Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Aug 23, 2020
01:28 AM
Thank you for introducing this plugin, but I do not have that, and that's so pricey. The Shape Builder tool worked for me anyway.
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‎Aug 23, 2020
01:26 AM
Thank you. The shape builder tool worked.
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‎Aug 22, 2020
01:10 AM
I attached my file to the discussion if that will helps you.
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‎Aug 19, 2020
01:58 AM
Thank you for that script. this was the result of that script: 1. Select paths 2. Run the script and the Error 3. Lines disappeared and still disconnected Error is telling me: Error9090: You cannot delete all path-points of a path
Line: 142
-> p1.remove(); This is the edit I made in script settings: var conf = {};
// Settings ==================================
conf.close = false; // make a closed path. true/false
// (make closed paths when conf.ignore_if_further_than > 0)
conf.marge_if_nearer_than = 0.5; // merge the ends to connect within this distance
// set 0 to be ignored (unit:mm)
conf.ignore_if_further_than = 0.6; // ignore to connect if distance between the ends exceeds this value
// set 0 to be ignored (unit:mm)
conf.hanLen = 0.33; // ratio of handle length to connected line. set 0 to be ignored
conf.dontAddRevHan = 120; // do not generate a handle if the angle of the connecting part is more than this value.
// set 0 to be ignored (unit:degree, 0-180)
// ======================================== I just set conf.ignore_if_further_than to 0.6 from default settings. And conf.close to false. Maby it's better to write part of the code is the script which error showed to me: // ------------------------------------------------
// adjust the length of handles
function adjustHandleLen(p1, p2){
var d = dist(p1.anchor, p2.anchor);
if(d == 0){ // distance is 0
p2.leftDirection = p1.leftDirection;
} else if(d < conf.marge_if_nearer_than){
var pnt = [ (p1.anchor[0] + p2.anchor[0]) / 2,
(p1.anchor[1] + p2.anchor[1]) / 2 ];
p2.rightDirection = [ p2.rightDirection[0] + (pnt[0] - p2.anchor[0]),
p2.rightDirection[1] + (pnt[1] - p2.anchor[1]) ];
p2.leftDirection = [ p1.leftDirection[0] + (pnt[0] - p1.anchor[0]),
p1.leftDirection[1] + (pnt[1] - p1.anchor[1]) ];
p2.anchor = pnt;
} else if(conf.hanLen > 0){
d *= conf.hanLen;
var d2 = d * d;
if(!arrEq(p1.anchor, p1.rightDirection)){
&& getRad2(p2.anchor, p1.anchor, p1.rightDirection) > conf.dontAddRevHan){
p1.rightDirection = p1.anchor;
} else if(dist2(p1.anchor, p1.rightDirection) > d2){
p1.rightDirection = getPnt(p1.anchor, getRad(p1.anchor, p1.rightDirection), d);
if(!arrEq(p2.anchor, p2.leftDirection)){
&& getRad2(p1.anchor, p2.anchor, p2.leftDirection) > conf.dontAddRevHan){
p2.leftDirection = p2.anchor;
} else if(dist2(p2.anchor, p2.leftDirection) > d2){
p2.leftDirection = getPnt(p2.anchor, getRad(p2.anchor, p2.leftDirection), d);
} else {
p1.rightDirection = p1.anchor;
p2.leftDirection = p2.anchor;
// ---------------------------------------------- What to do now? My Illustrator version is Adobe Illustrator 2020 24.0.1
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‎Aug 19, 2020
01:41 AM
Do not work.
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‎Aug 18, 2020
11:19 AM
Hello. I am using the Solid Edge 2D Nesting program to nesting shapes for the laser cutting machine. But when I use that nested file in illustrator I came to realize which all of my connected paths became separated from each other. And that is a bad thing: because the laser machine use joined paths not separated. And as I know (and I wish I am wrong) Illustrator can not join path without the problem of joining unrelated paths together too! (Image bellow:) Before After using the join tool: after You can see unrelated shapes will become connected t each other too! and I do not want that. As I know CorelDraw has a solution to that and that is the "Gap Tolerance" feature (Like the image below) : This feature empowering us to do not connect shapes with larger gaps between them. And separated shapes do not connect together (As I wanted to). Is it really a way to fix that Issue in Illustrator? I attached the file. Thanks.
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‎Jul 09, 2020
10:40 AM
Attached file:
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‎Jul 08, 2020
10:18 AM
Voila! Worked. Thank You bro.
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‎Jul 08, 2020
08:47 AM
Hello. I am using Illustrator for design cut files in cutter plotter. The machine uses 'Strokes' for cut lines. So if we have several strokes on top of each one, this machine will cut twice because of those extra strokes. My design is a huge file. How can we do not edit those extra strokes one by one (and fix those lines all at once)? Or in other words, can we merge strokes underneath of each other into one stroke? Or Can we somehow delete strokes that are behind to fix the issue?  I attached the File. Thanks.
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