Chuck Uebele
Community Expert
Chuck Uebele
Community Expert
‎Jun 12, 2012
07:50 AM
var idsetd = charIDToTypeID( "setd" ); var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor(); var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" ); var ref2 = new ActionReference(); var idPrpr = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" ); var idPbkO = charIDToTypeID( "PbkO" ); ref2.putProperty( idPrpr, idPbkO ); var idcapp = charIDToTypeID( "capp" ); var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" ); var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" ); ref2.putEnumerated( idcapp, idOrdn, idTrgt ); desc3.putReference( idnull, ref2 ); var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T " ); var desc4 = new ActionDescriptor(); var idperformance = stringIDToTypeID( "performance" ); var idperformance = stringIDToTypeID( "performance" ); var idaccelerated = stringIDToTypeID( "accelerated" ); desc4.putEnumerated( idperformance, idperformance, idaccelerated ); var idPbkO = charIDToTypeID( "PbkO" ); desc3.putObject( idT, idPbkO, desc4 ); executeAction( idsetd, desc3, DialogModes.NO );
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‎May 24, 2012
08:12 AM
For our database, we create an XML file from the photos raw data, then the database can use the xml to extract whatever field it needs. activeDocument.xmpMetadata.rawData
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‎May 24, 2012
07:55 AM
First of all, I would use a different variable for each folder. Dependiing upon the file type you want to save, you need to define the files parameters. For example if you're saving jpgs: docRef = activeDocument var jpgOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions(); jpgOptions.quality = 10; docRef.saveAs (new File(myFolder +'/' + docRef.name.split('.')[0] + '.jpg'), jpgOptions);
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‎May 15, 2012
05:29 AM
I just got an okay to release the note on the fill scripts. I don't see a place to attach a file on this forum, so I'll post it on your other post in ps-scripts.com.
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‎May 13, 2012
01:53 PM
I'm sure we can. The Adobe engineer responsible for the scripts is away from his office for a bit, so they might have to wait for him to return. From my interaction with him, he seems to really want feedback on these scripts and how to improve them, so I don't think it will be an issue, but I just need to go through the proper channels.
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‎May 12, 2012
08:10 AM
When you get values such as docRef.width, it adds the unit values ie: px. Sometimes it's best to strip out all the unit values and just work with numbers, so use parseFloat() or parseInt().
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‎May 12, 2012
08:05 AM
You can also remove the color samplers so that you can keep taking readings. I've done this to create an XML file of various sample points to be used later by another script.
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‎May 12, 2012
07:49 AM
I answered this question also on the ps-scripts forum, but will answer it here also. Adobe is checking for me to see if they can release the notes on programing the deco fill. Perhaps they will respond to this post with the location of the document. As far as changing the pattern within the fill script, it is not possible at this point. I asked the the Adobe engineer about this and he said no. I came up with a work around by creating a UI that rewrites the deco script based on the values set in the UI. Xbytor gave me the idea on how to do this. There is also another way, which Paul Riggott also came up with a way to get variables into the deco script using a UI by using $.setenv(). Anyway I created a loop that only renders a random set of patterns. The script then reruns and lets you change the pattern. It's not perfect, but it does the job. You can try my script by downloading it here: Download You can also see some examples of what I've done with the script here. Paul and some others are working on modifying these scripts, which includes having the patterns follow a path. This is not in my script yet.
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‎Feb 22, 2012
05:36 AM
One issue I just noticed was that I didn't define the units. However, even without a resize, the orignial script was hanging when trying to save. It would not run the PS supplied Image Processor script either. Will check it out again today. We've changed a lot of the permissions on the computer, so maybe it will work now. I've got another computer running the same script for a time-lapse camera setup, so I might just use that computer to do all the processing and this computer that is giving me issues just to capture the image and save it to a server.
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‎Feb 21, 2012
08:27 PM
The script I want to run is more complicated than just a resize, but even a simple script like this resize script hangs photoshop: #target photoshop var docRef = activeDocument docRef.resizeImage(800,undefined,150)
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‎Feb 20, 2012
11:46 AM
I forgot to mention the computer is running Win XP Pro.
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‎Feb 20, 2012
10:00 AM
One computer that I'm working on Dell Optiplex 960 with 4gb RAM is haning when I try and run a script. I created just a simple on to resize and image and it won't do that. Any ideas on what to look for to get this computer in line?
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‎Dec 17, 2010
06:35 PM
Have you started the code from within ESTK CS5? I have a script that uses the CDATA line that works in both CS4 and CS5, but will not run if started within ESTK. So far my XML files are pretty small. I just use them to create user preference files and XML files for Flash galleries. With the XML files, I can create a for loop that will go through my UI and assign all the variables to an XML file. That way I don't have to update the assignment part if I change the UI, which I had to do when I used a csv file.
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‎Dec 17, 2010
06:27 PM
That did work and it worked in making an XML var.
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‎Dec 17, 2010
04:44 PM
It is strange. It also stops working if that line is commented out.
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‎Dec 17, 2010
03:46 PM
I was trying to create an XML variable in a script and just discovered that if I add a CDATA block the script will not run from withing CS5 ExtendScript Toolkit. Here's a sample of what will not run: #target photoshop var x = '<![CDATA[]]>' alert(x) This seems to be a bug.
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‎Dec 06, 2010
06:44 PM
Yes, but before, the swf wasn't generating properly. Right now with it working, I'm getting a file size about 25K, before, I was getting one of only k1 or 2k, and it wasn't working in Photoshop's extendScript. I think there was something I did that got it working, perhaps setting the browser to allow ActiveX for local files, but I'm not sure. Also, when I was using CS3, I wasn't getting this error, when I debugged the file.
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‎Dec 06, 2010
11:25 AM
That works; although during the debugging with a trace statement it will say that ExternalInerface is unavailable.
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‎Dec 06, 2010
09:48 AM
Well, I'm still getting the error, but I've made sure everything is in order that can be: activeX enabled for local use and Flash player trust file in proper place. The swf is generated and it intergrated with Photoshop's UI. Must be some bug in Flashes debugging process. They need to recognize that External interface does not alway need to run in a browser.
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‎Nov 28, 2010
11:15 AM
I'm using a swf in an ExtendScript for Photoshop. I've written this with CS3 on WinXP and it worked no problem. Now with Win7 and CS4, I'm getting the error: Error #2067: The ExternalInterface is not available in this container. ExternalInterface requires Internet Explorer ActiveX, Firefox, Mozilla 1.7.5 and greater, or other browsers that support NPRuntime. Any ideas on what I can look for to correct this? Is there some special ActiveX plugin for IE8 that I need? I've checked to make sure activeX control was inabled in my browser.
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‎Nov 27, 2010
07:52 AM
Putting the FLA and the AS file in the same folder worked. I've never had to do that before, but this is the first time I've used CS4 and win7.
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‎Nov 27, 2010
06:42 AM
Here's the error I get:
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‎Nov 27, 2010
06:36 AM
Here's a screen shot of the GreenBox''s properties. If I remove the var line in my AS file. I don't get an error, but if I check "Export in frame 1" in the Symbol Proberties box, I get the error.
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‎Nov 27, 2010
06:22 AM
Yea, I miss typed that and forgot the "new", but even with that corrected, it still does not work.
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‎Nov 26, 2010
08:53 PM
Below is all that's in the code. If I take out the line variable declaration line, I don't get the error, if it's in I get it. package{ import flash.display.* import flash.events.* public class TestFlash extends Sprite{ var greenBox:GreenBox = GreenBox() public function TestFlash(){ } }//end class }//end package
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‎Nov 26, 2010
07:03 PM
I'm using Flash CS4 with Win7 and if I create a movieclip symbol in an FLA file such class name such as GreenBox. When I put the following line into my actionscipt 3.0 code, I get the error: "You cannot debug this swf because it does not contain actionscript. The line of code is: var greenBox:GreenBox = new GreenBox(); Any ideas what's going on. Never had these problems with CS3 and Win XP. I did double check to see if I had the debugger version on Flash Player.
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‎Mar 15, 2010
05:13 AM
I tried to run it on my home computer and it hung, might have to try again. I just ran it on my work computer, which as a lot of restrictions on ActiveX, and it ran. Then I made the trust file for my script, as going through the macromed website didn't seem to work. The script works now with the trust file!!!
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‎Mar 14, 2010
08:08 PM
Thanks, Mike. I did go over that file to figure out how to do it the first time, which worked in CS3, but CS4 it just doesn't work. I did both methods of the trust file. I do have one question about creating a trust file. Does it matter what you name the file?
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‎Mar 14, 2010
01:39 PM
I have a UI in extendScript with a swf file in it. I was using externalInterface to communicate between the two, and it worked in CS3, but in CS4 it doesn't work. Has anyone been able to get externalInterface to work with CS4?
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‎Mar 12, 2010
09:24 PM
Can you use the CSXSInterface in just Flash and not Flex? What would your import statement be if you were importing it into an actionscript package? Everything I read just talks about Flex.
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