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Retain Texture on UVMap

Community Beginner ,
Feb 07, 2024 Feb 07, 2024

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Please retatain UVMap placement for textures, stitching, alpha masks on reimport.

Things are constantly changing in our studio, model position or orientation requirements.  Everytime I have to go back to substance painter, it's a setback.  Substance painter instead assumes all you did was change the UVMapping and tries to guess where things go.

I was now told I have to rotate all my models 180 degrees, and that just breaks everything apart in substance painter.   Very frustrating.  

Substance 3D Painter, version 9.1.2
Build 3332 - 3dc9c3a1a7902324d43145613f44b539a0d66f51
Windows 11
Add stitching and alphas to model, rotate model 180
Expect to see everything stay the same, get a jumbled mess.

Idea No status
Import & Export , UV Tiles






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1 Comment
Adobe Employee ,
Feb 08, 2024 Feb 08, 2024

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Hi @simfreak


Thanks for the message.


The reprojection inside Substance 3D Painter is a powerful feature but has also very specific limitations that are important to know of.


First of all, it indeed doesn't use UVs (in most situations) to reproject textures. Instead, it uses three things:

  • The brush strokes (All the strokes made in the viewport are saved in the project file)
  • The camera position of every strokes
  • The Bounding box (which is basically an invisible cube wrapping the entire model)


When reimporting a 3D model, Substance Painter takes the first stroke made in the project, and from its camera position, reapply the strokes on the bounding box, before doing the same process for the second stroke, third stroke, etc.

The only exception is for strokes made in the 2D viewport (which are reprojected on UVs), and layers relying on UV data.


The great thing with this workflow; UVs are rarely an issue for reprojection, even with strictly opposite UVs. However, in a situation like yours where you need to edit the model, this can be a huge downside.


That being said, if the UV map stays as it is, and you don't add topology, no need to reimport a new mesh inside Substance Painter. In the end, everything is exported for UVs.



Cyril Dellenbach (Micro) | QA Support Artist | Adobe




