Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Nov 20, 2024
08:23 AM
I have been havng an issue with LR Mobile on my iPhone 15 Pro Max for now the last 2 app updates and it's become untenable. I am currently on version 10.0.2. When I edit my photos I am very specific on color temperature and tint, as I'm sure many other photographers are. It was bad enough when Adobe decided that color temperature values would now be random and the old, very accurate system of values of fives and zeroes would be replaced with any old number the app ended up on. But now the app is straight up readjusting or occasionally completely resetting my color temp. and tint valies on its own. For instance, I edited what ended up being a 209 photo album yesterday and waited until this morning to indivudually export the photos. As I went back through them, watermarking them for the intended website, EVERY SINGLE PHOTO had different color temp and tint values than I synced with last night. I not only had to readjuast every photo in the album as I went, I cannot be sure that they won't just change back again the next time I visit the album. Is anybody else having this issue? Because I would really appreciate a solution. I would also like Adobe to go back to the old, reliable color temp. values with values and adjustments in fives and zeroes. Thank you.
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‎Aug 12, 2024
10:09 AM
Much appreciated! While you're at it, I've also had an issue(before today as well) where when I open up a photo(LR CC Mobile) and it's still in the "downloading smart preview/original" phase, ithe photo zoom jumps to like 200-300% for no reason. If I double tap, it zooms again. A second double tap(or opening/closing the crop tab quickly) brings it back to fit to screen view. But it happens on probably 4-5/10 pics I open up under all circumstances. Cache clear and iPhone restart do not improve it.
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‎Aug 12, 2024
09:10 AM
Yes, shrinking to smaller than fit view. I could do it 4 hours ago before the update. My video didn't attach when I replied from email Rikk so I retried and hope it helps.
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‎Aug 12, 2024
09:09 AM
‎Aug 12, 2024
08:47 AM
Hey Rick thank you for the reply. I’m attaching a video that shows my new issue. When I select masking, I’ve always been able to either shrink or enlarge the photo in order to brush areas on/off. This allows me, for instance, to select a subject, invert that, but then quickly draw away large portions of the mask by shrinking the working image. This process makes my brush size larger without having to adjust the actual brush size and allows me to clear away unwanted masking areas quickly and efficiently. Now, I can only enlarge or move the entire image with a two-finger swipe. I’d really appreciate having the shrinking capability back please. Let me know if I can do anything else to help this along. Sincerely, Doug
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‎Aug 12, 2024
08:09 AM
I was editing this morning and everything was fine. Then I saw an app update, downloaded/installed, and went back to work. Now I can no longer resize my frames in masking mode which increases my workload erasing masking areas from the edges.
iPhone 15 Pro Max w/ iOS 17.6.1 installed
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‎Dec 26, 2022
07:53 AM
I'm curious why, when I try to add photos on LR Mobile, the photos are now ordered by date taken as opposed to most recently added? Previously I was able to, say, export a watermarked .jpg to my camera roll and then re-add it to an album where it'd be the first photo available in "Recents." Now, and especially as the date taken length increases, that same exported .jpg is no longer the first photo availabile in "Recents," it is buried a mile's scroll away from the top. This has changed and wasn't always like that. Is there a particular reason this was changed and if not and it's a bug, can it please be addressed? I do the bulk of my work on my phone and this is messing up my workflow for no apparent benefit.
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‎Oct 20, 2022
06:38 AM
1 Upvote
Hey there everybody I hope your week is going well. I've been editing a lot of photos lately in LR Mobile where it's basically people doing their thing through a static scene. Because only the subjects faces or hands really move, I can edit just the first pic in a series and apply the previous edit onto the next.
The annoying thing though is that when previous also means carrying masks over, I have to slide the function tray all the way to the other side to manually update the masks. Not only would it be better in my opinion to have that previous button all the way to the left instead, I think
it'd be spectacular if we could customize the tray.
I don't use versions very often, and geometry isn't a common tool for me either expect under specific circumstances. I'd be happier if I could group a couple of less used functions into a separate tray tab and declutter the tray. Being able to order the functions to fit my flow would go miles and miles.
Just a thought and I hope it's something y'all can consider. App keeps getting better(sync issues aside), masking AI keeps getting smarter, and I've found I wasted money on Topaz since your noise reduction is so darn good. Thank you and have a great weekend.
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