Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 12, 2021
03:20 PM
This didn't solve it 😞 I'm having the same issue as the original post- the position slider is all of a sudden missing and I can't change the position of anything unless i want to keep entering the exact values
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‎Feb 12, 2021
03:14 PM
OMG I'm having the same issue. The position slider is just gone all of a sudden. I'm so frustrated. Did you find a solution? I don't really see a solution on the thread!
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‎May 18, 2020
01:27 PM
1 Upvote
I'm having this issue as well! I'm SO fed up it's hindering my progress immensely because now it's happening ALL THE TIME. Previously, it would only happen after I've been using photoshop for a few hours. Now, I'll restart photoshop and it'll happen immediately once I reopen.. it doesn't wait a few hours anymore. This is so infuriating. Please if anyone has found any way to fix this or at least make it happen less frequently let us know.
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