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Saved projections to do it then in photoshop

Enthusiast ,
Mar 15, 2024 Mar 15, 2024

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All related to projection  painting  is super inconvenient in Painter.   The warp projection haven't changed a thing.  I believe nobody use it really.     Even in Blender it's way easier.   I can't even scale  that warp projection  precizely   because it does only from the image center  , not with  arbitrary center of transform i could  do in any image editor.   Messing with mesh deform is  quite inconvenient either .


Would be so much easier to  save a camera /frame bring it to photoshop and  use puppet warp and photoshop transform gizmo  where you can set  center to scale and rotate around  at exact pixel you want .   


I used same feature all the time when I used Mari .  it's so much more convenient .


For example I have a building  facade photo  and want to scale a window to match  specific model  window .     That simple.  In Painter I have to do lots of redundunt  things draining my time like crazy.  I have to crop the window  from a photo  the way top right corner of the window  would be in the center of an image . It's only way to scale with precision.   

   It's annoying beyond any measure.      Instead of projecting photo image  I have to paint  things manually  that  never  looks same real  and gazilion times more complex .     That's why what you do in Mari looks  photoreal  and what you do in Painter looks  "art" .



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