Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Nov 10, 2016
10:22 AM
Swimmingly. I see what you did there. It looks like there's a behavior added to the top Duck folder - what is that? Wondering if it's hiding him with cycle layers or something. Worst case scenario, can you export a .puppet file and share it so I can take a closer look?
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‎Nov 09, 2016
04:30 PM
Check this out: http://adobe.ly/297v7Wg That has the "Max" character from that tutorial, as well as a "BlankTemplate.psd" that you can fill your character in with.
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‎Nov 09, 2016
12:48 PM
Currently no way to move the layer to the right but thanks for the suggestion!
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‎Nov 09, 2016
10:21 AM
Does this happen even with a fresh new project and import? Does this happen just with this puppet, or all puppets you try to open (like Puppet > New Puppet in Photoshop)? Are you able to post here or DM me your .puppet file? Select puppet in project panel, go to File > Export > Puppet, upload to Google Drive / Dropbox / Creative Cloud?
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‎Nov 09, 2016
10:06 AM
Good luck! 1. Yes - press return/enter to rename anything in the project panel. 2. Not for old files. This was just added into the latest Beta 5 release for the first time with .puppet files. 3. No take copying across scenes yet, but we've heard this request several times - I'll add your voice to the pile.
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‎Nov 09, 2016
09:48 AM
See "applying tags to a handle" at the bottom here: Adobe Character Animator Help | Editing Puppet Structure The difference is layers (artwork/groups/etc) and handles (data/information). Not something you really need to worry about that much to be honest!
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‎Nov 09, 2016
09:43 AM
Yes, if you want to do closeups at any point, you'll probably want to make your character master artwork bigger in size. I wouldn't go with 150ppi - 72 should be enough for screen-based media.
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‎Nov 09, 2016
09:41 AM
No save in CH is necessary, but it is in Photoshop. Not sure about why one tagged and one didn't, that didn't happen for me when I tried to recreate it. Strange.
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‎Nov 09, 2016
08:30 AM
1. Yes, this is how all dynamic linking works across Adobe apps. You need to save. 2. Press return/enter over a layer name in CH to rename. 3. Your Right & Left eye groups are blank. If there's no artwork inside there, there's nothing to tag.
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‎Nov 09, 2016
08:25 AM
1 Upvote
In the project panel in CH, click your scene (with the little clapboard icon). Look to the right in the properties panel and you will see scene dimensions. See 5:05 here:
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‎Nov 09, 2016
08:22 AM
If I remember correctly, Preview 4 (or Beta 5) should install in a new separate folder? But it sounds like you went through the process before and that didn't happen...It's been a while so I don't remember for sure. Maybe save a backup zipped copy of it just in case? Unless you have a large production currently in Preview 3, I would suggest upgrading to Beta 5. Yes, re-regging characters isn't fun - I had to do it with all 20+ of mine - but the speed/performance increases and new features like dynamic link and shareable .puppet files feel undeniably worth it to me. Your call though!
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‎Nov 09, 2016
08:14 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, I think this is entirely possible one day. But we'll see how technology evolves and what users are asking for the most.
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‎Nov 08, 2016
04:14 PM
Yep, we're trying a bunch of things in top secret labs. Stay tuned.
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‎Nov 08, 2016
09:46 AM
Thanks for the suggestions! This is essentially what we did in the Adobe MAX "Make Your Own Monster" lab in San Diego this past week, and I hope to do a video version of it soon.
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‎Nov 08, 2016
09:34 AM
1 Upvote
Basically, if you don't have Right Blink or Left Blink layers, go to Face > Eyelid Strength and change that to 0% - that will stop your character from blinking completely.
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‎Nov 08, 2016
09:32 AM
1 Upvote
We'd love to eventually include this. Currently most standard webcams are not going to be reliable enough to deal with this sort of thing, unfortunately - we've done tests! As technology improves (for example, depth-sensing cameras like the Microsoft Kinect), more complete motion tracking could be possible. I think this is a logical path you can expect CH to go in the future.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
05:05 PM
This is usually from making stuff independent - adding the + in PS/AI or the crown icon in CH - when you don't need to. In the puppet panel if you see crowns next to stuff like left/right eye, nose, mouth, face background - try removing them. The only plusses/crowns you really need are for the pupils, eyebrows, and top character group. If that doesn't work, feel free to post or DM me an exported .puppet file and I can take a closer look.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
03:48 PM
1 Upvote
Currently there isn't a great way. I've heard some users mention that bending the sticks a certain way, like inwards or outwards in a triangle shape towards the direction you want them to bend, can help, but I still have an issue (and open bug report) with this for certain kinds of arms. This will be fixed in the future. Worst case scenario, if this is for recording and not live, you could add a second draggable handle to the elbow to help reposition it correctly.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
03:45 PM
The distortion was happening because there were no blink layers and eyelid strength was still 100%. Try this: Adobe Creative Cloud
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‎Nov 07, 2016
10:51 AM
1 Upvote
That's a great idea - I'll do that in a future tutorial or tips episode (full app walkthrough). Yeah, help docs can get difficult to parse sometimes - I stick to the videos.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
09:20 AM
Yes. If you name the layers the exact same as the tags you see in the "Tags" panel in CH, they will be automatically tagged that way upon import.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
09:18 AM
Yes, Prepare artwork in Adobe Character Animator is your best bet. Currently there isn't much more outside of that besides motion trigger and the draggable / fixed / etc handles so you're really not missing anything critical.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
05:50 AM
There currently isn't a syphon-like equivalent in CH on Windows, but it is being worked on. You could still use OBS to do live streaming, but it would have to be a window capture or something of the CH scene panel, so it's not as slick as syphon.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
05:47 AM
I'm asking the rest of the team to see if there are any known issues here. Thanks for the detailed report.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
05:45 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the suggestion! Keyframing has a lot of benefits and we realize that performance capture isn't the best for every type of animation. You might see something like this pop up in a future version - thanks!
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‎Nov 07, 2016
05:43 AM
Hmm. I'll ask the rest of the team. I don't believe anything was changed with the camera other than that connected camera messaging as text.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
05:40 AM
You can import as many PSDs / AIs as you want, and can drag them together to create a franken-puppet of sorts. So I could have and eyes.psd that I mix with a mouth.ai on a bird.psd. This is even easier now with the new shareable puppet filetype. Also, for the original question - grouping in Illustrator can be weird. I always select the parts I want on the canvas, not the layer panel, and group from there.
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‎Nov 07, 2016
05:36 AM
Yeah this is a bug. Basically what is happening is that when you add substantial artwork like arms or something, you're essentially changing the origin points of stuff like the Head or Body because you're changing its dimensions to make it a little wider or lower or whatever. For some reason sometimes CH doesn't always figure it out and does this instead. Reimporting, unfortunately, is usually your best bet. Thanks for your input - we'll hopefully fix this soon.
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‎Nov 06, 2016
06:24 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, we've heard this several times before and would love to have more of this stuff. We're getting a lot of face data, and there's definitely still a lot we could extract from that. "More expressive parts" is definitely on the roadmap, with the eyes and mouth especially. Thanks!
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‎Nov 06, 2016
06:20 AM
Thanks for the suggestion! I'll add it to the list of potential features.
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