Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Oct 24, 2023
11:09 AM
1 Upvote
I think this is also a YouTube comment I just replied to, but: Blink will basically make everything else at its same hierarchy level disappear when it gets triggered. In this case, I think I put it there because I want the blink lids to make any other lids disappear when it's triggered, so you don't have two sets of lids overlapping each other. Or some people turn blinks off completely and do them as manual triggers. Your call!
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‎Oct 17, 2023
10:15 AM
You do have the option of selecting a replay, going to Edit > Copy, and then pasting it on the timeline. Personally this feels a little too messy to me as it adds a track for everything, whereas a trigger would only be one track.
Alternatively, triggers also don't need a key - one workaround would be to use the Controls panel instead (usually tabbed next to Triggers), where you can make as many trigger buttons as you want.
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‎Oct 06, 2023
09:31 AM
Here's what it looks like when I try it:
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‎Oct 05, 2023
01:48 PM
1 Upvote
My guess is 6 simultaneous characters is causing performance issues. If you click the eyeballs in the timeline for all the dancers except one, does it run smoother? You may want to consider exporting out the characters individually as PNG sequences (File > Export > PNG sequence and Wav file) and then bring those into Premiere or After Effects — I think those should be able to run things smoother because they're dealing with flat footage, not realtime performance capture.
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‎Oct 05, 2023
01:41 PM
Thanks for the feedback! All great ideas.
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‎Oct 05, 2023
01:40 PM
Have you tried changing Limb IK pinning to the behavior instead of puppet? Not sure if it will help for your case but it's the first thing I could think of to keep a hand attached to something while moving a puppet around it.
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‎Oct 05, 2023
01:35 PM
1 Upvote
This video might help: https://youtu.be/7pgm_u4VkQk?si=JCfFzyLFOzXDUY0O&t=180
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‎Oct 05, 2023
01:34 PM
If Dragger has a red dot next to it in the right properties, it's ready to record. So if you drag the leg into a new position and do a 2 frame take, it should make a new Dragger take in your timeline. Is it doing that?
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‎Oct 05, 2023
01:33 PM
Could you please File > Export > Puppet, and upload/share your .puppet file (via Google Drive, Dropbox, Creative Cloud, etc.) here so we can take a closer look?
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‎Sep 05, 2023
11:55 AM
I use Fresco for most of my characters nowadays. It can be a little tedious dividing everything into layers, but in the end it feels like the most natural way to make a character to me. I would try it with a simple character to start and see how it goes!
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‎Jun 13, 2023
08:42 AM
A reinstall of the latest version should work - let us know if it doesn't.
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‎Jun 02, 2023
04:56 PM
1 Upvote
Here's what I was able to find out:
"If the shared puppet belonged to one that's still in the project updating that original link might work? We intentionally hide the link on a shared bit because the semantics around reconciling shared puppets are very complicated without the context of its original puppet and its document coordinate system. If the project no longer contains the original puppet (based on project view maybe?) it was shared from, then I think maybe it won't work anymore unfortunately."
So if updating the original puppet link doesn't seem to do anything, then yes, I would probably say unfortunately re-rigging is probably your best bet.
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‎Jun 02, 2023
11:41 AM
Ah I see what you mean now. Let me ask the team if they have any additional insight.
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‎Jun 01, 2023
11:46 AM
1 Upvote
I haven't used shareable puppets a lot so I'm not sure what the best method may be...
If I take a sample puppet like Chad and make his eyeball shared, then open the eyeball in Rig mode, I do see the option to "Reset layer" if I right click on anything. Are you able to do this?
I wonder if you take wherever the eyebrow should be in there or the corresponding group in the puppet and reset to see it? I would first save a File > Export > Puppet backup because resetting will remove rigging.
Let us know if none of this works and we can try to take a closer look.
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‎Feb 21, 2023
11:28 AM
Yep! I did a tutorial about this a while back: https://youtu.be/ja7bVr4kHCU?t=1111
You can open any puppet file by opening up Character Animator and going to File > Import and opening the .puppet file. In Pro mode, you can click the PS icon in the project panel to open up the original PSD file.
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‎Feb 07, 2023
11:10 AM
Ah true, she has that back hair group that is counting on the head being dependent.
Yes, in general, the way a recommended rig in CH works is the body moves with the head. Your best bet is to play with the Face strength settings under the behavior to get what you're looking for. Face > Position Strength is probably the most prominent case of head = body movement, dialing that down can help a lot.
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‎Feb 07, 2023
09:49 AM
If you make the Head group independent (crown icon) it will move without the body, but it will look pretty detached.
I also removed the screenshots from before as requested.
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‎Feb 07, 2023
09:46 AM
Could you please File > Export > Puppet, and upload/share your .puppet file as a shared link (via Google Drive, Dropbox, Creative Cloud, etc.)? Hard to diagnose with the screenshot alone.
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‎Feb 07, 2023
01:49 AM
Thanks for the feedback! I worry about button overload trying to have a button for each possible scenario. In our internal user tests, we found Record One Motion was the simplest and most understandable starting point of getting something tangible in the timeline, and then users can modify that instance by trimming/expanding to meet their needs. The point I like from what you bring up is maybe a general timeline shortcut or tool to expand a selected take to fit a work area - that could be useful in numerous areas!
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‎Feb 07, 2023
01:42 AM
Fresco actually does have nesting! Drag a layer on top of another one and you'll see lines appear below it, indicating a group. Names also appear if you click the layer properties. It's not as direct as Photoshop, but it's at least a start in the right direction! I'm also loving Fresco and we hope to do more with it in the future.
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‎Feb 07, 2023
01:38 AM
Thanks! This is definitely something we'll be adding to some of the launch characters. If you have further suggestions of other culturally relevant headwear, please let us know!
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‎Feb 06, 2023
09:22 AM
1 Upvote
Sorry to hear that - I have not heard of that crash. When it happens, please send the crash report dialog that should pop up with notes - that will go directly to the developers and help us fix the issue for future releases.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
08:31 AM
1 Upvote
AFAIK there is still no current way to do this. Thanks for the feedback - I would love this one day as well!
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‎Jan 10, 2023
09:38 AM
I'll copy my response to your similar YouTube comment here: So I believe the way this works is that behaviors are carried through to view tags. So when you name something frontal or left profile, that gets tagged as a new "view" and everything inside it should work the same as any other view. Because we don't have a back view, my best guess is that view wasn't tagged, and so it's not working as expected. If you tag the back folder as an additional view you're not using, like left quarter, then I think it should work.
If not, please post here or DM me your File > Export > Puppet and we'll take a closer look.
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‎Jan 04, 2023
09:46 AM
Figgy uses parallax, which is just one continuous motion and can't be triggered in views like front / quarter / profile. You would need the Head Turner behavior for that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1wbw6-7zM4
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‎Jan 04, 2023
09:34 AM
Yes. In streaming software like OBS you can layer CH characters on top of any source, like a webcam or screen capture. https://youtu.be/0Va3_e-4bKE?t=696
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‎Jan 04, 2023
09:32 AM
Thanks for the feedback!
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‎Jan 04, 2023
09:32 AM
You can create custom keyboard shortcuts for many actions, but I don't believe individual behavior arming/disarming is one of them.
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‎Jan 04, 2023
09:30 AM
The Intro to Rigging Pack here has a ton of basic characters you can build on top of: https://pages.adobe.com/character/en/resources
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‎Nov 30, 2022
09:52 AM
Yep, agreed - it's not ideal and it's a situation we've faced for a few different behaviors. I believe this is a processing issue, as making the simulation is easier/quicker than needing to know how every frame in a render will look. We have discussed the idea in the past of having some kind of command to "bake in" or commit certain simulations to the timeline, but it hasn't been prioritized yet.
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