‎Jan 15, 2019
05:12 PM
Just a fix: TABLET-sized artboard. I wrote "table-sized", it was wrong. Am I missing it or we really can't EDIT a comment here?
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‎Jan 15, 2019
05:09 PM
Now I've got what exactly is the responsive resizing feature and how to use it properly. I didn't realize that I had to keep it enabled for the all elements on my artboard and then, AFTER COPYING the desktop artboard content to a table-sized artboard, THEN I RESIZE those elements and Adobe XD will resize, actually, not the font size necessarily but the SPACE/GAPS between text or assets. I didn't find that explanation, the exact one, in any place of this internet.
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‎Jan 04, 2019
02:28 PM
So, to increase text, I need to convert them to point texts instead of area texts? Are you sure?
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‎Jan 03, 2019
07:01 PM
I took a look at that page about the responsive resize resource, but actually you didn't understand what I need. I need to create other 2 artboards (ipad 768x1024 and mobile 375x667) and "transpose" my desktop layout to those new artboards, but I don't know how to resize texts and elements properly.
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‎Jan 03, 2019
03:35 PM
I have a layout I made some time ago on Adobe XD (that was just a personal project) and now I wanna put it on Behance. To do so, I need to duplicate/adapt that layout (designed for desktop) to smaller screens, iPad and mobile. Since I'm not used to design for smaller screens, after I started I've got a doubt: how do I know for example how much I need to decrease both text and UI elements' sizes? To explain better: I have a text with 40px. How should I calculate to properly decrease that size? Is there like a default percentage to reduce from those values? Maybe some visual "default" rules that every design follows? I always design for Bootstrap, however I'm not sure if I'm thinking the right way. Thanks for all your thoughts and advices you could tell me. I worked most of time only for desktops, a traditional web designer, and now I'm trying to migrate to UI/UX.
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‎Jan 03, 2019
03:31 PM
I figured it out: if you have any transparency, those areas on your canvas will be ignored. Photoshop does not understand that you wanna export your document exactly as it is or as you left it. The best we can do is to set the "jpg" as the default extension on quick export preferences. If you're gonna export to PNG, make sure to apply a background color below all your layers. If you don't, it will ignore transparent areas.
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‎Jan 03, 2019
03:26 PM
I have to uninstall both and reinstall them again. Adobe is something that screw up with our lives but we still need them.
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‎Jan 03, 2019
03:24 PM
It worked, but some files were been generated with errors. I had to compress them through other ways in order to have them working.
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‎Nov 08, 2018
09:40 PM
"Ctrl-Alt-Q" was already assigned to a "special character" which is slash /, that's why it wasn't working, now it worked, however any popup notification is displayed to confirm the operation, it just take some seconds and then the minfied file appears on the file tree. Aren't there notifications, such as an alert "file generated" or something like that? Regardless that detail, you're a genius!
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‎Nov 08, 2018
03:11 PM
I copied the minifier extension folder into my DW configurations folder (C:\Users\Joao\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions\user) but when I hit Ctrl-Alt-Q, nothing happens, actually, DW only inserts a slash / on the mouse cursor. Have you made minifier to work on your DW?
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‎Nov 06, 2018
03:45 PM
What does bookmark extension do actually? I haven't got it yet.
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‎Nov 05, 2018
03:30 PM
I will try it out with the previous one together. But minify is really amazing if it works!
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‎Nov 05, 2018
03:29 PM
Amazing! Thanks for sharing it! I couldn't reply your answer earlier because I had to format my PC (thanks to Adobe for giving me a new headache) and, obviously, I had to install all Adobe CC again. I will try out and come back here to say if it's worked. Thanks again!
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‎Nov 05, 2018
03:26 PM
Yes, unfortunately, you're right. Adobe has been screwing up with our lives instead of helping us. From now, we have to think twice before proceeding with an update, because Adobe's updates are being like a terrorism threat. I'm almost starting to think that Adobe was who attacked the WTC.
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‎Nov 05, 2018
03:23 PM
Changing the Illustrator's version number on registry worked here, thanks to joosdm20559267 for the fix tip. Throughout last years, Adobe has been screwing our lives up instead of helping. Next time I'll think twice about proceeding with a freaking update, because they're not releasing updates, they're releasing ISSUES.
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‎Oct 22, 2018
03:10 PM
Yes, Adobe is always trying to screw us up whereas not everyone have a computer faster than Nasa rockets.
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‎Oct 22, 2018
03:09 PM
Thank you, your answer is what I was supposed to get when I opened this discussion. I always search on the internet and on the forums in order to search about my issues or doubts, and then if nothing was found, I post. Could you check/confirm with the team what features we will able to enjoy from Brackets inside DW, I mean, what kind of extensions will work? The two great features Brackets offers is, 1st, convert "px" to a relative "rem" (px to rem extension) value on css and, 2nd, an extension called JS CSS Minifier (GitHub - abagshaw/brackets-minifier: Minifies and Concatenates JS and CSS in Brackets using UglifyJS3 and CleanCSS ). That is something Adobe really should inform us on its official blog and on that page where Adobe tells about new features regarding the products updates.
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‎Oct 20, 2018
01:24 AM
1 Upvote
If you are not willing to answer a QUESTION, which was posted just to know if someone here has already seen that folder and knows how to use the feature appropriately, just don't answer. It would be a polite behavior.
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‎Oct 19, 2018
09:17 PM
Inside the Dreamweaver's user preferences folder (C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration), now there is a folder called "Brackets" and inside of it there are the same structure of the default Brackets' default installation folder. Does it that mean I can now use Brackets features inside Dreamweaver? If I copy all my Brackets extensions and paste into that "Brackets" folder inside Dreamweaver's user configuration (appdata), will I able to use those extensions in some way? This is the full path for the folder I'm talking about (Dreamweaver CC 2019): Main folder: C:\Users\Joao\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets Extensions folder: C:\Users\Joao\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions Extensions subfolders: C:\Users\WinUser\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions\disabled C:\Users\WinUser\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2019\en_US\Configuration\Brackets\extensions\user If you use Brackets, you already know its extensions are kept inside \Brackets\extensions\user . I've just got a little bit confused with that folder there and what its function within DW. Note: I'm on Windows 10 (1803 build).
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‎Oct 17, 2018
03:22 PM
I've just updated my apps to the 2019 version of Creative Cloud, and I just started to see problems. When the app is opening, welcome screen is getting stuck, it's not loading anyway. I already tried to uninstall all my previous installations, run Adobe CC Cleaner, restarted my windows a lot of times, and then after installing adobe Creative Cloud app again and Illustrator, bingo, start screen is loading forever and ever. See the image below, that's the only thing I see when I click to open Illustrator, but also is happening to Photoshop too. Is that a bug or my windows installation could be corrupted? And, for the 2nd case, why the 2018 version was working fine?
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‎Sep 24, 2018
11:22 PM
I checked a font family out called Eina 03, I liked it to use on a branding project, however I don't have budget to buy that specific font specially considering that I'm in Brazil and here the dolars cost an arm and a leg. Here is the font: https://www.fonts.com/font/textaxis/eina/03-family-pack Bearing that in mind and I'm sure the Adobe's forum is visited by awesome and expert professionals, I'd like to ask you about some fonts you may know that could be a similar match to the mentioned one above, and not, I'm not considering helvetica or its "neue" variation, because I need something a little bit original. What could you suggest me?? Thanks
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‎Sep 24, 2018
11:11 PM
Yes, you're right, for sure. However, my point is that I had an art and Photoshop was "cropping" that art away, so it's something I can really see as a bug, which actually is. Currently, I found something better: instead of using the Quick Export option from the menu, I right click on a layer and then click on "Export as". That fixed some things, for example, the permissions. When you use the "Quick Export" from the menu, that file is gonna be exported with non-admin permissions, which cause errors on IIS when you are exporting assets directly to a folder inside a website project. That's another bug. If you export your assets from your layers instead, permissions are assigned correctly.
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‎Aug 01, 2018
03:42 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you Danny, that's what I was looking for. I've changed back to 100% K and it looked smooth as it was originally. But... I still believe that Illustrator 2018 came with a lot of bugs, including the 2 ones I found out: the anti-aliasing "fail" for rich black (maybe yes, could be some lack of compatibility with my GeForce graphics card) and the guides not hiding when I use "Ctrl + ;". About this last one, Monika Gause​ suggested me on another post to reset Illustrator preferences, but it didn't work. I still have to right click and use the option "Hide guides" from the context menu. The Ctrl + ; only works to show guides when they are hidden. If you could play around it on your side and tell me if it happens to you too, I'd like to have your feedback. Thanks everyone for your contributions. I will use pure black 100% K from now on when I have text. Could you give some recommendations about the appropriate situations to use rich black?
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‎Aug 01, 2018
01:40 AM
Ok, thank you.
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‎Jul 31, 2018
06:20 PM
Hi Danny, thanks for playing around it. So, you're saying that when we use a rich black it's normal that the pixels around edges get darker and looking like if that element wasn't completely anti-aliased? Did I understand right? Let's see if I got it: I should use 0 0 0 100 for text specially if they are small and rich black for the other elements like big texts, shapes, vectors or something similar? About your 2nd comment, actually when you create a new document in Illustrator, the default color named as "Black" on the swatches panel has the values 0 0 0 100, but I didn't realize that it does not look black, it looks gray. So, I just wanted to make sure that I was using a real and "genuine" black, which hex is #000000, I mean, I wanted a black that really looks black in both screen and print. I don't understand why Illustrator uses 0 0 0 100 by default instead of the black that really looks as if it should, which is the case of 75 68 67 90. After what you said, I got lost :S — What black can I use safely to ensure that my document will have a true black on it? I've got worried because we're talking about my resume, so, it needs to look perfect, and recruiters for graphic design positions will look at every single detail. Thanks you and Monika Gause​ for helping me out with this "issue".
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‎Jul 30, 2018
08:45 PM
Updating the topic: I've reset my preferences folder, it didn't work. That anti-aliasing difference is almost only visible on Illustrator. I've put 2 text samples on Photoshop and there I can't see a difference. Additionally, I tried another thing: I created a new document and copy content from the other document into the new one. The same damn issue. It's very weird... My guess is that Illustrator CC 2018 has a lot of bugs.
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‎Jul 30, 2018
05:48 PM
Thanks all you for replying. My graphics card is a NVIDIA GTS 250, and Illustrator does not recognize it as a "compatible" GPU (Photoshop does!), so when I go with Ctrl E, nothing happens. It's weird that I'm facing that issue. As Monika Gause​ suggested, I will try to reset preferences and then I post here if it fixed or not.
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‎Jul 26, 2018
01:54 AM
It's a CMYK document.
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‎Jul 26, 2018
01:52 AM
I haven't reset my preferences. Before a version update, Adobe CC shows a message that my preferences are going to be migrated automatically. So, I hadn't to worry about it. Should I reset?
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‎Jul 25, 2018
07:49 PM
I have a document and I didn't realize that the black tone I was using is 0 0 0 100, but the font looked fine on texts with black. After that, I changed all black texts using 0 0 0 100 to the rich black, which is 75 68 67 90. After I made that change, sounds like text missed its anti aliasing, I mean, it's not looking smooth like before with 0 0 0 100. Could it be some bug? I only can see the text more smoothly, I mean, anti-aliased, if I zoom it a lot to get it much bigger. Have you heard something like that previously?
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