‎Dec 10, 2024
12:36 PM
1 Upvote
I find this comment condescending and patronising.
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‎Dec 10, 2024
12:32 PM
If it's not for you you don't have to use it - you can choose not to use it - like any feature in InDesign, like I don't do any Indexing or Cross-References so I simply don't use those features @Eugene Tyson The problem with these pop-up "Learn More" ads is just this: You DO have to look at them. You DO have to interrupt your work to put them away. You CANNOT choose not to see them and you ARE required to deal with them one way or another. They are INTRUSIVE and you can't turn them off. So it's just not correct to say "you can choose not to use it" in this instance. I've been using Adobe software for a LONG time, and I'm NOT HAPPY to contemplate using something else; I'm annoyed into thinking about using something else. There IS a big learning curve for that decision. The simple fact that many Adobe users ARE contemplating departure, in spite of the difficulty, should tell you something. Forcing users to look at annoying pop-ups is another item on a growing list of ways Adobe seems to be getting in its customers' way. If you subscribe to a box of chocolates for years and years, but then the company starts hiding the chocolates you like under layers and layers of new chocolates you don't like, and makes you spend an hour throwing the bad ones away before you can get to the good ones... well... you might start looking around to see what the other companies are offering. IMO, Adobe is willing to use its near-monopoly power to take advantage of its own customers. And reading responses like that of @Abhishek Rao doesn't give me any confidence at all that Adobe is actually "working hard on it," as you seem to believe. I think the best you can say is that they're thinking about working on it. But actual competitors are rising, and the monopoly ice Adobe is skating on is starting to thin.
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‎Nov 23, 2024
08:12 AM
For heaven's sake, just let us turn them OFF! You say you're always striving to make InDesign better? Better for who? I think you see dedicated users as a resource to be mined, not customer base to be served.
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‎Nov 23, 2024
08:09 AM
I agree. Adobe has completely lost its way. They recognize that these things annoy a LOT (maybe most) of users, but they're too busy trying to REPLACE their users with AI to worry about this. Seriously contemplating joining the rebellion.
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‎Jan 19, 2024
02:34 PM
I give up. It's like the community experts in this string are missing the point on purpose. Not listening. Just protecting a little kingdom. "Just move along. Nothing to see here." Last word is yours.
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‎Jan 19, 2024
01:41 PM
Thank you for providing some real information. Adobe thinks a downvote option is too negative. I wonder if they would consider an option for users to score the positive helpfulness of a reply.
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‎Jan 18, 2024
08:14 PM
i'm curious how you know that downvoting does not have many fans. I wonder if the non-"expert" participants have ever been asked if they would find this a useful feature--if they think it might add a little useful restraint.
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‎Jan 18, 2024
07:18 PM
Can a community professional mark his/her own answer as correct? Is a "community expert" the same as a "professional"?
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‎Jan 18, 2024
07:11 PM
The two "experts" responding here are demonstrating your point.
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‎Jan 18, 2024
05:49 PM
Oh, and it also doesn't let me rename the files before saving them.
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‎Jan 18, 2024
05:42 PM
And both dialogs can be set to show a specific folder as the default (or not). It's not a feature that only the later one has. By @try67 I'm sorry, but after doing a good bit of research on this, I think you are just mistaken. Do you know how to change the default folder location in this dialogue? Even changing the default for the whole system in File Explorer didn't change it in the Acrobat-presented dialogue. Everything I could find indicates that the solution to this problem is for the application author (Adobe) to join the modern world and stop using this archaic option.
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‎Jan 18, 2024
04:29 PM
I would love it if anyone can explain how to set the default folder in the old-style folder finder. According to various tech-help websites I found by searching "Browse for folder" in the Windows search bar, it's not possible to change anything about this.
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‎Jan 18, 2024
02:34 PM
OK, well I think the screenshot below is the standard Windows OS folder selection dialog. It's the one Adobe uses in Photoshop when I export a bunch of .jpgs at once. AND, unlike the one Acrobat is using, it is designed to be easy to navigate without memorizing your whole file directory from the inside out. AND it defaults to the last used folder or to the folder of the source file, based on a setting I can set. In short, it's EASY to use. The one Acrobat uses is CUMBERSOME by comparison. You say that it's used in many applications, but I never see it apart from this single function in Acrobat. And it is NOT used in the other place I know of in Adobeland that wants me locate and select a folder to put some files in.
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‎Jan 17, 2024
03:16 PM
Turns out that if you want to extract multiple pages as individual files from PDF file in Acrobat Pro, when it's time to decide where you want to store those files, you get this... Really? This is extremely cumbersome. You really want me to look through my whole system directory? You really want to default to a file folder I almost never use for anything? Don't you want to provide me with a standard Windows File Explorer interface? Don't you want to default to the location of the source file? or maybe the same location I used last time? or maybe let me designate a default location? As far as I can tell, this is the ONLY function in all of Adobe-land that presents me with this nonsense. Is there a good reason for this? If I insert a page from a file, you don't make me use this to find it. What the heck? This Browse for Folder thing (or is it Browse for location...) is one of the dumbest things I've seen in a while.
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‎Dec 29, 2023
09:14 AM
1 Upvote
Same issue here. proposed solution did not work.
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‎Oct 14, 2023
02:08 PM
I also have this issue. It is RIDICULOUS that the solution/workaround is not shared publicly!
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‎Feb 01, 2022
12:17 PM
1 Upvote
From my previous post in this thread: "Incidentally, I have discovered that Microsoft OneDrive does not display the same file the same way on the same browser, so it looks like this is not simply a question of how the browser handles it, but a question of how the website presents it." Also, is there a way to share a pdf file from Acrobat that DOESN'T employ the Adobe cloud system? Either way, it's clearly NOT a problem that is isolated in the browser, which is what has been marked as a "correct answer" here.
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‎Feb 01, 2022
07:12 AM
By engaging in some long conversations with actual Adobe employees, I have learned that @Bernd Alheit's answer was not accurate. In fact, it was kind of a guess, not really based on any actual knowledge of what settings various browsers "ignore." Both of you completely ignored the fact that other cloud systems, OneDrive AND Google drive, successfully displayed THE SAME FILE according to the settings on the browsers you claim are ignoring these settings. Adobe has acknowledged that this is an issue with their cloud system, and not with the browser. This is actually the correct answer to my question; I hope other Community members will find this information helpful.
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‎Sep 14, 2021
01:20 PM
1 Upvote
According to this, you do: https://community.adobe.com/t5/using-the-community-discussions/points-badges/td-p/4789380#jive_content_id_Badges Adobe Community Professional: An officially-recognized product expert who can speak on behalf of Adobe, but not an employee.
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‎Sep 14, 2021
12:54 PM
1 Upvote
What's wrong with the reply? I found it... disappointing: failing to fulfill one's hopes or expectations incomplete: not complete; lacking some part. buck-passing: avoiding responsibility by shifting it to another. My question was a sincere, respectful question. It was about how the Adobe cloud website displays an Adobe generated file. Your initial response to my post just said that these browsers ignore this particular setting, but you didn't propose any other solution. So I tried to clarify what I was looking to do, in case there might be an alternative. Your curt command to contact someone else was a bit rude for someone who "speaks for Adobe." And it didn't actually answer the question, except in a sort of passive-aggressive way. If the answer is, "I don't know of any way to do what you're trying to do," then say so. So... disappointing, incomplete, and buck-passing. Incidentally, I have discovered that Microsoft OneDrive does not display the same file the same way on the same browser, so it looks like this is not simply a question of how the browser handles it, but a question of how the website presents it.
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‎Sep 14, 2021
09:06 AM
That's a disappointing, incomplete, buck-passing response.
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‎Sep 14, 2021
07:06 AM
Does that mean that what I want to do (show the whole page when someone follows the link) is not possible? And what about Safari?
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‎Sep 11, 2021
03:29 PM
I produce and distribute (share a link to) a pdf file on a weekly basis. When I open it online, it always opens in full width view, even if I set the "Initial View" to something else in Acrobat before creating the link. This does not appear to be a browser issue, as it happens in both Chrome and Edge, and on my apple mobile devices. I want it to default to "Fit Page" view.
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‎May 23, 2020
01:54 PM
rob_day, Thank you for the specific, helpful responses. My problem arose, apparently, when this feature was seemingly randomly applied to styles in documents created before the feature was added. Suddenly my paragraph leading settings were not working. My apologies for expressing my frustration earlier (now edited for supportiveness).
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‎May 23, 2020
12:54 PM
Adobe support is a joke! They simply do not provide a level of service that justifies what they charge. Tried both chat and phone for a LONG TIME today. Just not there.
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‎May 23, 2020
12:36 PM
1 Upvote
Can you please explain? WHAT paragraph setting? What is this new "Space between paragraphs" you speak of and why does it cause my paragraph leadings to stop working? Alternatively, can you point us to where might one find all this information?
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