‎Apr 28, 2022
07:48 AM
I have the same problem. The settings in my ditafm-output.ini are identical to the ones shown. 😞
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‎Jan 26, 2020
10:44 PM
Get this, though: When I open PDFs from either engine in SharePoint using Google Chrome, the file name appears as the docment title in the browser tab and in the browser window - not the content from the FM 2019 > File > File Info > Title field. Funny.
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‎Dec 16, 2019
02:01 AM
How can I apply an appendix template if there is no option for it under DITA Options? All, I need is to replace the word chapter with Appendix or Appendices in the table of content and accordingly enumerate the appendices lateron in the content.
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‎Oct 01, 2019
06:13 AM
Hi, were you able to solve the problem? I have a similar issue with xref which is inside a conref and all into a book. Very frustrating...
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‎Mar 05, 2019
11:12 AM
I usually save the text I want to reuse as a <ph> element in a DITA file that I store in a folder titled 'reuse'. You can use a <p> element if you prefer, I just find <ph> more flexible in where I can insert it later. Make sure the element has an ID defined. To do this select the element, then from the Structure menu > Assign ID to element. Save the file and keep it open. Now, in the file you want the paragraph to appear: Insert > Conref In the file settings dropdown choose the reusable file with the text you want. All the elements in that file that have IDs assigned will appear in the list below. Choose the element you need. Click Insert. You can repeat this process in the other file you want the text to appear in, pulling from the same reusable file. Note that the reusable file must be open in order to show up in the drop down list.
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‎Jan 23, 2019
07:35 AM
Thank you Amitoj! I hadn't come across bookmaps before, but I see the section in the user guide now and it looks like they'll be really helpful.
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‎Nov 28, 2018
08:43 AM
I can't answer regarding the settings file, but you could use a variable to update the watermark text easily: On the template master page create the watermark based on a variable field. Store a variables.fm file in the folder with the book. Select all the files within the book then use file > import formats to import the variables from variables.fm I use this method and it lets me update version numbers, release dates etc pretty easily.
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‎Jul 25, 2019
11:48 AM
Bit of an update. While I haven't had luck getting this to work I finally got around to it. I was getting "text inset" error message when doing an Update Reference of the task.edd.fm file with the task.eddmod.fm file. I finally converted all the linked files in the task.edd.fm to text so I could remove the prefix labels. What a chore! The about of updating and referencing of these EDD files just to get these prefixes removes is mind blowing. Then to have to do it all over again for the composite.edd.fm and finally update the template files. I count no less than FIVE files that need to be updated in order to make these things go away. An no information in the manuals on how to do this!
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‎Nov 05, 2018
07:31 AM
Hey Russ, Thanks for the detailed answer. We use DITA because it's the company standard and in general it's easy to work with. It keeps our topics written fairly consistently and we do find ourselves dropping content in and out often enough to appreciate the modularity. I don't find it particularly onerous to work with multiple files as I can open whatever I need from the ditamap. And all our writers know how to work with DITA now. The docs aren't particularly long. But as you mention, it's possible to do the conditional approach you describe with DITA too - setting parameters to A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, 4 and then using the DITAVAL file. I did some experimenting and was able to get this to work. I'm just unsure whether it's easier to maintain one ditamap plus making sure all the sections have the right parameters assigned and then having to apply the ditaval file during publish, or whether my current approach is best. I think it'll come down to how much of the output process can be automated. Happy Monday! Kat
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‎Nov 05, 2018
07:15 AM
Nice! Glad you got it working! I think the difference between having to use <n+> vs <sectionnum> might be controlled by the ditafm-output.ini file under app data: C:\Users\Moi\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\FrameMaker\14. I had trouble getting it to work right until I set Generate flat book to 1. This file also contains a bunch of options for which numbering should continue from the previous section vs restart.
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‎Oct 31, 2018
08:52 AM
This was listed as an improved feature in FM 2019. I have no experience with it, but if you're on a subscription, maybe download the new version and take a peek at the user guide.
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‎Mar 05, 2019
10:40 AM
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‎Oct 09, 2018
03:10 PM
Changing the GenerateFlatBook setting from 0 to 1 in the ditafm-output.ini file fixed this for me (%AppData%Roaming\Adobe\FrameMaker\14). I don't know why, but it works! I've been trying to solve this for days, and now figured it out shortly after posting this question, lol. Hopefully this helps someone else in the future. Kat
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‎Nov 01, 2018
03:45 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the suggestions. I am glad I'm not the only one kicking this can around. I'm still learning about all the little tweaks needed to best publish DITA out of FrameMaker. The key is not to introduce too many native FrameMaker features that are not DITA compatible.
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‎Oct 22, 2018
09:00 AM
Hi! I don't know about checkboxes specifically, but it sounds like the behavior that would happen if the template for your structured application contains a different format for your checkbox. To fix it you'd need to find the template, open it and change the format there, save it. Then your main doc should just open with the right format. Kat
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‎Dec 13, 2017
11:54 AM
I want to apply a character format (italic, blue) to all fm-xref elements in a composite fm doc generated from dita files. I can't apply text formatting in the EDD to the fm-xref element. (I can apply it to the xref element, but this doesn't affect my fm doc.) How do I solve this? Thanks!
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‎Oct 22, 2018
01:25 PM
Hi! You've probably fixed this by now, but in case you haven't, and assuming that the cross reference links to the task or concept element of your renamed file, you could try updating the element ID of that topic. Save the new file, then recreate the xref links to the topic and see if they stick. When I hit a similar issue in the past it was because my element IDs were not unique so FrameMaker was getting confused and pointing to the file I didn't want. Kat
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‎Jun 14, 2017
08:22 AM
In case anyone else needs them, here's the link to the 2017 documentation set for developing applications: Framemaker Developer Center | Adobe Developer Connection
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‎May 11, 2017
06:13 PM
Thanks for your help Lynne. I'll try out these steps tomorrow. For your point 3) I put the cursor in the paragraph with the error and checked the paragraph designer from there.
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‎May 01, 2017
03:40 PM
Hi beat, I have a similar numbering system in my TOC styles as I struggled to figure out chapter numbers and paragraph numbers. In my setup: TOC1: <n+>\t TOC2: <n>.<n+>\t TOC3: <n>.<n>.<n+>\t This may not be the best approach (I'm still a framemaker newbie) but it does work. Hope that helps, Kat
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‎Apr 03, 2017
02:26 PM
You can "simulate" the way it'll work by opening the DITA file in a text editor after you've saved the file with the xref .. locate the xref and delete the content from the xref element. This is what you'll likely see .. <xref href="target-file.xml" outputclass="fm:FORMATNAME">Target File Title</xref> .. and this is what you should change it to .. <xref href="target-file.xml" outputclass="fm:FORMATNAME"></xref> When you open the file in FM, it'll "look" right again. The cross-ref format, "FORMATNAME", will be applied to the xref. Of course .. that's not a "real" way to work .. but it'll show that it does/should work. Cheers, ...scott
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‎Mar 01, 2017
12:29 PM
1 Upvote
Oh, and I just realized what your username means. I guess your name isn't Ohne - lol!
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‎Apr 18, 2017
09:39 AM
Done. Thank you!
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