It is a pity that DrW has recently renounced the possibility of automatically generating a site map Well, the Site Map feature has been disabled rather than removed. If you're feeling adventurous, try From: Please note that the feature is no longer supported by Adobe or Dreamweaver. So please use the functionality with caution and care. Mac: 1. Go to your user folder > Library > Preferences 2. Open “Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 (or CS5) Prefs” in a Texteditor 3. Search for sitemap 4. Replace FALSE with TRUE 5. Save the file, restart DW Windows: 1. Click on start 2. Select Run 3. Type regedit and click ok -> the registry opens now 4. Select HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Adobe > Dreamweaver CS4 (or CS5) > Feature Management 5. In the right part of the window double click on Site map 6. Set Site map to True -> When you now start DW the site map is enabled again Once the sitemap setting has been changed to "TRUE": You access it from the "Files Panel", in the 2nd drop-down menu. (The one that has "local view" and "remote view".) You should now have a "map view". After changing the reg-key, To access "Set as home page": open the site files panel, click the small icon in top right corner that has a small down pointing arrow beside 4 or 5 horizontal lines, select Sites, and there it is.
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