‎Aug 29, 2022
08:50 AM
I appreciate someone listening and finally building a solution into the software. But the amount of wasted hours..days and frustration this has caused must have been flipping whopping. (That's me translating from the loud swearing version inside my head). It was like waking up one day to find inexplicably that a pencil was no longer letting me put it on a peice of paper every three 3 minutes (for a number of months). It's just mind boggling stuff from Adobe. I genuinely fear updating to the new version after finally getting things working again.
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‎Aug 11, 2022
04:54 PM
I'm guessing you mean Plusnet, not Plushnet but thank you. I had to Google Plushnet just to be sure!
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‎Aug 11, 2022
04:29 AM
After what seems like months and months of problem solving, I've (hopefully) deduced it's a PlusNet DNS Server setting issue that stops Creative Cloud connecting with the knock on effect of screwing up After Effects. Fingers crossed this seeeeeeeemmmmmss to work!!!
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‎Aug 11, 2022
04:28 AM
After months and months of problem solving, I've (hopefully) deduced it's a PlusNet DNS Server setting issue that stops Creative Cloud connecting with the knock on effect of screwing up After Effects. Fingers crossed this seeeeeeeemmmmmss to work!!!
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‎Aug 11, 2022
04:24 AM
Oh man, this seems to have solve months of hair pulling, forum hunting and generally losing the will to live. I only started to connect the dots with After Effects not Saving, Importing or Autosaving with the Creative Cloud App connection issues a couple of weeks back, after assuming it was merely AE and Mac settings related. SOooooooo frustrating, hours of lost work and lost time. I narrowed it down to a possible router issue when Hotspotting worked, resetting the router seemed to let the web pages load but not solve the CC App or AE problem. Fingers crossed adding the DNS Server you've listed seems to have worked so far. I'm a professional Freelance Animator, this issue has had a massive impact on my work. Thanks (hopeful anticipation it continues to work and Adobe or PlusNet don's screw things up again.)
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‎Aug 11, 2022
02:38 AM
Thank you, I will try this. But unless the desktop Creative Cloud app talks directly through a default browser then I can't see that it will work. But I'm literally trying anyting and everything, The big issue is that I can't save or import in After Effects when all this is happening. It's not auto saving and it wont preview changes until I move the timeline. I realise this may sound like and After Effects issue and believe me I'm also going down that route on this site, but this issue seems tied in with not connecting to Creative Cloud. Saying that, this morning I have connected, but only after re-setting my router settings. But After Effects is still not saving etc. Photoshop & Illustrator not a problem, but my life and blood software is pretty much a ball ache most of the time and useless the rest of the time. (Your link does raise some differences in the two browsers)
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‎Aug 04, 2022
03:09 AM
For months now my MacBook Pro M1 intermittently (every day) wont connect to the Adobe Server. The knock on effect of this seemes to be that After Effects wont let me save or import without the connection which is now driving me insane each day. I have tried soooo many things to remedy this but any help would be so apreciated. - The CC App doesn't boot up, just sits there with a swirling circle saying "Loading Creative Cloud..." - I've found that Safari wont connect to it either, BUT Chrome will. - Whether coincidence or not Hot Spotting my WiFi connection sometimes seems to get it moving again, is it an internet setting or locality issue? - Likewise switching from 5G to 3G seems to work after a few minutes, but would it have fixed itself anyway if left as it was, I don't know. - I even thought I could temporaily get some work done by digging out my old 7 year old MacBook Pro, but no, that has the same issues which did not exist last time I used it. - All Apps are up to day, all system software is up to date - Security and Privacy Settings are set to give Creative Cloud and After Effects 'Full Accessibility' of the computer and 'Full Disk Access' - I've followed the potential solutions in this link which I thought cured it but then the following day didn't, so must have been a coincidence, I really don't know what to do. I'm a 50 year old experience Graphic Designer/Motion Designer with up to date kit. I've ruled out external hard drive issues, accessores such as Wacom Pads, tried working locally and from external drives, saving cache locally and on external hard drives. Generally speaking there is always more than 600Gb of free disk space on the MacBook anyhow. I can only think it's something to do with an internet/wifi setting that talks to the Server, we use a PlusNet router, the fact that Chrome connects to it easily enough but not Safari or the all important CC App, without that connection I can't use the product I pay for each month. Please please help.
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‎Jul 20, 2022
05:02 AM
Possible solution! After another 2 hours wasted this morning not being able to Save or Import anything. Have definitely narrowed it down to Creative Cloud not connecting to Adobe's server. Messgae popping up "Unable to reach Adobe servers" I was unable to even manually log in on their website. Then found this (fingers crossed solution) that may help future generations searcing endlessly for answers. I just clicked on the two links it took a few moments to connect so be patient then all of a sudden I'm back up and running. Can't even pretend to understand it but I hope it works for you too. Why someone from Adobe couldn't have suggested this months ago I don't know.
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‎Jul 15, 2022
02:00 AM
The 3 minute time out rings absolutely true. It was something I deduced yesterday and your idea about the needing a live WiFi/Internet connection to Adobe would seem to hold the key to all this frustration. I spend all day trying to isolate what it can't be, disconnecting hard drives, Wacom pads, swapping keyboards and even working on an older Mac Book Pro. But the problems persists so it has got to be either the software or something in the project file. Plus I noticed that after leavingAE open and returning to it later it was suddenly working fine, Auto Saving, Importing and Save As'ing. It sometimes takes a momen for our phones to connect to our WiFi so perhaps our computers also struggle to keep connected. Saying that, emails and websites are still loading. I have just noticed there is something called 'AEServer' in Systen Preferences/Security & Privacy/Privacy, and it's un-ticked, so I've now ticked that assuming as the name suggests it allows communication with the AE Server. ?! WHo knows.
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‎Jul 13, 2022
08:45 AM
Yesterday I genuinely thought emptying the cache solve the problem. But the problems still exists today! Driving me nuts!
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‎Jul 12, 2022
03:41 AM
Yeah, my 16 bit to 8 bit solution no longer seems to work for me either. Iive even resorted to uninstalling without saving any preferences, reinstalling fresh and guess what! It saves for about 5 minutes then stops saving. That's without even working on anything. I even tried working on my desktop incase it was the raid drive screwing things up. Version 2021 used to be OK but that now does the same thing as 2022. Completely out of ideas, other than digging an old non M1 Max macbook out.
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‎Jun 25, 2022
04:03 AM
1 Upvote
Possibly have a soution, I've been plagued with this on and off since working on my MacoBook Pro M1 Max. Tried all the above fixes, the only thing that seems to make a difference is switching tyhe colour depth from 16 bit to 8 bit. (Edit - Project Settings - Colour) Or in a real emergency export the secquence to Media Encoder as it will then automatically save a project of that timeline next to the project file (in folder ending _AME). Sadly this wont save the entire contents of the project, it's more of a Reduce Project version. Frikkin annoying!
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‎Feb 10, 2022
03:36 AM
Dragging to Media Encoder didn't fix it for me, but using Miro Video Converter did.
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‎Feb 04, 2022
09:38 AM
1 Upvote
Another tip for everyone, keep your preview area (work area) small when you want to play back a section you're working on. Otherwise it will try to process the entire area while playing back. ie don't have 2 minutes of work area when you want to just check 5 secs of animation. Might seem obvious but it makes a big difference.
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‎Feb 04, 2022
05:20 AM
To be honest, in my experience if you're down to your last 10GB then you'll likely to grind to a stand still in AE no matter what. It's a thirsty programme. It does seem to eat more than you allocate to it in the settings, so I'd try allocating less or allocate the cache to a separate external solid state drive so your system can still run freely.
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‎Jan 28, 2022
07:03 AM
As a whole version 22 is hungrier for memory and cache than 21. You can disable the green bar from preview rendering and filling up your cache so quickly which helps. It also seemed to settle down after a re-start. Multiframe rendering is indeed quicker when rendering direct from AE, but can take hours for the same project when sent to Media Encoder. I’ve recently bought a MacBook Pro M1 Max 32GB, and it runs pretty normally with 22, whereas my previous (pretty decent) MacBook Pro was useless on it.. So frustratingly it seems it’s quite a power hungry update, not suitable for old or average MacBooks.
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‎Dec 23, 2021
06:46 AM
1 Upvote
My findings so far are that if you render within AE itself, then it is indeed faster in version 22 (almost halves the current project I'm working on). But if I export to Media Encoder it takes so long that I just end up assuming it's crashed after an hour or two and force quit the application. Also have discovered that you can switch of the Multi-Frame rendering in the Preferences... Select After Effects > Preferences > Memory & Performance (Mac) or File > Preferences > Memory & Performance (Win). The Speculative Preview when idle can also be switched off (Composition Menu>Preview>Cache Frames When Idle and switch off.), if like me it really messes up your work flow. Or can be tweaked to come of when you want. After Effects > Preferences > Previews. This link pretty much covers it all. I'm yet to work out how to fix the Media Encoder problem, too busy working trying to keep my head above water before Xmas! Oh also I believe a re-start after install of 22 is pretty essential to even stand a chance of things working. One good thing seems to be that you can still open your project up in version 21 even if you've been working on it in 22.
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‎Dec 22, 2021
12:59 PM
I find if I render in AE then it'll be a 15 minute render, (which then stops you working of course) if I send the same thing to Media Encoder 2022 it freezes about a third of the way though after about an hour and a half with another couple of hours to go. Is that the same with you?
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‎Dec 20, 2021
02:11 AM
1 Upvote
I followed Roland's instructions and it turned off the growing green bar and it makes using the program viable now... Go to: Composition Menu>Preview>Cache Frames When Idle and switch off.
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‎Dec 18, 2021
03:21 AM
1 Upvote
I think part of the problem is the way it starts caching the preview render when you take your hands off it for a few seconds. Although it seems like a handy process on the surface while working in AE, it's a pain in the arse when you've sent your project to Media Encoder or flipping over to Photoshop or illustrator to build another file. The computer ends up going into hyperdrive whirring away processing the AE timeline in the background while steadily gobbling up all your memory with the cache. If there's a switch to turn this off and on then that would be handy (or handy to know about if it already exists).
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‎Dec 12, 2021
04:52 PM
1 Upvote
I have to agree, a 3 hour render is now an 8 hour render since the 2022 version. This is on a project I've animated for client using a fellow ilustrators layered psd files. I have even ended up splitting it up across two machines to speed things up. A 40 core PC and a quad core mac book pro. They both drag and even hang as though nothing is happening and eat up all the ram complaining there's nothing left to use, leading to continuous purging of the cache. Was expecting great things when I installed, but will be dropping back to last years version.
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‎Nov 01, 2020
08:25 AM
Converting in Media Encoder didn't work for me, but using Miro Video Converter to convert it to an mp4 did work. Been driving me mad !, Seems to be a recent Adobe or Quicktime bug, it didn't happen a few months back.
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