All related to projection painting is super inconvenient in Painter. The warp projection haven't changed a thing. I believe nobody use it really. Even in Blender it's way easier. I can't even scale that warp projection precizely because it does only from the image center , not with arbitrary center of transform i could do in any image editor. Messing with mesh deform is quite inconvenient either .
Would be so much easier to save a camera /frame bring it to photoshop and use puppet warp and photoshop transform gizmo where you can set center to scale and rotate around at exact pixel you want .
I used same feature all the time when I used Mari . it's so much more convenient .
For example I have a building facade photo and want to scale a window to match specific model window . That simple. In Painter I have to do lots of redundunt things draining my time like crazy. I have to crop the window from a photo the way top right corner of the window would be in the center of an image . It's only way to scale with precision.
It's annoying beyond any measure. Instead of projecting photo image I have to paint things manually that never looks same real and gazilion times more complex . That's why what you do in Mari looks photoreal and what you do in Painter looks "art" .