Correct, yet is not needed when using Wappler. In your eyes, this is not a feature? It is not just that, there are many other aspects like automatic creation of a .htaccess file for routing and the creation of single page apps (SPA) the proper way where pages are pulled into the layout page. I could go on and on talking about streamlined. Just remove the blinkers and you shall see. By @BenPleysier As features go I would not say it was a deal I said a server environemt is just a one time set up. Currently all-in-one packages make a local server easy to install. Sure, if you're trying to manually install php/sql (insert your choice here) etc on your machine, it could be a useful feature. Blinkers......................right and Wappler users eyes are wide open. Far from it that is why they resort to using a solution such as Wappler. Apart from clicking and draging around most probably dont have a clue what they are doing because they live in a very 'sheltered' environment. The couple of code lines will give you a local server environment, correct. But what about a debug mode, site security, routes, cron jobs, sockets, uploads, cors, sessions, etc. What about the likes of Express and its middleware? Is this simple? when making statements, please elaborate so that everyone will know the extent of your knowledge bank. By @BenPleysier It's called being professional. You should know how to bring in middleware without the aid of relying on a program. Do you actually know how to get a node website up and running without Wappler, create routes, designate a templating engine etc, etc? I guess the extent of your knowledge bank is everything Wappler, which moves in mysterious ways, so how useful is that when considering the bigger picture. A niche that has been lacking in all other IDE's. There is no other IDE that can create a modest dynamically driven web site visually without ever looking at or touching the code. True, Pinegrow can do the same for just the front-end, but needs the likes of WordPress to create a dynamic site. By @BenPleysier If it used one of the big 3 frontend js frameworks then I think your argument would hold more water. As it stands it appeals to a very niche market...........5 years on and it's still relatively unheard of in main steam web development circles.
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