Combo boxes don't support the min, max, precision, or validate properties, contrary to what the documentation states in "Lightroom SDK 3.0\API Reference\modules\LrView edit view properties.html". Here's a test program that shows the problems: local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs' local LrView = import 'LrView' local f = LrView.osFactory() local text = f:static_text {} local function validate (view, value) text.title = "validate called from " .. view.label return true, value, nil end LrDialogs.presentModalDialog { title = "Test", contents = f:column { text, f:row { f:static_text {title = "numeric:"}, f:edit_field {min = 1, max = 10, precision = 0}}, f:row { f:static_text {title = "numeric:"}, f:combo_box {min = 1, max = 10, precision = 0, items = {1, 2, 3}}}, f:row { f:static_text {title = "validate:"}, f:edit_field {validate = validate, label = "edit_field"}}, f:row { f:static_text {title = "validate:"}, f:combo_box {validate = validate, label = "combo_box", items = {1, 2, 3}}}}} I've reported this via the Web form.
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