Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Sep 18, 2024
04:08 PM
1 Upvote
Stephen !! Thank you. Sometimes we over think it all. Applying the mask to the sawtooth layer and then using variable worked! You saved me 30hrs of work every 6 months.
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‎Sep 18, 2024
12:38 PM
I am not sure I understand. I also am unaware of how to do either of the processes you describe? Is there not away to make the grey shape with the zig zag edges fillable and only insert images into that space?
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‎Sep 18, 2024
10:04 AM
The Swatch_Image Layer is the shape of the swatch cut out. I thought the pixel variable would "fill" whereever there are pixels. unfortunately it seems to fill to the widest edge of where pixels exist and remains a straight edge. I attached just the "Swatch_Image" Layer
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‎Sep 18, 2024
09:26 AM
When using the variables I set the "Swatch_Image" layer as a pixelvariable and mapped it to my iamge from my dataset. I have included 2 screenshots to hopefully help showcase how this is functioning. This is the first time I have ever used this feature so I apologise if my explanation is not clear (you don't know what you don't know). As you can see in the dialogue preview this actually creates a perfectly square image and to get the result I wanted I went back in and created a mask manually in the shape of the clipped swatch. My hope is there is a way for the variable to do this automatically with a smart object or some sort of defined shape.
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‎Sep 18, 2024
07:19 AM
Hi All, I have recently tackled a project that I will need to repeat every 6 months or som and I am looking for a way to speed up the process in the future. I have inlcuded the finished result I am looking to create. My current process was to use the variables for all text fields and the swatch image on the card. I was hoping that the images I loaded using my data set would crop into the shape of the swatch but it ended up pasting square. I then selected the shape I wanted and created a mask of the image. Is there a way for me to fill the grey swatch shape without having to manually create masks I often have to do this for over 300 swatches.
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‎Aug 23, 2023
07:38 AM
Hi All, This is my first post ever so first I apologize if this topic has already been discussed or reviewed. Secondly I hope I am posting in the correct section of the community. I also have never used the Script tool so this is all new. Getting to the point. I have a .psd file that is a rendering of a sportcoat/blazer. All portiond of the sportcoat have been turned into masks and linked with a smart object so that new patterns can be applied to the smart objects to adjust the rednering to different fabric patterns. What I am trying to achieve is a workflow to automatically apply new .png patterns I have in a folder and export a .png so that I have an rendering of every fabric. I have attached some screen shots to better understand the file structure. I am open to ideas or better practices. The end goal is having a realistic as possible rendering of the Jacket made up in every fabric I have. In respect to the fabric patterns I have both large swatches and smaller clips of those swatches I have turned into a tile that will seamlessly repeat.
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