Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Nov 18, 2016
08:34 AM
Glad that worked for you! Yes, in general the closer and better lit your face is, the better your results will be. Zoom controls is an interesting idea, thanks for the suggestion!
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‎Nov 18, 2016
08:32 AM
For now, no. But the tracking dots are never going to be 100% perfect, although most of the time they seem to get you in the ballpark of what you're going for. The closer and more well lit you are, the better it should be. And again, I highly suggest doing mouse eye gaze adjustment if you're working on a recorded piece - I find I have more precise control that way.
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‎Nov 17, 2016
11:17 AM
Currently no, but it has been asked enough to be put on our backlog. Someone once did figure out a way to trigger stuff with some third party program (press X to trigger both the CH trigger and a sound in another app), but I don't remember what it was.
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‎Nov 17, 2016
09:32 AM
Yep, check out 16:00 into this video:
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‎Nov 17, 2016
09:29 AM
Correct. Higher sensitivity/strength means you need to move less for your puppet to move more. 0% means no movement, 100+% means more movement.
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‎Nov 17, 2016
09:27 AM
If I remember correctly there is a bug when you only have one eye. The puppet panel properties are the defaults; the puppet-in-a-scene properties start as defaults but then you can further tweak them in that instance. So you could have multiple versions of the puppet in your scene with slightly different values if need be.
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‎Nov 16, 2016
11:27 AM
Camera strength changes how much the eyes should move based off of the camera. So if you're not getting enough movement, bump this up. If you're still not getting enough left/right movement, you could also try making the eyeballs longer (since they're hidden below anyway). That will give them more space. A test I like to do is arming Eye Gaze > Mouse & Touch Input and then dragging to see the full range. Yes, smoothing makes the animation less jittery; at max it will feel more slow and floaty. And yes, the Face smoothing will affect everything in those Face properties.
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‎Nov 16, 2016
10:22 AM
What eyeball shape do you have below the eye cutouts? Changing that might change the pupil bounds. I'd also play with the eye gaze camera strength. Worst case scenario, I usually do one camera pass with camera tracked eyes and then add/blend some mouse-tracked eye movement over top.
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‎Nov 15, 2016
04:48 PM
Just to follow up on this, Joe helped us find a bug. Bottom line: don't name your layers with four periods in a row until the next release!
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‎Nov 15, 2016
11:17 AM
Thanks for the megalist! In the puppet panel, the visible mesh should match the yellow line that appears to the right of the crowns, depending on what's selected. This video talks a little more about this: https://youtu.be/nlcLp47lGiY?t=8m17s​. If you're talking about a live show mesh view, then yes, you will just see everything together - maybe color differentiation would be nice here. Agreed, we've talked about this too - having some kind of performer view that shows important stuff like draggable handles, key triggers, etc. We've heard this node request as well a few times - I'll add your name to the pile. Glad you figured this out. I'd say 99% of the characters I see are okay here, with the head connected to the body (or just making everything one big head group). Draggables should move with the artwork. I've heard of users putting draggables in the head, for instance, to add more movement to it. Stay tuned, we have some cool stuff around this that will probably be in the next release. Yeah, this is an interesting and challenging one. You could kinda do this currently - make two alternative versions of the puppet and bring them both into a scene. Agreed, we've talked about this before, whether it's onion skinning or something else. No 3D tracking data export...yet. Thanks!
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‎Nov 15, 2016
10:52 AM
Yes, the 3 you listed are the only camera-controlled ones. Those only appear if there's silence. Currently I think the tracking dots work pretty well most of the time, but if there's something that feels off let us know. Good luck!
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‎Nov 15, 2016
08:47 AM
Are the eyeball and pupil at the same level as the blink? If so, you might need to add an extra level of depth to the blink. So for example, check out the Example Characters 1-4 here: Adobe Creative Cloud. They have a "Lids" folder that blink is inside - so that way the blink will only hide the stuff in that level/group - not the eyeball and pupil in the group above.
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‎Nov 15, 2016
08:41 AM
It should work. See the Wilk character here, his profile eyes will move if you turn the mouse control on: Adobe Creative Cloud Maybe something isn't tagged the right way? Are the eyes moving as you'd expect via the camera?
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‎Nov 15, 2016
08:34 AM
Yes, CH listens for 60+ sounds and translates them into the 11 different visemes, or mouth shapes. In our tests this got significantly better results than trying to track the mouth shape. Yes, live and imported audio are treated the same. Seth definitely goes nuts for me if you crank up mouth strength to 500%. And the default Photoshop/Illustrator Blue guy, Stannie, should do it as well (you'll see different results depending on if the mouth is independent or not). Maybe you have an older version of the character? Latest is here: Adobe Creative Cloud
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‎Nov 14, 2016
04:01 PM
No. Hide Siblings was changed to "Hide Others In Group" to be clearer in the latest version (Beta 5).
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‎Nov 14, 2016
03:46 PM
Can you post the puppet here or DM it to me please? File > Export > Puppet on Google Drive / Dropbox / Creative Cloud / etc.
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‎Nov 14, 2016
12:25 PM
Is the website blocked in your region? If so, please let me know because we'd like to fix it - we just did a launch event in China. If you DM me I can send you the files another way.
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‎Nov 14, 2016
12:21 PM
1 Upvote
The live sessions were a fun experiment, but I think the Tips & Tricks format works a little better currently - it's edited more to condense the information into a tighter package. I do have some ideas for future live events in the future though, stay tuned1
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‎Nov 14, 2016
12:19 PM
1. The louder and clearer the mic signal is without clipping, the better. Note in Lip Sync there is an option for "Keyboard Input" - if this is on, then when you press the first letter of each of those mouth sounds, it will trigger them. For extra stuff like frowns, yells, etc - we do recommend making these their own custom key-triggered layers. And Monika is correct about the current 3 webcam-controlled behaviors. We may add more in the future, but we have found that many users prefer the reliability of key triggers (press F to frown as opposed to frowning to trigger and not seeing it if the lighting/angle/etc is off). 2. You should be able to hear previous recordings, so it's possible the input/output settings may be not set up correctly. Check Character Animator > Preferences to edit audio preferences. If I record audio I listen via headphones so it won't get picked up on the microphone and add extra noise.
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‎Nov 14, 2016
11:50 AM
Most people seem to treat this as a support forum more than a chat forum, so I think the majority of users are only coming here when they get stuck on something. But maybe that will change as we grow, who knows...
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‎Nov 11, 2016
09:50 AM
For all eye functionality, yes. But we try to accommodate all eye types. For example, several of my characters just have pupils. I'd say the eyes and mouth are the trickiest and most complex parts. If it's helpful, i've added some links to a simple blank PSD template and simple Head PSD template below our puppets on the examples page.
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‎Nov 11, 2016
09:10 AM
The reason that is happening is because you don't have a right blink layer in there. You either need that or set Face > Eyelid strength to 0%.
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‎Nov 11, 2016
09:09 AM
Eyeball is not a tag, correct. Yes, pupils will try to stay inside the pupil range. Yes, currently only groups can be made independent.
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‎Nov 11, 2016
08:22 AM
Sounds like a creative cloud issue. Does restarting your computer help? If not, try: Troubleshoot Adobe Creative Cloud download and install issues
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‎Nov 11, 2016
08:19 AM
Several things look different from the video: 1. Call the top level +Max (add a plus). 2. Drag the Head and Body into +Max, currently they're outside. 3. Delete the background layer.
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‎Nov 11, 2016
08:18 AM
If you name something left or right eyeball, it will automatically get tagged as left or right pupil size. That is essentially what the eyeball is for CH - a bounding area for the pupil.
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‎Nov 10, 2016
10:55 AM
File > Export > Puppet. Upload to Google Drive / Dropbox / Creative Cloud / etc. Post link here or DM me privately. Thanks!
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‎Nov 10, 2016
10:37 AM
1 Upvote
We're in the process of rewriting many of these help docs. Several of those terms, like subpuppets and skins and siblings, we have changed to simpler stuff in the latest version. In general though, help docs / instruction manuals are always going to be a little more dry and detailed. I would turn to YouTube tutorials (and not just mine, there are quite a few CH ones out there now) to help translate these into more visual, walkthrough-based terms.
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‎Nov 10, 2016
10:34 AM
1. Best option for a reset is in the history window. Window > History. Just highlight the first thing in the list and you'll rewind to the start. 2. In the puppet panel some properties (track item behaviors) have a little menu icon next to them - you can remove or hide them in the scene from there. 3. The puppet values are a foundation, the defaults for your puppet. Yes, there is no X - you determine the defaults for what works best with your art. Once you're in a scene, that X means "restore to default" - whatever you've set originally in the puppet panel.
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‎Nov 10, 2016
10:26 AM
1 Upvote
Agreed, that would be super cool. That does have a lot of custom artwork, the way the hands flip, the dimensionality as she sways, etc - it's a pretty big technical hurdle to make motion capture translate to something as polished in 2D as that. But we will see! I'm an optimist.
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