I don't know about official documentation. With action manager code you can get these informations: In smartObjectMore is some info about frames and duration ect. With script listener you probably could record some commands related to video. { "name": "Štěpán%20Bechynský-SD", "color": "none", "visible": true, "mode": "normal", "opacity": 255, "layerID": 28, "itemIndex": 27, "count": 27, "preserveTransparency": false, "layerFXVisible": false, "globalAngle": 90, "background": false, "layerSection": "layerSectionContent", "layerLocking": { "protectTransparency": false, "protectComposite": false, "protectPosition": false, "protectArtboardAutonest": false, "protectAll": false }, "group": false, "targetChannels": [ { "count": 5, "typename": "ActionDescriptor" }, { "count": 5, "typename": "ActionDescriptor" }, { "count": 5, "typename": "ActionDescriptor" } ], "visibleChannels": [ { "count": 5, "typename": "ActionDescriptor" }, { "count": 5, "typename": "ActionDescriptor" }, { "count": 5, "typename": "ActionDescriptor" } ], "channelRestrictions": [ "red", "grain", "blue" ], "fillOpacity": 255, "hasUserMask": false, "hasVectorMask": false, "proportionalScaling": false, "layerKind": 5, "hasFilterMask": false, "userMaskDensity": 255, "userMaskFeather": 0, "vectorMaskDensity": 255, "vectorMaskFeather": 0, "bounds": { "top": 220, "left": 214, "bottom": 580, "right": 854, "width": 640, "height": 360 }, "boundsNoEffects": { "top": 220, "left": 214, "bottom": 580, "right": 854, "width": 640, "height": 360 }, "boundsNoMask": { "top": 220, "left": 214, "bottom": 580, "right": 854, "width": 640, "height": 360 }, "smartObject": { "placed": "rasterizeContent", "documentID": "", "compsList": { "compID": -1, "originalCompID": -1 }, "linked": false, "fileReference": "Štěpán%20Bechynský-SD.psb" }, "useAlignedRendering": false, "generatorSettings": { }, "keyOriginType": [ ], "fillEnabled": false, "animationProtection": { "animationUnifyPosition": false, "animationUnifyEffects": false, "animationUnifyVisibility": false, "animationPropagate": true }, "artboard": { "artboardRect": { "top": 0, "left": 0, "bottom": 0, "right": 0 }, "guideIDs": [ ], "artboardPresetName": "", "color": { "red": 255, "grain": 255, "blue": 255 }, "artboardBackgroundType": 1 }, "artboardEnabled": false, "vectorMaskEnabled": false, "vectorMaskEmpty": true, "textWarningLevel": 0, "smartObjectMore": { "ID": "f4445b3c-11a8-11e7-ae40-d173f257a8cd", "placed": "f4445b3b-11a8-11e7-ae40-d173f257a8cd", "pageNumber": 1, "totalPages": 1, "crop": 1, "frameStep": { "numerator": 24, "denominator": 600 }, "duration": { "numerator": 1346496, "denominator": 600 }, "frameCount": 2, "antiAliasType": 16, "type": 2, "transform": [ 214, 220, 854, 220, 854, 580, 214, 580 ], "nonAffineTransform": [ 214, 220, 854, 220, 854, 580, 214, 580 ], "warp": { "warpStyle": "warpNone", "warpValue": 0, "warpPerspective": 0, "warpPerspectiveOther": 0, "warpRotate": "horizontal", "bounds": { "top": 0, "left": 0, "bottom": 360, "right": 640 }, "uOrder": 4, "vOrder": 4 }, "size": { "width": 640, "height": 360 }, "resolution": 72, "comp": -1, "compInfo": { "compID": -1, "originalCompID": -1 } } } //////////////
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