This script works fine for me //PlaceMultipagePDF.jsx //An InDesign JavaScript /* @@@BUILDINFO@@@ "PlaceMultipagePDF.jsx" 3.0.0 15 December 2009 */ //Places all of the pages of a multi-page PDF. // main(); function main(){ //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on. app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll; //Display a standard Open File dialog box. var myPDFFile = File.openDialog("Choose a PDF File"); if((myPDFFile != "")&&(myPDFFile != null)){ var myDocument, myPage; if(app.documents.length != 0){ var myTemp = myChooseDocument(); myDocument = myTemp[0]; myNewDocument = myTemp[1]; } else{ myDocument = app.documents.add(); myNewDocument = false; } alert(; if(myNewDocument == false){ myPage = myChoosePage(myDocument); } else{ myPage = myDocument.pages.item(0); } myPlacePDF(myDocument, myPage, myPDFFile); } } function myChooseDocument(){ var myDocumentNames = new Array; myDocumentNames.push("New Document"); //Get the names of the documents for(var myDocumentCounter = 0;myDocumentCounter < app.documents.length; myDocumentCounter++){ myDocumentNames.push(app.documents.item(myDocumentCounter).name); } var myChooseDocumentDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Choose a Document", canCancel:false}); with(myChooseDocumentDialog.dialogColumns.add()){ with(dialogRows.add()){ with(dialogColumns.add()){ staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Place PDF in:"}); } with(dialogColumns.add()){ var myChooseDocumentDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:myDocumentNames, selectedIndex:0}); } } } var myResult =; if(myResult == true){ if(myChooseDocumentDropdown.selectedIndex == 0){ myDocument = app.documents.add(); myNewDocument = true; } else{ myDocument = app.documents.item(myChooseDocumentDropdown.selectedIndex-1); myNewDocument = false; } myChooseDocumentDialog.destroy(); } else{ myDocument = ""; myNewDocument = ""; myChooseDocumentDialog.destroy(); } return [myDocument, myNewDocument]; } function myChoosePage(myDocument){ alert(; var myPageNames = new Array; //Get the names of the pages in the document for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter < myDocument.pages.length;myCounter++){ myPageNames.push(myDocument.pages.item(myCounter).name); } var myChoosePageDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Choose a Page", canCancel:false}); with(myChoosePageDialog.dialogColumns.add()){ with(dialogRows.add()){ with(dialogColumns.add()){ staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Place PDF on:"}); } with(dialogColumns.add()){ var myChoosePageDropdown = dropdowns.add({stringList:myPageNames, selectedIndex:0}); } } }; var myPage = myDocument.pages.item(myChoosePageDropdown.selectedIndex); myChoosePageDialog.destroy(); return myPage; } function myPlacePDF(myDocument, myPage, myPDFFile){ var myPDFPage; app.pdfPlacePreferences.pdfCrop = PDFCrop.cropMedia; var myCounter = 1; var myBreak = false; while(myBreak == false){ if(myCounter > 1){ myPage = myDocument.pages.add(LocationOptions.after, myPage); } app.pdfPlacePreferences.pageNumber = myCounter; myPDFPage =, [0,0])[0]; if(myCounter == 1){ var myFirstPage = myPDFPage.pdfAttributes.pageNumber; } else{ if(myPDFPage.pdfAttributes.pageNumber == myFirstPage){ myPage.remove(); myBreak = true; } } myCounter = myCounter + 1; } }
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