Thank you @default04bzegmti4it and @Thar Lynn Oo and @Chrispy-303 ! Finally some explanation and a solution to this problem. Last week, while working on a project, I suddenly noticed that the colors were darker and with different codes from the ones previously stipulated. As I don't remember this ever happening to me before, I assume it has something to do with the last Illustrator update. Anyway, since I only noticed this after it happened, I had to do several tests and change a lot of settings to try to find the cause, but the same thing kept happening and nothing could solve the problem. Ultimately, after your comment, I was able to verify that the color change occurs after converting an image pasted into the illustrator file. It was changing the code of all other colors in the entire file. Unfortunately, I'll have to review several previous works to check this issue, but at least avoiding the conversion seems to solve the problem for now. Thank you all very much!
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