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New Here
‎Mar 18, 2025
01:51 PM
@Dan-Fx: "With the current update to generative Ai update, selections after being replaced now have a noticeable tone change from the selected area. Making it now obvious where things were removed." Did you apply Remove on top of an AI mask (e.g. Sky or Background)? If so, do the menu command Settings > Update AI Settings. Otherwise: Many have observed here that the replacements made by Generative Remove sometimes don't match the photo's tone or noise. To get better matches, these techniques sometimes help: 1. Adobe recommends applying Denoise before Remove. This can reduce the noise, making it more likely the replacement will match. 2. The replacement patch supplied by Adobe Firefly has a maximum size of 2048 x 2048 pixels. If the selected area in the photo is larger than that, then the replacement patch gets upscaled (and blurry). Try removing smaller selections if possible. 3. Conversely, try making a larger selection, even including the entire background. Upscaling of the replacement sometimes won't be noticeable then. 4. Sometimes there's a distinctly visible boundary where the tone or noise don't match. You can often use the heal tool around the boundary to get better feathering and make it less noticeable -- apply Heal in small brush strokes. Or use a Brush mask with maximum feathering, dropping local Texture, Clarity, and Sharpness to their minimum values. Sometimes, making a very raggedy selection around the object makes the boundary less noticeable. 5. For grain/noise in particular, see this post for how to ameliorate the problem by adding the grain back or reducing the grain: https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-discussions/p-generative-remove-feedback-lr-classic-amp-lr-eco/m-p/14917497#M382464
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‎Nov 17, 2020
04:23 AM
1 Upvote
I am with you on this. There should be something for those who have supported Adobe. There are ways. Adobe need to realise there are alternative apps out there now and they are good. Adobe is not so much the centre of the universe anymore. I am already trialling two apps that compete easily.
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‎Nov 25, 2019
05:37 PM
boooo! thanks for screwing existing customers! new customers beware! this is how you will be screwed once you become an existing customer!
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