In = Garbage Out if the submission to Adobe's database has issues (e.g., contributor did not tell Adobe it was Generative AI) or if Adobe is unable to trap GIGO headed to its database. That's a big discussion though ... opportunistic types are sure to jump on the bandwagon of inappropriate submissions. Obviously, if generated content is high quality, then automated flagging of suspect submissions will not be easy.
My reason for this is two-fold:
1. I sometimes forget to set this filter as I am in the habit of going into Adobe Stock and merrily searching. I then end up with undesired items in my Favorites for subsequent review and licensing decisions. It then becomes a time-waster for me. But this also implies that my initial impression of the particular stock number was favorable. Which then leads me to point 2 ...
2. As a matter of respect to creative individuals (real ones, not those putting forth work using Generative AI without disregard for artists). Personally, I am not a fan of Generative AI due to the current (and potential) impact upon real artists. I also realize that with some value-add effort that it *might* be part of a creative process - I am in wait and see mode. It certainly has the potential for a lot of abuse.
A setting for this (Generative AI - Yes or No) in the Adobe User Profile would be appreciated. I have no problems with a non-invasive quarterly or annual popup saying something like this: "You presently have Generative AI turned off. Would you like to maintain this setting?"
As a paid suscriber to Adobe Stock, I have expectations of decent quality stock images curated (hopefully) by real people and artists-designers. The purchase transaction of Stock has an implied two-way aspect: Adobe takes my money, and as a licencing intermediate, they provide good content back from artists and designers. I did not contemplate Generative AI being a theoretical party to the transaction when I signed up.
Adobe should provide an Opt-Out setting for Generative AI. In my mind, Generative AI becomes like a form of spam in my search results. "Your spam is not my spam" - some folks will want the Generative AI on by default. That is certainly not the case for all users. It is somewhat presumptuous on Adobe's part to presume I want it.
Thank you for consideration of this topic and feature.