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‎Sep 30, 2023
10:41 PM
1 Upvote
I see those fields in Bridge. I don't think any data was removed.
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‎Sep 30, 2023
07:11 PM
1 Upvote
@Stephen Marsh Yes, this works in my tests also. Very nice.
@robirdman1 I ran this solution on your sample JPG and I think it worked. Can you confirm that the IPTC Core Date Created shown is what you expected? My test test file is attached so you can look at it in Bridge.
If this looks correct, we can explain how to run ExifTool on your files.
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‎Sep 30, 2023
05:32 PM
1 Upvote
Definitely. I've been compiling a list of exif and XMP date fields and where they are displayed in Bridge, Windows Explorer and Mac OS. It's an ongoing project...
@robirdman1 posted a JPG called "Scopula limboundata" example a few posts up.
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‎Sep 30, 2023
12:26 PM
Early Birder is just a very stripped down version of IPTC Core.
The new script also contains the same set of IPTC Core fields as the old script. Just select "IPTC Core" in the Metadata Fields drop down to use all the fields you were originally using. Be sure to choose the right field set to match the spreadsheet you are importing.
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‎Sep 30, 2023
12:16 PM
Looking at the sample JPG, I see that photoshop:DateCreated is in the wrong format. This probably happened becasue Excel changed the format and then it was imported.
<photoshop:DateCreated>8/29/2023 21:31</photoshop:DateCreated>
I think copying exif:DateTimeOriginal to photoshop:DateCreated will solve the problem.
@Stephen Marsh what would be the best way to do this in ExifTool?
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‎Sep 30, 2023
12:02 PM
Hmmm, RAW file changes work for me even if the XMP files are hidded (the new metadata from the spreadsheet is saved to the XMP on import). I'm not sure what's causing the problem on your system.
I customized the script for you with just these fields:
File Name
File Folder
These can be changed in the script, if needed. Look for the variable "earlyBirderFieldsArr"
Remove the old export-import script before installing this one.
When you restart Bridge, look for "Early Birder Export-Import" under the "Metadata Deluxe" menu.
When you first open it, select "Early Birder" from the metadata fields list.
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‎Sep 29, 2023
02:48 PM
1 Upvote
You can find the workflow setting files in:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge 2023\Workflow\Preset
/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge 2023/Workflow/Preset
It looks like each workflow is a collection of XML files in a folder. I haven't tried sharing these to another computer, but it should just be a matter of copying the workflow folder.
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‎Sep 28, 2023
08:56 AM
Hi @Jeferson S. it is possible to rename the files using the xmpDM:logComment value, but that field is not necessarily a date field. I would first do some analysis to see if that data is correct and to see if the creation date might be stored elsewhere, such as the device EXIF data. This data is different than the XMP metadata.
I would look at ExifTool. It's a command line tool but is is very versatile, powerful and fast.
MacOS installation
First, you could simply read all the metadata from a few sample files to see what date metadata they contain.
To read metadata from a file:
Launch the Terminal application from your /Applications/Utilities folder.
Type "exiftool" followed by a SPACE in the Terminal window.
Drag and drop files and folders on the Terminal window. (This saves you typing the full path names of the files/folders.)
Press RETURN to view the metadata from the files you dropped.
You could also export a list of all the files and their dates to be sure it is consistent.
I would recommend changing the 1904 date in XMP with the real date. This should be easy with ExifTool
Finally, you could rename the files with ExifTool or the Bridge batch rename using the corrected XMP Date Created.
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‎Sep 27, 2023
08:31 PM
If it would help, I can modify my script so it only exports-imports the columns you need. This would the spreadsheet smaller and easier to work with.
File Name
File Folder
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‎Sep 27, 2023
01:11 PM
For the 3800 files that need to have the date changed, can you check to see if the camera exif Date Time or Date Time Original are the correct date?
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‎Sep 27, 2023
01:06 PM
Maybe the date was reformatted when you pasted it into the other sheet. That sheet might have been formatted for dates.
I have found that Excel doesn't change the exported date format 2023-06-04T16:02:43-05:00, probably because it doesn't recognize the "T" or the "-05:00" as a date. Sometimes file metadata dates do not have all of that, it's not all required.
To be sure you don't loose the XMP date format, select the Date Created column and set column data format to Text
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‎Sep 27, 2023
11:16 AM
One more task: fix the dates in the RAW files?
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‎Sep 27, 2023
11:08 AM
Do you mean that if you correct the RAW date, then the tiff is copied with the metadata? That's one task - make the RAW import work so tiffs can be made correctly in the future. The second task is to fix the tiffs that curretnly have no metadata. Right?
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‎Sep 27, 2023
10:56 AM
Is it just the date that was not copied to the tiffs? Are the tiff keywords okay?
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‎Sep 27, 2023
10:37 AM
Were these the dates you saw when you imported your metadata into Excel or did you enter new dates?
When I open exported metadata in Excel, Date created is in this form:
This is the form it should be. XMP requires this. Bridge will display the date in a prettier form, but the actual data needs to be "YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS" with time in 24-hour format.
If you change the Date Created in the spreadsheet, you have to use the YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS form.
Do you still have your original export .txt file? If so, you get those original dates and put them in an import spreadsheet, making sure they are formatted correctly. How do you do that? When you open the .txt file in Excel, format the date column as text, not a date. Excel wants to reformat to it's own date. I usually do not see this happen, so it might that you are opening the Excel data differently.
It would also be possible to use a script or Exiftool to copy the Exif Date Time Original to the IPTC Date Created, saving you a lot of manual work.
Another option for future Excel imports: delete the entire Date Created column from the spreadsheet. This way no date will be imported back in, eliminating the date format problem.
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‎Sep 27, 2023
10:02 AM
How are you creating tiff from RAW? You may have selected to not include metadata.
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‎Sep 27, 2023
09:54 AM
I think we can restore the dates. First, I need to better understand which dates you are referring to.
The date that is wrong (is missing, has no seconds, or has no AM or PM) is the IPTC Core Date Created?
You are manually copying the camera data (exif) to IPTC Core Date Created?
Send a screen shot of the bad date field.
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‎Sep 23, 2023
12:09 PM
You're using Ctrl + 6, 7, 8, 9?
This works for me, but I'm on Windows 10, so it might be a Windows 11 issue
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‎Sep 23, 2023
12:00 PM
The 1904.01.01 is sometimes added when the real date is invalid or unknown.
What date would you expect for the example screenshot you shared? Is it the Created Date shown in Finder 2023.09.02?
We need to find out if the file metadata has the correct date saved in a different field so we can copy it to the right field for Batch rename.
Let's see what dates are in the XMP:
Select an MOV file
- Open File Info (Cmd + i)
- Click on "Raw Data" (in the list of panels on the left side) - Select all of the XMP data then copy and paste that text it into a reply here
Also, what are the dates shown in Bridge File Properties?
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‎Sep 23, 2023
11:13 AM
@robirdman1 it is possible to modify my Bridge export-import script to only export certain fields, such as Keywords.
Let me know if you want to do this and I will explain it.
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‎Sep 23, 2023
11:11 AM
Glad to hear you're making progress. Excel can be a pain, but once you have a system worked out, you'll be able to do a lot cleanup very quickly.
For the unwanted columns names at the top:
- select the entire row by clicking on the far right (the row will be highlighted)
- right click > Delete
Or you can do this:
- select the entire row by clicking on the far right (the row will be highlighted)
- right click > Delete
The same works for deleting columns you don't need:
- select the column(s)
- right click > Delete
If you export a lot of files to Excel and only want to work on some, you can sort or filter just those rows and copy and paste them in a new spreadsheet for clean up.
The important thing about sorting is to sort the entire sheet so that all rows move together. Otherwise, you will mix up the cells vertically which is not good, Always keep a copy of your spreadsheet before making a big change. If you mess up, undo before saving or closing.
The safest way to sort:
- slect the entire sheet
- select Sort and Filter > Custom Sort
- select My Data has Headers
- select the column to sort by
Filtering is useful to only show rows contating a word within a cell.
See these instructions:
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‎Sep 21, 2023
12:22 PM
Yes, after the initial export to Excel, you delete all the fields (spreadsheet columns) that are empy or don't want changed. The script can use just the columns you need. You must always have the "File Name" and "File Folder" columns.
The "File Folder" column is important. it must have the correct folder path. The script does work on subfolders as long as that option is selected and the folder paths are correct.
Can you send the import .txt file that only worked on 55 files?
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‎Sep 21, 2023
09:18 AM
The problem is all of the "Column1 Column2, extc. at the top. Try the attached version.
It worked for me on one test image.
It seems like "Aranae, SPIDERS Aranae" might need to be cleaned up in the spreadsheet, but the import worked.
Also, after import, check your NEF files to make sure they worked.
I think we still have some work to do to set up a clean hierchical keyword list for you, but if we can get the spreadsheet process working for cleaning up the embedded keywords, we will be in better shape.
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‎Sep 20, 2023
06:32 PM
So you got the metadata into Excel and editied it?
Then you tried to save it as a tab-delimited .txt file. Is this where the error appeared or were trying to import the metadata back in using the script?
To be honest, I don't use OneDrive and I'm not sure it would work with my script. You might have to save the .txt file locally, like your desktop.
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‎Sep 20, 2023
05:00 PM
@Jeferson S. renaming all the video files as .mov might casue a problem later, but I'm not sure. Maybe someone else can chime in if they know. If it is a problem, I might be able to help put them back to what they were.
The missing file extension is a little unpredictable. I haven't been able to make it happen today. Can you send a screenshot of your batch rename settings that casued it?
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‎Sep 20, 2023
12:23 PM
1 Upvote
Don't worry, you haven't lost your files. Somehow the file extensions were removed in your batch rename.
You can restore the file extensions by running batch rename again using Current Filename and New Extension.
For Current Filename, try setting it to Name. Check the preview at the bottom to make sure it's correct. If the preview does not show the name use Name + Extension
The challenge is that you have to do a batch for each file type.
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‎Sep 20, 2023
09:12 AM
You should be able to drag & drop a file in your reply on this forum. If that doesn't work, we can work it out in a private message.
To open the export .txt file in Excel, try this quick method:
Right click on the .txt file and select Open With > Excel
The longer method, which is best if you have any sepecial characters in your metadata:
- Open Excel - Select the Data menu > Get External Data > From text
- Text Import Wizard - File origin = 65001- Unicode (UTF-8) or (UTF-16) - Delimited = Tab - Finish
Here is an instructional video. The Excel import starts at 6:30
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‎Sep 19, 2023
12:42 PM
Oh, I see what's going on, you are working with search results. The script works at the folder level, either selected files or the entire folder.
You could export the entire folder and use Excel to sort or filter "1 sort" in the description column.
If you only want to import to the "1 sort" files, you could sort on that value, then delete all the other rows in the spreadsheet.
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‎Sep 19, 2023
11:15 AM
I'm attaching the README file here.
In the script, click the "?" button for instructions:
Yes, you can just make your changes in a text editor. Working in a spreadsheet can make the metadata values easier to see and evaluate, but it does introduce additional steps.
If you get error messages again, post a screenshot so I can figure out the cause. It would also help if you post your import text file so I can look for problems.
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‎Sep 18, 2023
09:30 AM
1 Upvote
From the dropdown, select: String Substitution
Select the checkbox: Use Regular Epression
Find: (.{7}).* Replace: $1
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