This appears to work on Win7 and not on OS X in PSCC 2015.1.1 and is simply a UI problem, not a functionality problem. I haven't been able to fix this as I cannot get PSCC 2015.1.1 running on my Mac. The only work-around is to set IPP up in the configuration you want. "Save..." the settings xml file to your desktop. Edit the XML file to add the Action you want. For example, I added this line <action enabled="true" when="Before Image Resize" set="Default Actions" name="Sepia Toning (layer)"/> to a settings file to get this. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ImageProcessorProSettings> <input source="folder" includeSubFolders="false" path="C:\Users\xbytor\Desktop\Adobe\Processor Pro Test Images"/> <output path="C:\Users\xbytor\Desktop\Output Folder" subfolder="false" keepStructure="false" retainOriginal="true"/> <taskList> <task enabled="true" subfolderName="Set 1" colorProfile="sRGB IEC61966-2.1"> <saveOptions fileSaveType="jpg" jpgQuality="10" jpgEmbedColorProfile="true" jpgFormat="Standard" jpgConvertToSRGB="false" saveForWeb="false"/> <resizeOptions enabled="false"/> <action enabled="true" when="Before Image Resize" set="Default Actions" name="Sepia Toning (layer)"/> <namingOptions startingSerial="1">Name,-,yyyymmdd,upperCaseExtension</namingOptions> </task> </taskList> <preferences> <preserveFileName>false</preserveFileName> </preferences> <date>2015-12-29T10:43:08</date> <version>3.2b4</version> <uiPrefs> <lastSettingsFile>C:\Users\xbytor\Desktop\Test.xml</lastSettingsFile> </uiPrefs> </ImageProcessorProSettings> A simpler alternative is to get things setup in PSCC 2014.2.2, Save... the settings file to your desktop (or wherever), run PSCC 2015.1.1, Load... the settings file there and you should be good to go.
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