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So here is what is happening - You can see it says modual installed. This is a portable zip install but I have also tried it on a installed to c drive version of blender
I THOUGHT the intigration tools WAS the ADDOn but the addon is not the intigration one. we install the intigration package second
here it says it is loaded and but I can not find it. reason being I had the wrong addon
I saw windows and I saw download and I got the addon that the link said I was getting I did not realize that there is also an intigration package. A note that said must be installed first. It might prevent this progect from getting a bad rap. If a person is in a hurry they wont notice they are installing the wrong package. The link did say I was going to download the blender addon and I went for the jugular and got it in a rush. The addon works its just easy to get the wrong addon first if you dont read the instructions carefully.
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Thanks for your feedback. We have added a note asking users to install both the addon and the integration tool.