Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Jan 24, 2025
09:15 AM
If this is happening with every puppet, I feel like it has to be a permissions issue. Does CH have full read/write access of these folders? What happens if you download a character from adobe.com/go/chexamples, does that work?
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‎Jan 24, 2025
09:12 AM
1. Select puppet in puppet panel.
2. Edit > Duplicate.
3. Save a separate copy of the character PSD or AI file. Like, Chloe2.psd.
4. In CH, select the puppet in RIg mode.
5. Click the blue art link in the right properties.
6. Select the new Chloe2.psd file.
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‎Jan 24, 2025
09:09 AM
Yeah at quick glance it looks like you have things set up correctly! If it's possible to share your File > Export > Puppet we can take a closer look!
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‎Jan 24, 2025
09:02 AM
Yeah, it's probably looking for the old path. The safest way to move projects is:
1. File > Copy Media Files into Project Folder (this gets all loose files scattered around your machine).
2. File > Save Project As (save everything in a new place)
3. Zip all the contents up and send them over.
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‎Jan 24, 2025
09:00 AM
1 Upvote
In this case I would turn auto arm bend off and use the stopwatch icons to keyframe specific reverse methods if you want them. Any parameter with a stopwatch can be keyframed and included in your replays!
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‎Aug 27, 2024
10:55 AM
Unfortunately yes, I haven't heard of any progress on this bug. I'm really sorry; I know it's frustrating to have something working and become a critical part of your workflow and then break like this. My limited understanding is that the bug is more complex than it may seem on the surface, but I don't know the specifics under the hood.
The workaround I would recommend would be what we show in the recent Express Animation tutorial. Basically, your triggered Replays become your different poses and you swap between them to achieve the pose-to-pose look. If you only wanted the head you could make a set of Face-only replays and then do the other things like arms and lip sync separately. The blend handles between poses would equate to the duration / smoothness of the transition between poses. This system is essentially what we do when creating Express characters with "automatic" animation. I know it's not the same, as pose-to-pose just worked in the background without needing this more manual setup, but it should ultimately achieve a similar effect.
Again, I'm sorry this bug has lingered for over a year without a clear fix. If anything changes I will udpate this thread, but my recommendation for the forseeable future would be to explore different workflows.
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‎Aug 26, 2024
02:33 PM
1 Upvote
Make sure you have a valid PSD file and in Character Animator go to File > Import. You will need to be in Pro mode for this - click the upper right corner and switch from Starter to Pro if needed. If the problem persists, please upload a video or screenshot of your issue and we'll try to help you out.
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‎Aug 14, 2024
11:38 AM
1 Upvote
Yeah I hear you. Right now most behaviors like Face, dragger, and Motion Library are based around mesh deformation, mainly for speed and ease of use. We have always wanted to support more complex rigs, and I think to truly do this we would need a clearer parent/child system. Maybe one day! Thanks for the feedback!
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‎Aug 13, 2024
12:55 PM
Yeah, the system in the secrets video in the linked thread is the best bet for segmented arms. But if you don't want deformation in CH, your main avenue is using as many sticks as humanly possible + Limb IK, and even then I think you're not going to get at the same level of precision and everything matchin up as you would using nulls and rotations in AE. So for this system AE might be a better fit IMO.
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‎Aug 12, 2024
10:24 AM
Has this always happened - aka, have you never been able to open up Puppet Maker on this machine? Does the rest of CH work okay for you?
Did you try the suggestion of "Try quitting, then relaunch holding down the Alt key. That should open a fresh empty project."?
There is also a chance that there is an administrative setting that is causing trouble, like if this is a school or work computer.
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‎Aug 06, 2024
01:02 PM
Good question. This is not very common; if you edit the 2 pre-existing replays you'll see they are much simpler (only 3 tracks each). I believe with shareables CH is still seeing these as their own layers/instances, and continuing to accomodate for all of them. I can see this with Ninja even if I just try to add one keyframe from a Transform behavior added to like the mask or something, where I will still see 5 layers and then the keyframe below. Unfortunately I think this is just the way shareables work - CH treats them as if they weren't actually shared and they're all repeated layers. I don't think anything changes if you apply your edits to the original shareable, but I might be wrong (I don't use them often!).
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‎Jul 29, 2024
05:19 PM
1 Upvote
In rig mode, select your puppet in the project panel and look in the upper right. You can change to always render as vector or up the resolution to 400% of the original. Also make sure your scene is at 100% and character is scaled at 100% - anything higher is going to have artifacting.
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‎Jul 29, 2024
11:57 AM
1 Upvote
Usually this is done by adding a draggable handle to the Head group. You can try this with Chloe from the homepage example puppets - if you add draggable to her head group, you can drag her all over the scene.
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‎Jun 24, 2024
09:47 AM
Make a copy of the original artwork file in PS or AI (like Chlose2.psd).
Make a copy of the puppet in the CH project panel.
Select the puppet copy in the project panel and click the blue link in the right properties.
Pick the new artwork file and click OK.
The puppet should update with all your rigging intact.
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‎Jun 24, 2024
09:42 AM
1 Upvote
Baker might not be the best template because he is so Replay-based, meaning he has a ton of premade animations that are specific to his body type. Swapping in your own artwork probably won't work great, so I'd reccommend starting from scratch and using Baker's rigging as a guide for better results.
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‎Jun 24, 2024
09:40 AM
1 Upvote
If you recorded the arms with the Dragger behavior and want to see them while you move your head, try turning the red dot next to them off in the properties panel on the right. This video goes into recording a little deeper: https://youtu.be/XolxHNixBpA?si=wngUfnqz5nWCIOcx
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‎Jun 06, 2024
05:53 PM
1 Upvote
I think of Motion Library as a bunch of one-off gestures. So many of them don't continue moving when they "finish," they restart and do the take over and over again.
You could use the normal Walk behavior to get around this, or you could keep duplicating and blending the same take to have the character keep walking to the side. I just tried with with Sam on the home screen of the app and it worked, she kept starting and stopping.
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‎Apr 15, 2024
02:08 PM
Okay so what's interesting there is I see .04 sec listed in that dialog.
Can you please go to TImeline > Enable Work Area and make sure it's unchecked?
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‎Apr 12, 2024
11:03 AM
Sounds like you're running into issues with Walk. The Walk behavior is a simulation similar to Physics, so the effects aren't backed into your timeline, they're simulated when you scrub or playback. So your character might seem like they're jumping around. I would imagine if you removed Walk this won't be a problem anymore.
Even so, Walk will not affect the X and Y Transform values, it's completely separate - so if I try the Eliza example from your other thread and do psotion based walking with her, my Transform X/Y positions are still always 0. My guess is there is a rogue keyframe or trigger or something somewhere causing issues.
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‎Apr 12, 2024
10:55 AM
How are you exporting? Through Adobe Media Encoder or just the share icon? It looks like CH is saying your scene is 30 seconds long, but my guess is the export is cutting it off for some reason.
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‎Apr 12, 2024
10:53 AM
Try going in the History panel and move back several steps and see if the message persists. Usually this comes up when there's some kind of illegal action, like some rigging setup that has two conflicing elements, and going back several steps should alleviate it.
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‎Apr 12, 2024
10:51 AM
Yeah, the origin (green circle thing called Right arm) is where your arm will rotate around. Changing that position should help determine how and where it rotates from. It also looks like your elbow tag is outside of your arm - I would move that to where the elbow actually is. And finally I would play with hinge vs. weld attach styles when you have your arm selected in the upper right corner - one might work better for your character than the other. Adding the shoulder tag as suggested should help with Limb IK calculations as well.
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‎Apr 12, 2024
10:35 AM
1 Upvote
It may be difficult to follow, but walking between two locations is exactly what it's showing. The steps are:
Click the stopwatch next to Walk > Position to create a keyframe.
Drag the blue Position number so the character is on one side of the screen.
Move the playhead to another time (in the video this is 5 seconds).
Drag the blue Position number again so the character is on the other side of the screen.
Play the sequence and, if rigged correctly, the character will walk from one position to the next.
Adjust the keyframes to be closer or farther apart to adjust walk speed.
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‎Apr 11, 2024
02:34 PM
That's the issue - you need to use the psotion keyframe in the Walk behavior, not Transform. See how I do this in the video above.
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‎Feb 12, 2024
09:54 AM
1 Upvote
In Rig mode you can drag whatever layer you want on the controls. A common practice is to make an invisible folder called "Icons" in the stomach of the character and put all your icon art in there.
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‎Feb 12, 2024
09:01 AM
Huh interesting, I'm not sure why the controls panel is doing one thing and the key is doing another - I don't think I've seen that before. My best guess is that something in the swap sets are competing with each other, particularly since you have the same keys in multiple swap sets and different default states in each as well.
I'm not sure how much individual control you want, but you could try combining multiple layers into a single swap set instead of all the multiples. So if you drag an trigger over another one, it will combine the two. Then you could potentially make one giant "poses" swap set that includes all your different states so you can always ensure that you are only seeing one of those states at a time. This is how we set up the Animate from Audio puppets for Adobe Express - they are a big swap set that we swap between individual poses.
Hope that helps!
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‎Jan 10, 2024
08:49 AM
Usually this kind of thing happens if a file is too large and/or has too many behaviors and the computer can't handle it in realtime. You can test behaviors performance by turning off their red dots and see if performance improves. Physics, Body, and Head/Body Turner are three that tend to drain a lot of resources. I would also take a look at your PSD or AI file and see how big it is compared to example puppets. If there is any optimization you can do by flattening layers or simplifying things that helps too (and also make sure your resolution is 72dpi). Hope that helps!
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‎Jan 09, 2024
01:40 PM
Yes, unfortunately there is no way to do this - the "Chicken Blaster" example on the homescreen (last example puppet) is kind of the limits of particles in CH, where they can shoot and bump into other objects - but there is no triggering on impact or anything like that.
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‎Nov 10, 2023
09:29 AM
1 Upvote
So this is a pretty complex setup with so many characters and background elements. And that walk thing I showed in the video was always a bit of a hack. Basically what is happening here is when you add additional tags to your background layer, it is thinking those are part of the leg, so it starts to move as if it was a leg - which is why you see the acceleration/deceleration happening, as if the leg was moving back and forth.
You may be able to add additional walk behaviors to each background character group, which could help give them each their own walk to deal with. But these kind of nested puppets can run into their own issues, where you might not get all the behaviors and triggers you're expecting.
Another way to potentially do it would be to make the animal puppets separately as their own isolated rigs, get them working how you want, and then bring them in separately, dragging them into your background rig.
A final option would be to simplify the background characters into some kind of cycle layers sequence or replay where they don't rely as much on live behaviors.
If this was for a recording, yes, this would be a lot easier compositing all this stuff in Premiere or After Effects, but the live aspect does make it more complex (I've never tried anything exactly like this). Hope these tips help!
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‎Oct 26, 2023
09:50 AM
Thanks for the bug - I noticed this recently too. We're looking into it.
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